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yocto pathtrace
// Implementation for Yocto/RayTrace.
// Copyright (c) 2016 -- 2020 Fabio Pellacini
// Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
// of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
// in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
// to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
// copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
// furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
// The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
// all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
#include "yocto_pathtrace.h"
#include <atomic>
#include <deque>
#include <future>
#include <memory>
#include <mutex>
#include "../yocto/yocto_common.h"
using namespace std::string_literals;
using yocto::common::range;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
namespace yocto::pathtrace {
// import math symbols for use
using math::abs;
using math::acos;
using math::atan2;
using math::clamp;
using math::cos;
using math::eval_diffuse_reflection;
using math::exp;
using math::flt_max;
using math::fmod;
using math::fresnel_conductor;
using math::fresnel_dielectric;
using math::identity3x3f;
using math::invalidb3f;
using math::log;
using math::make_rng;
using math::max;
using math::min;
using math::pif;
using math::pow;
using math::sample_delta_reflection_pdf;
using math::sample_delta_refraction_pdf;
using math::sample_delta_transmission_pdf;
using math::sample_discrete_cdf;
using math::sample_discrete_cdf_pdf;
using math::sample_disk;
using math::sample_uniform;
using math::sample_uniform_pdf;
using math::sin;
using math::sqrt;
using math::zero2f;
using math::zero2i;
using math::zero3f;
using math::zero3i;
using math::zero4f;
using math::zero4i;
} // namespace yocto::pathtrace
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
namespace yocto::pathtrace {
// Check texture size
static vec2i texture_size(const ptr::texture* texture) {
if (!texture->colorf.empty()) {
return texture->colorf.size();
} else if (!texture->colorb.empty()) {
return texture->colorb.size();
} else if (!texture->scalarf.empty()) {
return texture->scalarf.size();
} else if (!texture->scalarb.empty()) {
return texture->scalarb.size();
} else {
return zero2i;
// Evaluate a texture
static vec3f lookup_texture(
const ptr::texture* texture, const vec2i& ij, bool ldr_as_linear = false) {
if (!texture->colorf.empty()) {
return texture->colorf[ij];
} else if (!texture->colorb.empty()) {
return ldr_as_linear ? byte_to_float(texture->colorb[ij])
: srgb_to_rgb(byte_to_float(texture->colorb[ij]));
} else if (!texture->scalarf.empty()) {
return vec3f{texture->scalarf[ij]};
} else if (!texture->scalarb.empty()) {
return ldr_as_linear
? byte_to_float(vec3b{texture->scalarb[ij]})
: srgb_to_rgb(byte_to_float(vec3b{texture->scalarb[ij]}));
} else {
return {1, 1, 1};
// Evaluate a texture
static vec3f eval_texture(const ptr::texture* texture, const vec2f& uv,
bool ldr_as_linear = false, bool no_interpolation = false,
bool clamp_to_edge = false) {
// get texture
if (!texture) return {1, 1, 1};
// get yimg::image width/height
auto size = texture_size(texture);
// get coordinates normalized for tiling
auto s = 0.0f, t = 0.0f;
if (clamp_to_edge) {
s = clamp(uv.x, 0.0f, 1.0f) * size.x;
t = clamp(uv.y, 0.0f, 1.0f) * size.y;
} else {
s = fmod(uv.x, 1.0f) * size.x;
if (s < 0) s += size.x;
t = fmod(uv.y, 1.0f) * size.y;
if (t < 0) t += size.y;
// get yimg::image coordinates and residuals
auto i = clamp((int)s, 0, size.x - 1), j = clamp((int)t, 0, size.y - 1);
auto ii = (i + 1) % size.x, jj = (j + 1) % size.y;
auto u = s - i, v = t - j;
if (no_interpolation) return lookup_texture(texture, {i, j}, ldr_as_linear);
// handle interpolation
return lookup_texture(texture, {i, j}, ldr_as_linear) * (1 - u) * (1 - v) +
lookup_texture(texture, {i, jj}, ldr_as_linear) * (1 - u) * v +
lookup_texture(texture, {ii, j}, ldr_as_linear) * u * (1 - v) +
lookup_texture(texture, {ii, jj}, ldr_as_linear) * u * v;
static float eval_texturef(const ptr::texture* texture, const vec2f& uv,
bool ldr_as_linear = false, bool no_interpolation = false,
bool clamp_to_edge = false) {
return eval_texture(
texture, uv, ldr_as_linear, no_interpolation, clamp_to_edge)
// Generates a ray from a camera for yimg::image plane coordinate uv and the
// lens coordinates luv.
