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Created October 30, 2011 21:35
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function paladin_ret(self)
-- Rewrite for CDO by Kyletxag, altered from GoCargo's write.
local myHealthPercent = UnitHealth("player")/UnitHealthMax("player") * 100
local targetHealthPercent = UnitHealth("target")/UnitHealthMax("target") * 100
local myManaPercent = UnitMana("player")/UnitManaMax("player") * 100
local hPower = UnitPower("player","9")
local race = UnitRace("player")
local inqDuration = cdo.buff_duration("player","Inquisition")
-- Interrupt, works equally well with "focus" instead of "target"
if cdo.interrupts and cdo.should_interrupt("target") and cd("Rebuke") == 0 and myManaPercent >= 25 then
return "Rebuke"
-- Blood Elf Arcane Torrent
if cdo.interrupts and cdo.should_interrupt("target") and cd("Arcane Torrent") == 0 and race == "Blood Elf" then
return "Arcane Torrent"
-- Check for any Seal, if none, Seal of Truth
if not ub("player","Seal of Truth") and not ub("player", "Seal of Righteousness") and not ub("player", "Seal of Insight") and not ub("player", "Seal of Justice") then
return "Seal of Truth"
if cdo.use_defensive_cd and myManaPercent < 35 and cd("Divine Plea") == 0 then
return "Divine Plea"
-- About to Die ?
if cdo.use_defensive_cd and myHealthPercent < 10 and hPower == 3 then
return "Word of Glory"
-- Defensive Cooldowns (dying is bad)
if cdo.use_defensive_cd and cd("Divine Protection") == 0 then
return "Divine Protection"
elseif cdo.use_defensive_cd and myHealthPercent < 10 and cd("Lay on Hands") == 0 then
return "Lay on Hands"
-- Inquisition logic (Cannot get timers working right, commented out for now)
elseif not ub("player", "Inquisition") and ub("player", "Divine Purpose") then
return "Inquisition"
elseif ub("player", "Divine Purpose") and inqDuration < 3 and cdo.cdProgressionZeal ~= 1 then
return "Inquisition"
elseif not ub("player", "Inquisition") and hPower == 3 and cdo.cdProgressionZeal ~= 1 then
return "Inquisition"
-- Cooldown Logic Pre-T12 4pc
elseif cdo.use_offensive_cd and cdo.cdProgression ~= 1 and cd("Guardian of Ancient Kings") == 0 and cd("Zealotry") == 0 and cd("Avenging Wrath") == 0 then
-- Start the line up
cdo.cdProgression = 1
cdo.cdProgressionZeal = 1
print("Lining up cooldowns")
return nil
elseif cdo.use_offensive_cd and cdo.cdProgression == 1 then
if cd("player", "Guardian of Ancient Kings") == 0 then
return "Guardian of Ancient Kings"
elseif cdo.buff_duration("player", "Guardian of Ancient Kings") < 30 and hpower == 3 then
cdo.cdProgressionZeal = nil
return "Zealotry"
elseif ub("player", "Divine Purpose") and cdo.buff_duration("Guardian of Ancient Kings") < 30 then
cdo.cdProgressionZeal = nil
return "Zealotry"
elseif cdo.buff_duration("player", "Guardian of Ancient Kings") < 21 then
cdo.cdProgression = nil
cdo.cdProgressionZeal = nil
return "Avenging Wrath"
-- Zealotry logic for CD usage
elseif cdo.use_offensive_cd and cdo.cdProgression ~= 1 and ub("player", "Divine Purpose") and cd("Zealotry") == 0 then
return "Zealotry"
elseif cdo.use_offensive_cd and cdo.cdProgression ~= 1 and hPower == 3 and cd("Zealotry") == 0 then
return "Zealotry"
-- Other Offensive CDs
elseif cdo.use_offensive_cd and cdo.cdProgression ~= 1 and cd("Avenging Wrath") == 0 then
return "Avenging Wrath"
elseif cdo.use_offensive_cd and cdo.cdProgression ~= 1 and cd("Guardian of Ancient Kings") == 0 then
return "Guardian of Ancient Kings"
elseif ub("player", "Divine Purpose") then
return "Templar's Verdict"
elseif hPower == 3 then
return "Templar's Verdict"
-- Crusader Strike / Divine Storm based on MultiTarget
elseif cd("Crusader Strike") == 0 and not cdo.multi_target then
return "Crusader Strike"
elseif cd("Divine Storm") == 0 and cdo.multi_target then
return "Divine Storm"
-- Hammer during execute mode or Avenging wrath
elseif targetHealthPercent < 20 and cd("Hammer of Wrath") == 0 then
return "Hammer of Wrath"
elseif ub("player", "Avenging Wrath") and cd("Hammer of Wrath") == 0 then
return "Hammer of Wrath"
elseif ub("player", "The Art of War") and cd("Exorcism")==0 then
return "Exorcism"
elseif cd("Judgement") == 0 then
return "Judgement"
elseif cd("Holy Wrath") == 0 then
return "Holy Wrath"
elseif cd("Consecration") == 0 then
return "Consecration"
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