January 12, 2011 09:57
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BAM definitions
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structure Syntax = | |
struct | |
open Set | |
type control = {name : string, active : bool, index : int option} | |
val fresh = ref 0 | |
fun freshIndex {name=name, active=active, index=_} = | |
{name=name, active=active, index=SOME (fresh := !fresh + 1; !fresh)} | |
fun indexOf (k : control) = | |
case #index k of | |
NONE => [] | |
| SOME i => [i] | |
(* Definition 1, 4 and 5 *) | |
(* Definition 5 is covered because controls can optionally be | |
indexed. *) | |
datatype graph = Par of graph * graph (* P | P *) | |
| Prefix of control * graph (* k.P *) | |
| Hole of int (* [ ]_int *) | |
| Index of graph * int (* <graph>_int *) | |
| Nil (* nil *) | |
(* Definition 2 *) | |
type inst_map = (int * int) set | |
type reaction_rule = graph * graph * inst_map | |
(* The identity instantiation map *) | |
fun inst_id [] = [] : inst_map | inst_id (h::t) = (h,h) :: inst_id t | |
(* Definitions of notational helpers *) | |
infix 6 || | |
infix 5 |- | |
infix 4 |-> | |
infixr 7 $ | |
fun a || b = (a,b) | |
fun a |- b = (a,b) | |
fun (v,i) |-> e = Vector.update(v,i,e) | |
(* Retrieve the set J of hole indices from a given process term *) | |
fun holes (Hole j) = [j] | |
| holes Stop = [] | |
| holes (Prefix(_,p)) = holes p | |
| holes (Par(a,b)) = holes a @ holes b | |
| holes (Index (p,_)) = holes p | |
(* Pretty printer for place graphs *) | |
fun pp_control {name=name, active=active, index=SOME i} = | |
name ^ "_" ^ Int.toString i | |
| pp_control {name=name, ...} = name | |
fun pp_pg (Par(a,b)) = pp_pg a ^ " | " ^ pp_pg b | |
| pp_pg (Prefix(c,p)) = pp_control c ^ "." ^ pp_pg p | |
| pp_pg (Hole i) = "[" ^ Int.toString i ^ "]" | |
| pp_pg (Index (p,i)) = "<" ^ pp_pg p ^ ">_" ^ Int.toString i | |
| pp_pg Stop = "nil" | |
(* lhs_match_stack * graph * context_vec * inst_map * int list *) | |
fun pp_ctx_vec v = "[" ^ | |
(Vector.foldli | |
(fn (i,a,b) => b ^ ", " ^ (Int.toString i) ^ ": " ^ pp_pg a) | |
"" | |
v) ^ "]" | |
fun pp_lhsms [] = "•" | |
| pp_lhsms (h::t) = pp_pg h ^ " ⊳ " ^ pp_lhsms t | |
fun pp_pm (P_L,L,P_R,D,Xi,I) = | |
"(" ^ pp_pg P_L ^ ", "^ pp_lhsms L ^", " ^ pp_pg P_R ^ ", " ^ pp_ctx_vec D ^ ", ξ, {"^ | |
(String.concatWith "," (map Int.toString I)) ^ "})" | |
fun pp_pm_list l = String.concatWith "," (map pp_pm l) | |
(* Pretty printer for local states *) | |
fun pp_ls (PM,(p,q)) = | |
(pp_pm_list PM) ^ " ⊢ " ^ pp_pg p ^ " || " ^ | |
pp_pg q | |
(* (indexed_control * local_state) list *) | |
(* Pretty printer for indexed control stacks *) | |
fun pp_ic [] = "•" | |
| pp_ic ((k,ls)::t) = pp_control k ^ " ⊳ " ^ pp_ls ls ^ " ⊳ " ^ pp_ic t | |
(* Pretty printer for global states *) | |
fun pp (ls,ic) = "(" ^ pp_ls ls ^ ", " ^ | |
pp_ic ic ^ ") " | |
end | |
signature SEMANTICS = | |