static ray3f eval_camera(
const ptr::camera* camera, const vec2f& image_uv, const vec2f& lens_uv) {
// YOUR CODE GOES HERE ------------------------------------------------------
// point on the image plane
auto q = vec3f{camera->film.x * (0.5f - image_uv.x),
camera->film.y * (image_uv.y - 0.5f), camera->lens};
// ray direction through the lens center
auto dc = -normalize(q);
// point on the lens
auto e = vec3f{
lens_uv.x * camera->aperture / 2, lens_uv.y * camera->aperture / 2, 0};
// point on the focus plane
auto p = dc * camera->focus / abs(dc.z);
// correct ray direction to account for camera focusing
auto d = normalize(p - e);
// done
return ray3f{
transform_point(camera->frame, e), transform_direction(camera->frame, d)};
// Samples a camera ray at pixel ij of an image of size size with puv and luv
// as random numbers for pixel and lens respectively
static ray3f sample_camera(const ptr::camera* camera, const vec2i& ij,
const vec2i& size, const vec2f& puv, const vec2f& luv) {
auto uv = vec2f{(ij.x + puv.x) / size.x, (ij.y + puv.y) / size.y};
return eval_camera(camera, uv, sample_disk(luv));
// Eval position
static vec3f eval_position(
const ptr::object* object, int element, const vec2f& uv) {
auto shape = object->shape;
if (!shape->triangles.empty()) {
auto t = shape->triangles[element];
return transform_point(
object->frame, interpolate_triangle(shape->positions[t.x],
shape->positions[t.y], shape->positions[t.z], uv));
} else if (!shape->lines.empty()) {
auto l = shape->lines[element];
return transform_point(object->frame,
interpolate_line(shape->positions[l.x], shape->positions[l.y], uv.x));
} else if (!shape->points.empty()) {
return transform_point(
object->frame, shape->positions[shape->points[element]]);
} else {
return zero3f;
// Shape element normal.
static vec3f eval_element_normal(const ptr::object* object, int element) {
auto shape = object->shape;
if (!shape->triangles.empty()) {
auto t = shape->triangles[element];
return transform_normal(
object->frame, triangle_normal(shape->positions[t.x],
shape->positions[t.y], shape->positions[t.z]));
} else if (!shape->lines.empty()) {
auto l = shape->lines[element];
return transform_normal(object->frame,
line_tangent(shape->positions[l.x], shape->positions[l.y]));
} else if (!shape->points.empty()) {
return {0, 0, 1};
} else {
return {0, 0, 0};
// Eval normal
static vec3f eval_normal(
const ptr::object* object, int element, const vec2f& uv) {
auto shape = object->shape;
if (shape->normals.empty()) return eval_element_normal(object, element);
if (!shape->triangles.empty()) {
auto t = shape->triangles[element];
return transform_normal(
object->frame, normalize(interpolate_triangle(shape->normals[t.x],
shape->normals[t.y], shape->normals[t.z], uv)));
} else if (!shape->lines.empty()) {
auto l = shape->lines[element];
return transform_normal(object->frame,
interpolate_line(shape->normals[l.x], shape->normals[l.y], uv.x)));
} else if (!shape->points.empty()) {
return transform_normal(
object->frame, normalize(shape->normals[shape->points[element]]));
} else {
return zero3f;
// Eval texcoord
static vec2f eval_texcoord(
const ptr::object* object, int element, const vec2f& uv) {
auto shape = object->shape;
if (shape->texcoords.empty()) return uv;
if (!shape->triangles.empty()) {
auto t = shape->triangles[element];
return interpolate_triangle(shape->texcoords[t.x], shape->texcoords[t.y],
shape->texcoords[t.z], uv);
} else if (!shape->lines.empty()) {
auto l = shape->lines[element];
return interpolate_line(shape->texcoords[l.x], shape->texcoords[l.y], uv.x);
} else if (!shape->points.empty()) {
return shape->texcoords[shape->points[element]];
} else {
return zero2f;
// Eval shading normal
static vec3f eval_shading_normal(const ptr::object* object, int element,
const vec2f& uv, const vec3f& outgoing) {
auto shape = object->shape;
auto normal = eval_normal(object, element, uv);
if (!shape->triangles.empty()) {
if (!object->material->thin) return normal;
return dot(normal, outgoing) >= 0 ? normal : -normal;
} else if (!shape->lines.empty()) {
return orthonormalize(outgoing, normal);
} else if (!shape->points.empty()) {
return -outgoing;
} else {
return zero3f;
// Brdf
struct brdf {
// brdf lobes
vec3f diffuse = {0, 0, 0};
vec3f specular = {0, 0, 0};
vec3f metal = {0, 0, 0};
vec3f transmission = {0, 0, 0};
vec3f refraction = {0, 0, 0};
float roughness = 0;
float opacity = 1;
float ior = 1;
vec3f meta = {0, 0, 0};
vec3f metak = {0, 0, 0};
// weights
float diffuse_pdf = 0;
float specular_pdf = 0;
float metal_pdf = 0;
float transmission_pdf = 0;
float refraction_pdf = 0;
// Eval material to obatain emission, brdf and opacity.
