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Created August 27, 2015 15:05
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#!/usr/bin/env python3
import os
import sys
import babeltrace.reader
import babeltrace.common
import pprint
import shutil
from os.path import join, dirname, abspath
import string
import subprocess
from optparse import OptionParser
orig_pwd = abspath(os.path.curdir)
top_srcdir = dirname(dirname(abspath(sys.argv[0])))
trace_home = os.environ.get("LTTNG_TRACE_HOME", os.path.join(orig_pwd, "traces"))
chunk = {
"byte": 1,
"word": 8,
"page": 1 << 12,
"huge": 1 << 20,
experiences = {
"heap_nofill_huge": {
"where": "heap",
"block-size": "huge",
"block-count": 100,
"fill": False },
"heap_fill_huge": {
"where": "heap",
"block-size": "huge",
"block-count": 100,
"fill": True },
gnuplot_template = \
"""set terminal pngcairo size 640,480 enhanced font 'Verdana,10'
set output 'pid_%(pid)d.png'
set title "Memory analysis %(name)s"
set xlabel "time (ns)"
set ylabel "size (byte)"
# set key outside
plot "pid_%(pid)" using 1:2 with lines title "heap", "pid_%(pid)" using 1:3 with lines title "stack", "pid_%(pid)" using 1:4 with lines title "kmem"
def load_traces(base):
traces = babeltrace.reader.TraceCollection()
for root, dirs, files in os.walk(base):
for f in files:
if f == "metadata":
ret = traces.add_trace(root, "ctf")
if ret is None:
raise IOError("Error adding trace %s" % root)
return traces
def process_trace(base, name, output):
traces = load_traces(base)
counts = {}
state = {} # (pid,type,value)
data = {} # (pid, file)
start = None
ctx = babeltrace.common.CTFScope.STREAM_EVENT_CONTEXT
for event in
# prepare
if not start:
start = event.timestamp
if not in counts:
counts[] = 0
counts[] += 1
pid = event.field_with_scope("vpid", ctx)
if pid is None:
pid = event.field_with_scope("pid", ctx)
if pid is None:
raise Exception("missing pid/vpid context")
if not pid in state:
state[pid] = {'heap': 0, 'stack': 0, 'tos': None, 'kmem': 0, 'ptrs': {}}
stx = state[pid]
# process event
if == 'lttng_ust_libc:malloc':
sz = event['size']
stx['heap'] += sz
stx['ptrs'][event['ptr']] = sz
elif == 'lttng_ust_libc:calloc':
sz = event['nmemb'] * event['size']
stx['heap'] += sz
stx['ptrs'][event['ptr']] = sz
elif == 'lttng_ust_libc:free':
sz = stx['ptrs'].pop(event['ptr'], 0)
stx['heap'] -= sz
elif == 'stack:entry':
if stx['tos'] is None:
stx['tos'] = event['rsp']
stx['stack'] = event['rsp'] - stx['tos']
elif == 'kmem_mm_page_alloc':
stx['kmem'] += 4096
elif == 'kmem_mm_page_free':
stx['kmem'] -= 4096
# output
if stx['heap'] > 0 and stx['stack'] > 0 and stx['kmem'] > 0:
if pid not in data:
out = open(os.path.join(output, '' % pid), 'w')
out.write("ts heap stack kmem\n")
data[pid] = out
ts = event.timestamp - start
data[pid].write("%d %d %d %d\n" % (ts, stx['heap'], stx['stack'], stx['kmem']))
# terminate
old_dir = abspath(os.path.curdir)
for pid, f in data.items():
gnuplot_file = "pid_%d.gplot" % pid
gnuplot = open(os.path.join(output, gnuplot_file), 'w')
gnuplot.write(gnuplot_template % {'pid': pid, 'name': name})
gnuplot.close()["gnuplot", gnuplot_file])
# let's fix max-mem to be always 1000 * chunk size
def build_drmem_cmd(options, name, exp):
cmd = [ "lttng-simple", "-c", "-u", "-k", "-o", trace_home ]
cmd += [ "-e", "mm.list" ]
cmd += [ "--enable-libc-wrapper" ]
cmd += [ "--stateless", "--name", name, "--" ]
cmd += [ join(options.drmem_dir, "drmem") ]
cmd += [ "--where", exp.get("where", "heap") ]
bs = exp.get("block-size", "page")
cmd += [ "--block-size", bs ]
bc = exp.get("block-count", 100)
# allocate at least 1MB
max_mem = bc * chunk[bs]
if (max_mem < (1 << 20)):
max_mem = 1 << 20
cmd += [ "--max-mem", str(max_mem) ]
cmd += [ "--delay", "5" ]
fill = exp.get("fill", True)
if (fill): cmd += [ "--fill" ]
trim = exp.get("trim", None)
if (trim):
cmd += [ "--trim", str(trim) ]
return cmd
def run_cmd(cmd):
ret =
if ret != 0:
raise RuntimeError("Command failed: " + string.join(cmd, " "))
def do_one(options, name, exp):
output_dir = join(orig_pwd, "results", name)
if os.path.exists(output_dir):
# make trace
cmd1 = build_drmem_cmd(options, name, exp)
# analysis
base = os.path.join(trace_home, name + "-k-u")
process_trace(base, name, output_dir)
def which(name, flags=os.X_OK):
result = []
exts = filter(None, os.environ.get('PATHEXT', '').split(os.pathsep))
path = os.environ.get('PATH', None)
if path is None:
return []
for p in os.environ.get('PATH', '').split(os.pathsep):
p = os.path.join(p, name)
if os.access(p, flags):
for e in exts:
pext = p + e
if os.access(pext, flags):
return result
usage = """usage: %prog [options] [experiment1, experiment2, ...]
Execute drmem experiments.
if __name__=="__main__":
parser = OptionParser(usage=usage)
parser.add_option("--dry-run", dest="dry_run", default=False, action="store_true", help="display commands and do not execute them")
parser.add_option("--list", dest="list", default=False, action="store_true", help="display available experiments")
parser.add_option("--drmem-dir", dest="drmem_dir", default=orig_pwd, help="drmem directory")
(options, args) = parser.parse_args()
if (options.list):
print("available experiences:")
for name, opts in experiences.items():
# validate experiences
for arg in args:
if arg not in experiences:
raise Exception("unknown experience %s" % (arg))
# check for required tools
ok = True
exe_list = [ "lttng-simple", "lttng", "gnuplot" ]
for exe in exe_list:
res = which(exe)
if len(res) == 0:
ok = False
print("Not found in path: " + exe)
if not os.path.exists(options.drmem_dir):
print("drmem not found")
ok = False
if not ok:
print("Can't run analysis, verify the setup")
if len(args) == 0:
# run all experiences
for name, opts in experiences.items():
do_one(options, name, opts)
for arg in args:
do_one(options, arg, experiences[arg])
except (KeyboardInterrupt, RuntimeError) as e:
print("destroy sessions...")
run_cmd(["lttng", "destroy", "-a"])
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