sig | |
type control | |
datatype graph = datatype Syntax.graph | |
val reactionRules : (graph * graph * (int * int) Set.set) Set.set | |
end | |
signature PAMSIG = | |
sig | |
eqtype pam_state | |
datatype graph = datatype Syntax.graph | |
val PAR : pam_state -> pam_state | |
val UNIT_strip : pam_state -> pam_state | |
val UNIT_add : pam_state -> pam_state | |
val MATCH : pam_state -> pam_state | |
val POP : pam_state -> pam_state | |
val REACT : pam_state -> pam_state | |
val TOP : pam_state -> pam_state | |
val initial_state : graph -> pam_state | |
val pp : pam_state -> string | |
end | |
functor PAM (Semantics : SEMANTICS) : PAMSIG = | |
struct | |
open Set | |
open Syntax | |
infix 4 |-> | |
exception RuleNotApplicable of string | |
(* Definition 6 (Partial match) *) | |
type context_vec = graph vector | |
type lhs_match_stack = graph list | |
type partial_match = | |
graph * lhs_match_stack * graph * context_vec * inst_map * int set | |
(* Definition 7 (Initial partial matches) *) | |
fun make_vec hs = Vector.fromList (map (fn i => Hole i) hs) | |
fun init [] = [] : partial_match list | |
| init ((P_L,P_R,xi)::t) = (P_L, | |
[], | |
P_R, | |
make_vec (union ((holes P_L),(holes P_R))), | |
xi, | |
Set.empty) :: init t | |
(* Definition 8 (PAM state) *) | |
type local_state = partial_match list * (graph * graph) | |
type control_stack = (control * local_state) list | |
type pam_state = local_state * control_stack | |
(* Definition 9 (Initial PAM state) *) | |
fun initial_state p = | |
((init (Semantics.reactionRules), (Nil,p)), []) | |
(* Corollary definitions *) | |
(* The first element of the tuple is the "alpha" parameter, | |
indicating whether we are in an active context *) | |
fun matchpre (true, k_i, PM) = | |
Set.union (matchnode (k_i, PM), init (Semantics.reactionRules)) | |
| matchpre (false, k_i, PM) = | |
matchnode (k_i, PM) | |
and matchnode (k_i, PM) = | |
let | |
fun m ((Par (Prefix (k,P_L), P'_L), L, P_R, D, Xi, I) :: rest) = | |
(P_L, P'_L :: L, P_R, D, Xi, Set.union (I,indexOf k_i)) :: m rest | |
| m (h::t) = m t | |
| m [] = [] | |
in | |
m PM | |
end | |
and matchparcon(Prefix(k,p),PM) = | |
union (matchpar (Prefix(k,p),PM), matchcontext PM) | |
and matchpar(ki_p as Prefix(k,p),PM) = | |
let | |
fun m [] = [] | |
| m ((Par(Hole j,P_L), L, P_R, D, xi, I) :: rest) = | |
(Par(Hole j,P_L), | |
L, | |
P_R, | |
(D,j) |-> (Par(ki_p, Vector.sub (D,j))), | |
xi, | |
union (I, indexOf k)) :: m rest | |
| m (_::rest) = m rest | |
in | |
m PM | |
end | |
and matchcontext [] = [] | |
| matchcontext ((m as (_,[],_,_,_,_))::rest) = m :: matchcontext rest | |
| matchcontext (_::rest) = matchcontext rest | |
fun act _ = false | |
fun pop [] = [] | |
| pop ((H, P'_L :: L, P_R, D, xi, I) :: rest) = | |
let | |
fun c (Par (l,r)) = c l andalso c r | |
| c (Hole j) = true | |
| c _ = false | |
in | |
if not (c H) then pop rest | |
