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Last active July 11, 2022 09:51
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Interoperability between webcrypto and crypto modules in Node.js
const crypto = require('node:crypto')
const {webcrypto} = crypto
const {subtle} = webcrypto
async function generateKeys() {
const {
} = await subtle.generateKey({
name: 'RSA-OAEP',
modulusLength: 1024,
publicExponent: new Uint8Array([1, 0, 1]),
length: 256,
hash: 'SHA-1',
}, true, ['encrypt', 'decrypt']);
return {publicKey, privateKey}
async function aesDecrypt(ciphertext, key) {
const dec = new TextDecoder();
const plaintext = await subtle.decrypt({
name: 'RSA-OAEP',
}, key, ciphertext);
return dec.decode(plaintext);
async function run() {
const plaintext = 'hello world'
const {publicKey, privateKey} = await generateKeys()
const pem = '-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----\n'+Buffer.from(await subtle.exportKey('spki', publicKey)).toString('base64')+'\n-----END PUBLIC KEY-----'
const pk = crypto.createPublicKey(pem)
const encrypted = crypto.publicEncrypt({key: pk}, Buffer.from(plaintext));
console.log(await aesDecrypt(encrypted, privateKey))
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