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Created August 26, 2011 22:24
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Save gig3m/1174577 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
//version 1.0
//created by kyletxag and benphelps
//download at
//uses geektool to monitor vent status using
//edit these details
//$url = "";
$url = "";
$show_protected_channels = true;
$show_ping_times = true;
$invert_color = true;
$space = " ";
//don't edit below this line
//$xml = file_get_contents("source.xml"); //debug, comment out line below
$xml = file_get_contents($url);
$base = simplexml_load_string($xml);
$colors = array(
"bold" => "\033[0;1m",
"red" => "\033[0;31m",
"green" => "\033[0;32m",
"yellow" => "\033[0;33m",
"blue" => "\033[0;34m",
"purple" => "\033[0;35m",
"cyan" => "\033[0;36m",
"white" => "\033[2;97m",
"reset" => "\033[0m"
function printChild($array, $depth = 0) {
global $bold_pre, $bold_post, $show_protected_channels, $show_ping_times, $invert_color, $colors, $space;
if ($invert_color == true){
$base_color = $colors['white'];
$base_reset = $colors['reset'];
$base_color = "";
foreach($array->children() as $child) {
if ($child->getName() == "channel") {
if (($show_protected_channels == true) && ($child['prot'] == "1")){
$protected = $colors["red"]."+ ".$colors["reset"];
else {
$protected = $colors["blue"].'+ '.$colors["reset"];
print(str_repeat($space, $depth).$protected.$base_color.$child['name'].$base_reset." "."\n");
elseif ($child->getName() == "client") {
if ($show_ping_times == true){
$ping = $colors["green"]." [".$child['ping']."ms".$child['reset']."]";
$ping = '';
print(str_repeat($space, $depth).$colors["bold"]." ".$base_color.$child['name'].$base_reset.$ping."\n".$colors["reset"]);
printChild($child, $depth+1);
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