else ((P'_L, L, P_R, D, xi, I) :: pop rest) | |
end | |
(* Rule PAR *) | |
fun PAR ((PM, (q, Par(Par(p,p'),p''))), S) = | |
((PM, (q, Par(p,Par(p',p'')))), S) | |
| PAR _ = raise RuleNotApplicable "PAR" | |
(* Rule UNIT_strip *) | |
fun UNIT_strip ((PM, (q, Par(Nil,p))), S) = | |
((PM, (q, p)), S) | |
| UNIT_strip _ = raise RuleNotApplicable "UNIT_strip" | |
(* Rule UNIT_add *) | |
fun UNIT_add ((PM, (q, Prefix (k_i,p))), S) = | |
((PM, (q, Par (Prefix (k_i,p),Nil))), S) | |
| UNIT_add _ = raise RuleNotApplicable "UNIT_add" | |
(* Rule MATCH *) | |
fun MATCH ((PM, (q, Par (Prefix (k_i,p), p'))), S) = | |
((matchpre(act S, k_i, PM), (Nil, p)), | |
(k_i, (matchparcon (Prefix (k_i,p),PM), (q,p'))) :: S) | |
| MATCH _ = raise RuleNotApplicable "MATCH" | |
(* Rule POP *) | |
fun POP ((PM, (q,Nil)), (k_j, (PM', (q',p))) :: S) = | |
((Set.union (PM',pop PM), (Par(q',Prefix(k_j,q)),p)), S) | |
| POP _ = raise RuleNotApplicable "POP" | |
(* Rule REACT *) | |
fun pIndMemb (k : control,I) = | |
case #index k of NONE => false | |
| SOME i => Set.member (i,I) | |
fun excl (Prefix (k,g),I) = | |
if pIndMemb (k,I) then Nil else Prefix (k, excl (g,I)) | |
| excl (Par (g1,g2),I) = Par (excl (g1,I), excl (g2,I)) | |
| excl (x,I) = x | |
fun exclPM ([],I) = [] | |
| exclPM (PM,I) = | |
Set.filter (fn (_, _, _, _, _, I') => Set.inter (I,I') = []) PM | |
fun exclS ([],I) = [] | |
| exclS ((k,(PM,(p,q)))::S_t,I) = | |
if pIndMemb (k,I) then exclS (S_t,I) | |
else (k,(exclPM (PM, I), (excl (p,I),excl (q,I)))) :: exclS (S_t,I) | |
fun index (Par (g1,g2)) = Par (index g1, index g2) | |
| index (Prefix (k,g)) = Prefix (freshIndex k, index g) | |
| index x = x | |
fun inst(P_R,D,xi) = | |
let | |
fun s (Hole j) = | |
let | |
fun inst_lk [] = Hole j | |
| inst_lk ((a,b)::t) = | |
if a = j then Vector.sub(D,b) else inst_lk t | |
in | |
inst_lk xi | |
end | |
| s (Par(a,b)) = Par(s a, s b) | |
| s (Prefix(a,b)) = Prefix(a,s b) | |
| s (Index(a,i)) = Index(s a,i) | |
| s Nil = Nil | |
in | |
s P_R | |
end | |
fun REACT ((PM_all, (q,p)), S) = | |
let | |
val s = ref NONE : partial_match option ref | |
fun allHoles (Hole j) = true | |
| allHoles (Par (a,b)) = allHoles a andalso allHoles b | |
| allHoles _ = false | |
fun pmmatch ((P_L,[],P_R,D,Xi,I)::rest) = | |
if allHoles P_L then (s := SOME (P_L,[],P_R,D,Xi,I); rest) | |
else (P_L,[],P_R,D,Xi,I) :: pmmatch rest | |
| pmmatch (h::t) = h :: pmmatch t | |
| pmmatch [] = [] | |
in | |
case (pmmatch PM_all,!s) of | |
(_,NONE) => raise RuleNotApplicable "REACT" | |
| (PM,SOME (P_L,_,P_R,D,Xi,I)) => | |
((exclPM (PM,I), | |
(Par (excl (q,I), index (inst (P_R,D,Xi))), p)), | |
exclS (S,I)) | |
end | |
(* Rule TOP *) | |
fun TOP ((PM, (q,Nil)), []) = | |
((init (Semantics.reactionRules), (Nil,q)), []) | |
| TOP _ = raise RuleNotApplicable "TOP" | |
end | |
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