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Created August 18, 2021 08:36
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Groovy Script
import groovy.transform.*
println("Hello World")
println "Hello World"
println 'Hello World'
String name = 'Sagar'
println "Hello $name"
println "Hello ${name}"
x = 10
println x
def date = new Date()
println "Today is $date"
println date.getClass().getName()
// POGO (Plain Old Groovy Object)
//@ToString(includeNames = true)// AST transformation
class Person {
// If no access modifier is defined, fields are private by default
String first
String last
// We do not need return, it's implicit
String toString() {
"$first $last"
Person qb = new Person()
// Groovy auto generates getter and setter
qb.last = "Giri"
// even if we do .last, it goes through generated getter and setter
println "${qb.getFirst()} ${qb.last}"
// Using constructor
Person qb1 = new Person(first: "Sagar", last: "Giri")
println "${qb1.getFirst()} ${qb1.last}"
println qb1.toString()
println qb1 == qb
Set people = [qb, qb1]
println people.size()
// We do not need to pass map in constructor because we've added TupleConstructor annotation
Person qb2 = new Person("Sagar", "Giri") // this is tuple constructor
println qb2.toString()
def nums = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
println nums
def numsLinked = [1, 2, 3, 4] as LinkedList
println numsLinked
def numsSet = [1, 2, 3, 4] as SortedSet
println numsSet
for (n in numsSet) {
println n
numsSet.each { println it} // it is the default name
numsSet.each {n -> println n}
numsSet.eachWithIndex { int entry, int index -> println "nums[$index] = $entry" }
def doubles =[]
nums.each { doubles << it*2}
println doubles
println nums.collect{it * 2} // this is not modifying nums collection
def prefectures = ["Tokyo", "Chiba", "Hokkaido"]
def upperPrefecture = prefectures.collect{it.toUpperCase()}
println "upperPrefecture = $upperPrefecture"
// Groovy version of map->filter->reduce
def numbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
println numbers
println numbers.collect{it*2} // map
.findAll{it % 3 == 0} // filter
.sum() // reduce
def myMap = [a: 1, b: 2, c: 3]
println myMap
println myMap.keySet()
println myMap.values()
myMap.d = 4
myMap["e"] = 5
println myMap
myMap.each {entry -> println "$entry.key = $entry.value"}
myMap.each {k, v -> println "$k = $v"}
myMap.collect {k, v -> k * v}
String base = ""
def encodedAddress = ["2 Avenue de Lafayette", "Boston", "MA"].collect{
URLEncoder.encode(it, 'UTF-8')
String queryString = "address=$encodedAddress"
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