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Created December 3, 2013 21:13
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(ns cow.model
(:require [cow.math :as math]))
(def cow-count 25)
(def max-starting-velocity 0.01)
(def cow-id (atom 0))
(defn random-cow []
(let [random-velocity (fn [] (- max-starting-velocity (rand (* 2 max-starting-velocity))))
random-position (fn [] (- 0.95 (rand 1.9)))
cow (atom {
:id (swap! cow-id inc)
:anxiety (rand 0.1)
:velocity [(random-velocity) (random-velocity)]
:pos [(random-position) (random-position)]
:self-differentiation (rand)
(def cows (repeatedly cow-count random-cow))
(defn hit-fence?
"Or, you know, come within 96% of the fence."
[cow] (not (not-any? #(>= (Math/abs %) 0.96) (:pos cow))))
(defn new-cow-velocity [cow]
(let [velocity (:velocity cow)
pos (:pos cow)
negate (fn [vec n] (assoc vec n (- (vec n))))]
(> (Math/abs (pos 0)) 0.97)
(negate velocity 0)
(> (Math/abs (pos 1)) 0.97)
(negate velocity 1)
:else velocity)))
(defn cow-distance [self-cow other-cow]
(math/hypotenuse (map - (:pos self-cow) (:pos other-cow))))
(defn anxiety-near-me [cows cow]
(let [anxiety-horizon 0.8
nearby-cows (filter #(> anxiety-horizon (cow-distance cow @%)) cows)]
(apply max (map #(:anxiety @%) nearby-cows))))
(defn new-cow-anxiety [cows cow]
(let [anxiety-threshold 0.9
nearby-anxiety (anxiety-near-me cows cow)
assumed-anxiety (* (- 1 (:self-differentiation cow)) nearby-anxiety)
; spaz out
(hit-fence? cow) 1
; take on anxiety
(>= nearby-anxiety anxiety-threshold) assumed-anxiety
; slowly chill out
:else (* (:anxiety cow) 0.95))))
(defn sim-cows [cows]
(doseq [cow-atom cows]
(let [cow @cow-atom
new-velocity (new-cow-velocity cow)
new-pos (vec (map + new-velocity (:pos cow)))
new-anxiety (new-cow-anxiety cows cow)]
(swap! cow-atom assoc
:anxiety new-anxiety
:pos new-pos
:velocity new-velocity))))
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