static vec3f eval_emission(const ptr::object* object, int element,
const vec2f& uv, const vec3f& normal, const vec3f& outgoing) {
auto material = object->material;
auto texcoord = eval_texcoord(object, element, uv);
return material->emission * eval_texture(material->emission_tex, texcoord);
// Eval material to obatain emission, brdf and opacity.
static brdf eval_brdf(const ptr::object* object, int element, const vec2f& uv,
const vec3f& normal, const vec3f& outgoing) {
auto material = object->material;
auto texcoord = eval_texcoord(object, element, uv);
auto brdf = ptr::brdf{};
auto color = material->color *
eval_texture(material->color_tex, texcoord, false);
auto specular = material->specular *
eval_texturef(material->specular_tex, texcoord, true);
auto metallic = material->metallic *
eval_texturef(material->metallic_tex, texcoord, true);
auto roughness = material->roughness *
eval_texturef(material->roughness_tex, texcoord, true);
auto ior = material->ior;
auto transmission = material->transmission *
eval_texturef(material->emission_tex, texcoord, true);
auto opacity = material->opacity *
eval_texturef(material->opacity_tex, texcoord, true);
auto thin = material->thin || !material->transmission;
// factors
auto weight = vec3f{1, 1, 1};
brdf.metal = weight * metallic;
weight *= 1 - metallic;
brdf.refraction = thin ? zero3f : weight * transmission;
weight *= 1 - (thin ? 0 : transmission);
brdf.specular = weight * specular;
weight *= 1 - specular * fresnel_dielectric(ior, outgoing, normal);
brdf.transmission = weight * transmission * color;
weight *= 1 - transmission;
brdf.diffuse = weight * color;
brdf.meta = reflectivity_to_eta(color);
brdf.metak = zero3f;
brdf.roughness = roughness * roughness;
brdf.ior = ior;
brdf.opacity = opacity;
// textures
if (brdf.diffuse != zero3f || brdf.roughness) {
brdf.roughness = clamp(brdf.roughness, 0.03f * 0.03f, 1.0f);
if (brdf.specular == zero3f && brdf.metal == zero3f &&
brdf.transmission == zero3f && brdf.refraction == zero3f) {
brdf.roughness = 1;
if (brdf.opacity > 0.999f) brdf.opacity = 1;
// weights
brdf.diffuse_pdf = max(brdf.diffuse);
brdf.specular_pdf = max(
brdf.specular * fresnel_dielectric(brdf.ior, normal, outgoing));
brdf.metal_pdf = max(
brdf.metal * fresnel_conductor(brdf.meta, brdf.metak, normal, outgoing));
brdf.transmission_pdf = max(brdf.transmission);
brdf.refraction_pdf = max(brdf.refraction);
auto pdf_sum = brdf.diffuse_pdf + brdf.specular_pdf + brdf.metal_pdf +
brdf.transmission_pdf + brdf.refraction_pdf;
if (pdf_sum) {
brdf.diffuse_pdf /= pdf_sum;
brdf.specular_pdf /= pdf_sum;
brdf.metal_pdf /= pdf_sum;
brdf.transmission_pdf /= pdf_sum;
brdf.refraction_pdf /= pdf_sum;
return brdf;
// check if a brdf is a delta
static bool is_delta(const ptr::brdf& brdf) { return !brdf.roughness; }
// Evaluate all environment color.
