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Giang Le gianghl1983

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gianghl1983 / acf-change-file-upload-directory.php
Created January 23, 2021 15:39 — forked from BODA82/acf-change-file-upload-directory.php
Change the upload directory of Advanced Custom Fields file upload field.
// ACF upload prefilter
function gist_acf_upload_dir_prefilter($errors, $file, $field) {
// Only allow editors and admins, change capability as you see fit
if( !current_user_can('edit_pages') ) {
$errors[] = 'Only Editors and Administrators may upload attachments';
// This filter changes directory just for item being uploaded
Plugin Name: Import demo
Plugin URI:
Description: A demo import for my blog
Version: 1.0
Author: Roy Duineveld
Author URI:
gianghl1983 / WPS_Extend_Plugin.php
Created January 18, 2021 09:08 — forked from wpsmith/WPS_Extend_Plugin.php
PHP: WPS_Extend_Plugin Class designed to declare a plugin dependency and used for extending a plugin.
* Contains WPS_Extend_Plugin class. and wps_extend_plugins function.
* @package WPS_Core
* @author Travis Smith <[email protected]>
* @copyright 2015 WP Smith, Travis Smith
* @license GNU Public License
* @version 1.0.0
* @since File available since Release 1.0.0
gianghl1983 / disable-plugins-by-url.php
Created December 29, 2020 05:14 — forked from damiencarbery/disable-plugins-by-url.php
Class To Disable WordPress Plugins By URL - Disable specified plugins except for certain pages - enhanced with caching.
Plugin Name: Class To Disable WordPress Plugins By URL
Plugin URI:
Description: Disable specified plugins except for certain pages - enhanced with caching.
Version: 0.1
Author: Damien Carbery
Author URI:
gianghl1983 / ff-user-email-verification.php
Created December 15, 2020 05:13 — forked from alex-authlab/ff-user-email-verification.php
Email verification add-on plugin for user created with Fluent Form Plugin
Plugin Name: Fluent Form User Email Verification
Description: Fluent Form User Email Verification
Version: 1.0
Author: WPManageNinja Support Team
Author URI:
Plugin URI:
License: GPLv2 or later
Text Domain: fluentform
gianghl1983 / gist:b7b54b3995b8ba7fe70b56d4efd886ff
Created December 6, 2020 05:34 — forked from thachpham92/gist:d57b18cf02e3550acdb5
Tất cả các tham số trong WP_Query
// Source:
// Xem hướng dẫn WP_Query toàn tập:
$args = array(
//////Author Parameters - Tham số lấy bài viết theo tác giả
'author' => '1,2,3,', //(int) - Các ID tác giả cần lấy bài viết (thêm dấu - vào để loại trừ tác giả, ví dụ: -14, -20)
'author_name' => 'luetkemj', //(string) - Lấy bài viết dựa theo tên nick name của tác giả
'author__in' => array( 2, 6 ), //(array) - Lấy bài dựa theo ID của tác giả
gianghl1983 / add-to-cart.php
Created April 5, 2020 19:30 — forked from webaware/add-to-cart.php
WooCommerce purchase page add-to-cart with quantity and AJAX, by customising the add-to-cart template in the WooCommerce loop. See blog post for details:
* Loop Add to Cart -- with quantity and AJAX
* requires associated JavaScript file qty-add-to-cart.js
* @link
* @link
// add this file to folder "woocommerce/loop" inside theme
add_filter( 'caldera_forms_private_upload_directory', function( $directory, $field_id, $form_id, $transient_id ){
//IMPORTANT -- Change this to the ID of your field, or remove this conditional to affect all fields.
if( 'fld111' === $field_id ){
$uploads = wp_get_upload_dir();
$directory = $uploads[ 'basedir' ] . '/somepath';
return $directory;
gianghl1983 / form-content.html
Created August 6, 2019 14:25 — forked from alexmustin/form-content.html
WordPress AJAX Live Search of Post Title
<!-- // The HTML (could be part of page content) // -->
<input type="text" name="keyword" id="keyword" onkeyup="fetch()"></input>
<div id="datafetch">Search results will appear here</div>
gianghl1983 / pmpromyCRED.php
Created June 20, 2019 14:31 — forked from strangerstudios/pmpromyCRED.php
Award MyCRED points for members who sign up for Membership Level 1.
Use this recipe in combination with MyCRED to award points to members when signing up
for Level 1 membership. This code gist could be customized to give points for another
membership level ID, award recurring points for each subscription payment, and more.
MyCRED can be downloaded/configured here:
// Register Hook for PMPro Membership Points at Signup