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Created August 23, 2012 08:54
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C++ : Win32 API InternetOpen example
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <windows.h>
#include <winsock.h>
#include <wininet.h>
#include <shellapi.h>
#include <mmsystem.h>
typedef struct vs {
char host[128];
char referer[128];
char chan[128];
SOCKET sock;
BOOL silent;
BOOL gotinfo;
} vs;
VOID visit(LPVOID param)
HINTERNET ch, req;
DWORD dwRead;
// char szBuffer[1024];
BYTE szBuffer = 0;
LPVOID lpMsgBuf;
const char *accept = "*/*";
char *error = "error visiting URL.";
vs visit;
char vhost[128];
int vport;
char vuser[128];
char vpass[128];
char vpath[256];
visit = *((vs *)param);
vs *vsp = (vs *)param;
vsp->gotinfo = TRUE;
// zero out string varaiables
memset(vhost, 0, sizeof(vhost));
memset(vuser, 0, sizeof(vuser));
memset(vpass, 0, sizeof(vpass));
memset(vpath, 0, sizeof(vpath));
// zero out url structure and set options
memset(&url, 0, sizeof(url));
url.dwStructSize = sizeof(url);
url.dwHostNameLength = 1;
url.dwUserNameLength = 1;
url.dwPasswordLength = 1;
url.dwUrlPathLength = 1;
do {
// crack the url (break it into its main parts)
if (!InternetCrackUrl(, strlen(, 0, &url)) {
if (!visit.silent)
printf("%s\n", "invalid url");
// irc_privmsg(visit.sock, visit.chan, "invalid URL.", FALSE);
// copy url parts into variables
if (url.dwHostNameLength > 0) strncpy(vhost, url.lpszHostName, url.dwHostNameLength);
vport = url.nPort;
if (url.dwUserNameLength > 0) strncpy(vuser, url.lpszUserName, url.dwUserNameLength);
if (url.dwPasswordLength > 0) strncpy(vpass, url.lpszPassword, url.dwPasswordLength);
if (url.dwUrlPathLength > 0) strncpy(vpath, url.lpszUrlPath, url.dwUrlPathLength);
ch = InternetConnect(ih, vhost, vport, vuser, vpass, INTERNET_SERVICE_HTTP, 0, 0);
if (ch == NULL) {
if (!visit.silent)
printf("%s\n", "error InternetConnect");
// irc_privmsg(visit.sock, visit.chan, error, FALSE);
req = HttpOpenRequest(ch, NULL, vpath, NULL, visit.referer, &accept, INTERNET_FLAG_NO_UI, 0);
if (req == NULL) {
if (!visit.silent)
printf("%s\n", "error HttpOpenRequest");
// irc_privmsg(visit.sock, visit.chan, error, FALSE);
if (HttpSendRequest(req, NULL, 0, NULL, 0)) {
if (!visit.silent)
printf("%s\n", "success HttpSendRequest");
// if ( InternetReadFile(req, &szBuffer, 1024, &dwRead) ) {
// printf("%s\n", &szBuffer);
// } else {
// FormatMessage(
// NULL,
// GetLastError(),
// 0, // Default language
// (LPTSTR) &lpMsgBuf,
// 0,
// );
// // Process any inserts in lpMsgBuf.
// // ...
// // Display the string.
// printf("%s\n", lpMsgBuf);
// // Free the buffer.
// LocalFree( lpMsgBuf );
// }
while( InternetReadFile(req, &szBuffer, 1, &dwRead ) == TRUE ) {
if (dwRead == 0)
printf("%s", &szBuffer );
// irc_privmsg(visit.sock, visit.chan, "url visited.", FALSE);
} else {
if (!visit.silent)
printf("%s\n", "error HttpSendRequest");
// irc_privmsg(visit.sock, visit.chan, error, FALSE);
} while(0); // always false, so this never loops, only helps make error handling easier
// return 0;
int main(int argc, char const *argv[])
vs vis;
ih = InternetOpen("Mozilla/4.0 (compatible)", INTERNET_OPEN_TYPE_PRECONFIG, NULL, NULL, 0);
if (ih == NULL)
printf("%s\n", "null");
strncpy(, "http://localhost/paypal/cprog.php", sizeof(;
vis.silent = FALSE;
return 0;
// compile with : g++ -Wall -O test.c -o test.exe -L/c/mingw/lib -lwsock32 -lwininet
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