static vec3f eval_environment(const ptr::scene* scene, const ray3f& ray) {
auto emission = zero3f;
for (auto environment : scene->environments) {
auto wl = transform_direction(inverse(environment->frame), ray.d);
auto texcoord = vec2f{
atan2(wl.z, wl.x) / (2 * pif), acos(clamp(wl.y, -1.0f, 1.0f)) / pif};
if (texcoord.x < 0) texcoord.x += 1;
emission += environment->emission *
eval_texture(environment->emission_tex, texcoord);
return emission;
} // namespace yocto::pathtrace
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
namespace yocto::pathtrace {
// primitive used to sort bvh entries
struct bvh_primitive {
bbox3f bbox = invalidb3f;
vec3f center = zero3f;
int primitive = 0;
// Splits a BVH node. Returns split position and axis.
static std::pair<int, int> split_middle(
std::vector<bvh_primitive>& primitives, int start, int end) {
// initialize split axis and position
auto axis = 0;
auto mid = (start + end) / 2;
// compute primintive bounds and size
auto cbbox = invalidb3f;
for (auto i = start; i < end; i++) cbbox = merge(cbbox, primitives[i].center);
auto csize = cbbox.max - cbbox.min;
if (csize == zero3f) return {mid, axis};
// split along largest
if (csize.x >= csize.y && csize.x >= csize.z) axis = 0;
if (csize.y >= csize.x && csize.y >= csize.z) axis = 1;
if (csize.z >= csize.x && csize.z >= csize.y) axis = 2;
// split the space in the middle along the largest axis
mid = (int)(std::partition( + start, + end,
[axis, middle = center(cbbox)[axis]](auto& primitive) {
return[axis] < middle;
}) -;
// if we were not able to split, just break the primitives in half
if (mid == start || mid == end) {
// throw std::runtime_error("bad bvh split");
mid = (start + end) / 2;
return {mid, axis};
// Maximum number of primitives per BVH node.
const int bvh_max_prims = 4;
// Build BVH nodes
static void build_bvh(
std::vector<bvh_node>& nodes, std::vector<bvh_primitive>& primitives) {
// prepare to build nodes
nodes.reserve(primitives.size() * 2);
// queue up first node
auto queue = std::deque<vec3i>{{0, 0, (int)primitives.size()}};
// create nodes until the queue is empty
while (!queue.empty()) {
// grab node to work on
auto next = queue.front();
auto nodeid = next.x, start = next.y, end = next.z;
// grab node
auto& node = nodes[nodeid];
// compute bounds
node.bbox = invalidb3f;
for (auto i = start; i < end; i++)
node.bbox = merge(node.bbox, primitives[i].bbox);
// split into two children
if (end - start > bvh_max_prims) {
// get split
auto [mid, axis] = split_middle(primitives, start, end);
// make an internal node
node.internal = true;
node.axis = axis;
node.num = 2;
node.start = (int)nodes.size();
queue.push_back({node.start + 0, start, mid});
queue.push_back({node.start + 1, mid, end});
} else {
// Make a leaf node
node.internal = false;
node.num = end - start;
node.start = start;
// cleanup
static void init_bvh(ptr::shape* shape, const trace_params& params) {
// build primitives
auto primitives = std::vector<bvh_primitive>{};
if (!shape->points.empty()) {
for (auto idx = 0; idx < shape->points.size(); idx++) {
auto& p = shape->points[idx];
auto& primitive = primitives.emplace_back();
primitive.bbox = point_bounds(shape->positions[p], shape->radius[p]); = center(primitive.bbox);
primitive.primitive = idx;
} else if (!shape->lines.empty()) {
for (auto idx = 0; idx < shape->lines.size(); idx++) {
auto& l = shape->lines[idx];
auto& primitive = primitives.emplace_back();
primitive.bbox = line_bounds(shape->positions[l.x], shape->positions[l.y],
shape->radius[l.x], shape->radius[l.y]); = center(primitive.bbox);
primitive.primitive = idx;
} else if (!shape->triangles.empty()) {
for (auto idx = 0; idx < shape->triangles.size(); idx++) {
auto& primitive = primitives.emplace_back();
auto& t = shape->triangles[idx];
primitive.bbox = triangle_bounds(
