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Forked from julienbourdeau/wilson.php
Created November 13, 2019 12:48
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[PHP] 5 Star Rating - Lower bound of Wilson score confidence interval for a Bernoulli parameter
| 5 Star Rating
| Lower bound of Wilson score confidence interval for a Bernoulli parameter (0.9604)
| See:
| *
| *
| *
function score($positive, $negative) {
return ((($positive + 1.9208) / ($positive + $negative) - 1.96 * sqrt((($positive * $negative) / ($positive + $negative)) + 0.9604) / ($positive + $negative)) / (1 + 3.8416 / ($positive + $negative)));
function fiveStarRating($one, $two, $three, $four, $five) {
$positive = $two * 0.25 + $three * 0.5 + $four * 0.75 + $five;
$negative = $one + $two * 0.75 + $three * 0.5 + $four * 0.25;
return score($positive, $negative);
function fiveStarRatingAverage($avg, $total)
$positive = ($avg * $total - $total) / 4;
$negative = $total - $positive;
return score($positive, $negative);
// Examples
echo fiveStarRating(10, 1, 2, 6, 90); // 0.80390178246001
echo fiveStarRating(80, 1, 2, 6, 90); // 0.46188074417216
echo fiveStarRating( 0, 1, 2, 6, 0 ); // 0.33136280289755
echo fiveStarRating(10, 1, 2, 0, 2 ); // 0.079648861762752
echo fiveStarRatingAverage(4.8000001907349, 10); // 0.65545605272928
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