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Last active January 18, 2025 00:57
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Backup/restore postgres in docker container
docker exec -t -u postgres your-db-container pg_dumpall -c > dump_`date +%d-%m-%Y"_"%H_%M_%S`.sql
cat your_dump.sql | docker exec -i your-db-container psql -Upostgres
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tlvenn commented Apr 5, 2017

As explained in this article: you should not pass -t to docker exec to backup your DB.

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EvAlex commented Jun 3, 2017

Missing whitespace in restore command between "-U" and "postgres"

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ChunAllen commented May 14, 2018

To restore your dump file with specified user and database_name

cat your_dump.sql | docker exec -i {docker-postgres-container} psql -U {user} -d {database_name}

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hackaprende commented Jul 31, 2018

I am getting a lot of these when I try to restore:
ERROR: constraint "something" for relation "something" already exists

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Ao fazer isso:
cat your_dump.sql | docker exec -i {docker-postgres-container} psql -U {user} -d {database_name}

Obtive o seguinte erro:
Got permission denied while trying to connect to the Docker daemon socket at unix:///var/run/docker.sock: Post http://%2Fvar%2Frun%2Fdocker.sock/v1.26/containers/banco/exec: dial unix /var/run/docker.sock: connect: permission denied

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@romulo-soares You need to use sudo before docker if you are not root (tens de usar sudo se não estás logado com root):

cat your_dump.sql | sudo docker exec -i {docker-postgres-container} psql -U {user} -d {database_name}

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Zauxst commented Oct 23, 2018

@romulo-soares You need to use sudo before docker if you are not root (tens de usar sudo se não estás logado com root):

cat your_dump.sql | sudo docker exec -i {docker-postgres-container} psql -U {user} -d {database_name}

Hello, you can use the user that has permissions to run docker commands and not root.
It is recommended to run docker as a different user then root.

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oleksand commented Jan 4, 2019

if you provided a label (i.e. foo=bar) you can also use the following (useful for autobackup in a cron script):
docker exec $(docker ps --filter label=foo=bar | awk '{print $11}') pg_dumpall -c -U postgres > test_dump_`date +%d-%m-%Y"_"%H_%M_%S`.sql

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marcelobbfonseca commented Apr 8, 2019

im getting

invalid command \":
ERROR:  syntax error at or near "OCI"
OCI runtime exec failed: exec failed: container_linux.go:344: starting container process caused "exec: \"-c\": executable file not found in $PATH": unknown

when trying to run cat dump.sql | docker exec -i project_db_1 psql -U postgres -d project_dev

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To restore your dump file with specified user and database_name

cat your_dump.sql | docker exec -i {docker-postgres-container} psql -U {user} -d {database_name}

This is pretty helpful

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rluts commented Jun 14, 2019

can i load data in dockerfile?

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Walt-H commented Jun 25, 2019

can i load data in dockerfile?

@rluts When creating dockerized containers, there are typically intermediate containers that do not persist any data into the next step of building. See this Stack Overflow question and accepted answer for an example.

With that said, after building your image, what you can do is import the data using the method proposed by @ChunAllen:
cat your_dump.sql | docker exec -i {docker-postgres-container} psql -U {user} -d {database_name}

After importation, create an image of that container, which will have a copy of your data.
You can then distribute this image, upload it to ECR, include it in a docker-compose, etc.

I was able to accomplish this using a dump file that was ~85 Gb's :)

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marcegl commented Jul 22, 2019

for pg_restore

cat file | docker exec -i {docker-postgres} pg_restore -U {user} -d {database_name}

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When I do

docker-compose exec -T db pg_restore --verbose --clean --no-acl --no-owner -U postgres -d engine < latest.dump

all I get is pg_restore: [archiver] input file is too short (read 0, expected 5)

Can someone help me, I new to docker-compose.

I know the engine db exists and its container is running, I can connect to it, and latest.dump also exists, is in the same folder Im running the command

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Thx for a restore command :)

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@eduardorr97: I think you need to place the file within the container (e.g. via a volume).

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YakhyaevRasul commented Nov 18, 2020

To restore your dump file with specified user and database_name

cat your_dump.sql | docker exec -i {docker-postgres-container} psql -U {user} -d {database_name}

this problem:
invalid command \":
ERROR: syntax error at or near "OCI"
LINE 1: OCI runtime exec failed: exec failed: container_linux.go:349...

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@eduardorr97: I think you need to place the file within the container (e.g. via a volume).

Hey thanks for the reply, I actually remember solving this by using a different command than pg_restore, but I don't remember which command is was, this was long ago...

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@eduadorr97: actually it would also be possible to keep the *.dump file outside of the container, but it is important that the container is actually running.

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hnakao commented Dec 2, 2022

for pg_restore

cat file | docker exec -i {docker-postgres} pg_restore -U {user} -d {database_name}

thanks!! You save my day!

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ghost commented Dec 15, 2023

To restore your dump file with specified user and database_name
cat your_dump.sql | docker exec -i {docker-postgres-container} psql -U {user} -d {database_name}

This is pretty helpful


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cat your_dump.sql | docker exec -i {docker-postgres-container} psql -U {user} -d {database_name} try this but got Internal server error while access the query page

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