shape->positions[t.x], shape->positions[t.y], shape->positions[t.z]); = center(primitive.bbox);
primitive.primitive = idx;
// build nodes
if (shape->bvh) delete shape->bvh;
shape->bvh = new bvh_tree{};
build_bvh(shape->bvh->nodes, primitives);
// set bvh primitives
for (auto& primitive : primitives) {
void init_bvh(ptr::scene* scene, const trace_params& params,
progress_callback progress_cb) {
// handle progress
auto progress = vec2i{0, 1 + (int)scene->shapes.size()};
// shapes
for (auto idx = 0; idx < scene->shapes.size(); idx++) {
if (progress_cb) progress_cb("build shape bvh", progress.x++, progress.y);
init_bvh(scene->shapes[idx], params);
// handle progress
if (progress_cb) progress_cb("build scene bvh", progress.x++, progress.y);
// instance bboxes
auto primitives = std::vector<bvh_primitive>{};
auto object_id = 0;
for (auto object : scene->objects) {
auto& primitive = primitives.emplace_back();
primitive.bbox =
? invalidb3f
: transform_bbox(object->frame, object->shape->bvh->nodes[0].bbox); = center(primitive.bbox);
primitive.primitive = object_id++;
// build nodes
if (scene->bvh) delete scene->bvh;
scene->bvh = new bvh_tree{};
build_bvh(scene->bvh->nodes, primitives);
// set bvh primitives
for (auto& primitive : primitives) {
// handle progress
if (progress_cb) progress_cb("build bvh", progress.x++, progress.y);
// Intersect ray with a bvh->
static bool intersect_shape_bvh(ptr::shape* shape, const ray3f& ray_,
int& element, vec2f& uv, float& distance, bool find_any) {
// get bvh and shape pointers for fast access
auto bvh = shape->bvh;
// check empty
if (bvh->nodes.empty()) return false;
// node stack
int node_stack[128];
auto node_cur = 0;
node_stack[node_cur++] = 0;
// shared variables
auto hit = false;
// copy ray to modify it
auto ray = ray_;
// prepare ray for fast queries
auto ray_dinv = vec3f{1 / ray.d.x, 1 / ray.d.y, 1 / ray.d.z};
auto ray_dsign = vec3i{(ray_dinv.x < 0) ? 1 : 0, (ray_dinv.y < 0) ? 1 : 0,
(ray_dinv.z < 0) ? 1 : 0};
// walking stack
while (node_cur) {
// grab node
auto& node = bvh->nodes[node_stack[--node_cur]];
// intersect bbox
// if (!intersect_bbox(ray, ray_dinv, ray_dsign, node.bbox)) continue;
if (!intersect_bbox(ray, ray_dinv, node.bbox)) continue;
// intersect node, switching based on node type
// for each type, iterate over the the primitive list
if (node.internal) {
// for internal nodes, attempts to proceed along the
// split axis from smallest to largest nodes
if (ray_dsign[node.axis]) {
node_stack[node_cur++] = node.start + 0;
node_stack[node_cur++] = node.start + 1;
} else {
node_stack[node_cur++] = node.start + 1;
node_stack[node_cur++] = node.start + 0;
} else if (!shape->points.empty()) {
for (auto idx = node.start; idx < node.start + node.num; idx++) {
auto& p = shape->points[shape->bvh->primitives[idx]];
if (intersect_point(
ray, shape->positions[p], shape->radius[p], uv, distance)) {
hit = true;
element = shape->bvh->primitives[idx];
ray.tmax = distance;
} else if (!shape->lines.empty()) {
for (auto idx = node.start; idx < node.start + node.num; idx++) {
auto& l = shape->lines[shape->bvh->primitives[idx]];
if (intersect_line(ray, shape->positions[l.x], shape->positions[l.y],
shape->radius[l.x], shape->radius[l.y], uv, distance)) {
hit = true;
element = shape->bvh->primitives[idx];
ray.tmax = distance;
} else if (!shape->triangles.empty()) {
for (auto idx = node.start; idx < node.start + node.num; idx++) {
auto& t = shape->triangles[shape->bvh->primitives[idx]];
if (intersect_triangle(ray, shape->positions[t.x],
shape->positions[t.y], shape->positions[t.z], uv, distance)) {
hit = true;
element = shape->bvh->primitives[idx];
ray.tmax = distance;
// check for early exit
if (find_any && hit) return hit;
return hit;
// Intersect ray with a bvh->
static bool intersect_scene_bvh(const ptr::scene* scene, const ray3f& ray_,
