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Forked from rcoh/
Created March 13, 2018 18:08
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An implementation of Google Authenticator Compatible 2-factor Codes
An implementation of TOTP as described in aka Google Authenticator Style 2-factor Auth
import base64
import datetime
import hashlib
import hmac
import sys
import struct
import time
from tqdm import tqdm
key_b32 = raw_input('Enter the secret (base32)')
key = base64.b32decode(key_b32.strip().upper())
# The time interval (TI) which defines the size of the chunks
def unixtime():
return int(time.time())
def code(now):
# TC is the the time chunk that we're a part of
time_chunk = int(now / T_INTERVAL)
# Per the spec, the time is represented as an 8-byte string in
# big endian. >q == big endian unsigned long
time_bytes = struct.pack('>q', time_chunk)
# The default hmac algorithm is md5!
hm =, time_bytes, hashlib.sha1)
hex_digest = hm.hexdigest()
assert len(hex_digest) == 40
# Take the last 4 bits. These become the offset into the array
offset = int(hex_digest[-1:], 16)
# Take 4 bytes starting from the offset (in bytes). Our array is half-bytes
relevant_bytes = int(hex_digest[offset*2:offset*2+8], 16)
# Drop the highest order bit to work around platform issues
masked = relevant_bytes & 0x7FFFFFFF
num_digits = 6
final = masked % (10 ** num_digits)
final_str = str(final).zfill(6)
return final_str
if raw_input('Your current code is {}. Would you like a vanity code? y/n\n'.format(code(unixtime()))) == 'n':
goal = raw_input('What do you want your two factor code to be?')
assert len(goal) == 6
start = unixtime()
num_tried = 0
# probably need to try about 1 million
pbar = tqdm(total=1000000)
while code(start) != goal:
start += 30
print('Your vanity 2-factor code will be available on: ')
).strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
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