- 0800 - Breakfast
- 0900 - Welcome to Pycon
- 0930 - Keynote Jake Vanderplas
- 1010 - Break
- 1050 - Requests Under The Hood (201-202)
- 1050 - Title Available on Request An Introduction to Lazy Evaluation (254-255)
- 1130 - Big picture software testing unit testing, lean startup, and everything in between (252-253)
- 1130 - Pasing Exceptions 101 Paradigms in Error Handling (201-202)
- 1210 - Next Level Testing (252-253)
- 1210 - Web Identity OAuth2 and OpenIDConnect (203-204)
- 1240-1340 - Lunch
- 1255 - Implementing Concurrency and Parallelism from the Ground Up (203-204)
- 1255 - Solid Snakes or How to Take 5 Weeks of Vacation (252-253)
- 1435 - Dr. Microservices, Or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the API (252-253)
- 1435 - Snek in the Browser (251-258)
- 1515 - Python from Space Analyzing Open Satellite Imagery Using the Python Ecosystem (201-202)
- 1515 - Constructive Code Review (254-255)
- 1515 - I installed Python 3.6 on Windows and I liked it (251-258)
- 1515 - 5 ways to deploy your python web app in 2017 (252-253)
- 345 - 415 - Break
- 1630 - The Glory of pdb's set_trace (201-202)
- 1615 - A gentle introduction to deep learning with TensorFlow (203-204)
- 1710 - Looping like a pro in Python (201-202)
- 1710 - Snakes on a Hyperplane - Python machine learning in Production (203-204)
- 1710 - Lightning Talks
- 0800 - Breakfast
- 0830 - Lightning Talks
- 0900 - Keynote - Lisa Guo and Hui Ding
- 0940 - Keynote Katy Huff
- 1020 - 1050 - Break
- 1050 - Debugging in Python 3.6 Better, Faster, Stronger (201-202)
- 1050 - Automate AWS with Python (252-253)
- 1130 - Readability Counts (201-202)
- 1130 - Temporal Data Structures with SQLAlchemy and Postgres (203-204)
- 1130 - Awesome command line tools (252-253)
- 1130 - How documentation works, and how to make it work for your project (254-255)
- 1210 - Modern Python Dictionaries - A confluence of a dozen great ideas (251-258)
- 1210 - Level Up! Rethinking the Web API framework (254-255)
- 1240 - 1340 - Lunch
- 1355 - Know thy self Methods and method binding (201-202)
- 1340 - Text is more complicated than you think Comparing and sorting unicode (203-204)
- 1435 - Decorators, unwrapped How do they work? (201-202)
- 1435 - How to make a good library api (203-204)
- 1515 - The dictionary even mightier (201-202)
- 1515 - Ending Py2/Py3 compatability in a user friendly manner (251-258)
- 1545 - 1630 - Break
- 1630 - No more sand pandas optimizing pandas code for speed and efficiency (201-202)
- 1430 - The Python Visualization Landscape (252-253)
- 1710 - Tracing, Fast & Slow Digging into and improving your web service's performance (201-202)
- 1740 - Lightning Talks
- 1830 - PyLadies Charity Auction
- 0800 - Breakfast
- 0830 - Lightning Talks
- 0900 - PSF Community Service Awards
- 0930 - Panel - Paul Everitt with Guido van Rossum and Others
- 1000 - 1310 - Poster Session / Job Fair / Lunch - Expo Hall
- 1310 - async/await and asyncio in Python 3.6 and beyond (203-204)
- 1310 - share your code! python packaging without complication (201-202)
- 1350 - asynchornous python for the complete beginner (203-204)
- 1350 - python in the serverless era (254-255)
- 1430 - Building stream processing applications (201-202)
- 1430 - aiosmtp - A Better asyncio based SMTP server (203-204)
- 1510 - Keynote Kelsey Hightower
- 1550 - Final Remarks and Conference Close