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Rik gitaarik

  • The Netherlands
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gitaarik / +server.js
Last active May 1, 2024 09:27
SvelteKit serve file from filesystem with ETag header for efficient client caching, useful for private static / uploaded files
import { isAuthenticatedForCookie } from "$lib/core/auth";
import { readAsset } from "$lib/helpers/read-asset";
* @type {Object.<string, string>}
const fileImports = import.meta.glob(
eager: true,
gitaarik / restore_floating_clients.lua
Last active January 21, 2025 00:32
Awesome WM script that restores floating clients geometry (width / height / position) when switching layouts or unmaximizing
-- Restore last used floating client geometry (with / height / position) when
-- switching layouts and unmaximizing clients.
-- When unmaximizing a never-before floating client, it will nicely center the
-- client in the middle of the screen.
-- To use, just `require('restore_floating_clients')` in your `awesome/lua.rc`
-- Somewhere where you have your other signal callbacks.
local awful = require("awful")
# Script that sends an alert email when any disk's used space is over a certain
# limit.
# The first parameter to this script is the min disk space usage percentage for
# when the alerts kicks in.
# The second parameter is the email address the alert message should be sent
# to.
# Can be configured in a crontab like this:
gitaarik /
Created October 16, 2022 17:20
Django system check for checking whether Silk is enabled
from django.conf import settings
from django.core.checks import Info, register
from django.urls import reverse
def django_silk(app_configs, **kwargs):
Checks whether Django Silk is enabled in settings and shows a message if
it is.
gitaarik / fzf_preview_include
Last active October 16, 2022 22:09
fzf_preview_include - include normally ignored paths in fzf-preview
# fzf_preview_include - include normally ignored paths in fzf-preview
# Dependencies: zsh and ripgrep
# This command enables you to include extra dirs and files in fzf-preview, that
# would normally be ignored by git or ripgrep. This can be handy for when you
# use another git repository inside a parent one, or if you regularly edit
# files that are ignored by git / ripgrep.

Keybase proof

I hereby claim:

  • I am gitaarik on github.
  • I am gitaarik ( on keybase.
  • I have a public key ASAVXM6EJFVl6_nSDIWUPR5hg3oEnXWPhmWWGgRQo6xYZQo

To claim this, I am signing this object:

gitaarik /
Created March 1, 2016 11:58
Alias to add the `node_modules/.bin/` directory to `$PATH` variable so that you can use executables from node modules.
alias npmbin='echo -e "Setting up npmbin with path:\n$(npm bin)"; export PATH=$(npm bin):$PATH'
gitaarik /
Last active October 1, 2016 00:34
native gitprompt
gitprompt() {
export GIT_PS1_SHOWUPSTREAM="auto"
export PROMPT_COMMAND='__git_ps1 "\u@\h:\w" "\\\$ "'
. /usr/lib/git-core/git-sh-prompt
gitaarik /
Last active February 27, 2025 21:14
Git Submodules basic explanation

Git Submodules basic explanation

Why submodules?

In Git you can add a submodule to a repository. This is basically a repository embedded in your main repository. This can be very useful. A couple of usecases of submodules:

  • Separate big codebases into multiple repositories.
gitaarik /
Last active December 10, 2021 16:35
Git cheatsheet

Git cheatsheet

Checkout remote branch:
git checkout -t remote_name/remote_branch_name
Delete a branch at the origin:
git push origin --delete <branchName>