int& object, int& element, vec2f& uv, float& distance, bool find_any,
bool non_rigid_frames) {
// get bvh and scene pointers for fast access
auto bvh = scene->bvh;
// check empty
if (bvh->nodes.empty()) return false;
// node stack
int node_stack[128];
auto node_cur = 0;
node_stack[node_cur++] = 0;
// shared variables
auto hit = false;
// copy ray to modify it
auto ray = ray_;
// prepare ray for fast queries
auto ray_dinv = vec3f{1 / ray.d.x, 1 / ray.d.y, 1 / ray.d.z};
auto ray_dsign = vec3i{(ray_dinv.x < 0) ? 1 : 0, (ray_dinv.y < 0) ? 1 : 0,
(ray_dinv.z < 0) ? 1 : 0};
// walking stack
while (node_cur) {
// grab node
auto& node = bvh->nodes[node_stack[--node_cur]];
// intersect bbox
// if (!intersect_bbox(ray, ray_dinv, ray_dsign, node.bbox)) continue;
if (!intersect_bbox(ray, ray_dinv, node.bbox)) continue;
// intersect node, switching based on node type
// for each type, iterate over the the primitive list
if (node.internal) {
// for internal nodes, attempts to proceed along the
// split axis from smallest to largest nodes
if (ray_dsign[node.axis]) {
node_stack[node_cur++] = node.start + 0;
node_stack[node_cur++] = node.start + 1;
} else {
node_stack[node_cur++] = node.start + 1;
node_stack[node_cur++] = node.start + 0;
} else {
for (auto idx = node.start; idx < node.start + node.num; idx++) {
auto object_ = scene->objects[scene->bvh->primitives[idx]];
auto inv_ray = transform_ray(
inverse(object_->frame, non_rigid_frames), ray);
if (intersect_shape_bvh(
object_->shape, inv_ray, element, uv, distance, find_any)) {
hit = true;
object = scene->bvh->primitives[idx];
ray.tmax = distance;
// check for early exit
if (find_any && hit) return hit;
return hit;
// Intersect ray with a bvh->
static bool intersect_instance_bvh(const ptr::object* object, const ray3f& ray,
int& element, vec2f& uv, float& distance, bool find_any,
bool non_rigid_frames) {
auto inv_ray = transform_ray(inverse(object->frame, non_rigid_frames), ray);
return intersect_shape_bvh(
object->shape, inv_ray, element, uv, distance, find_any);
intersection3f intersect_scene_bvh(const ptr::scene* scene, const ray3f& ray,
bool find_any, bool non_rigid_frames) {
auto intersection = intersection3f{};
intersection.hit = intersect_scene_bvh(scene, ray, intersection.object,
intersection.element, intersection.uv, intersection.distance, find_any,
return intersection;
intersection3f intersect_instance_bvh(const ptr::object* object,
const ray3f& ray, bool find_any, bool non_rigid_frames) {
auto intersection = intersection3f{};
intersection.hit = intersect_instance_bvh(object, ray, intersection.element,
intersection.uv, intersection.distance, find_any, non_rigid_frames);
return intersection;
} // namespace yocto::pathtrace
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
namespace yocto::pathtrace {
vec3f eval_diffuse(vec3f n, vec3f o, vec3f i) {
if (dot(n, i) <= 0 || dot(n, o) <= 0) return vec3f{0};
return vec3f{1} / math::pi * dot(n, i);
vec3f sample_diffuse(vec3f n, vec3f o, vec2f rn) {
if (dot(n, o) <= 0) return zero3f;
return sample_hemisphere_cos(n, rn);
float sample_diffuse_pdf(vec3f n, vec3f o, vec3f i) {
if (dot(n, i) <= 0 || dot(n, o) <= 0) return 0;
return sample_hemisphere_cos_pdf(n, i);
vec3f sample_specular(float ior, float a, vec3f n, vec3f o, vec2f rn) {
if (dot(n, o) <= 0) return vec3f{0};
auto h = sample_microfacet(a, n, rn);
return reflect(o, h);
float sample_specular_pdf(float ior, float a, vec3f n, vec3f o, vec3f i) {
if (dot(n, i) <= 0 || dot(n, o) <= 0) return 0;
auto h = normalize(o + i);
return sample_microfacet_pdf(a, n, h) / (4 * abs(dot(o, h)));
vec3f eval_specular(float ior, float a, vec3f n, vec3f o, vec3f i) {
if (dot(n, i) <= 0 || dot(n, o) <= 0) return vec3f{0};
auto h = math::normalize(i + o);
auto F = fresnel_dielectric(ior, h, i);
auto D = microfacet_distribution(a, n, h);
auto G = microfacet_shadowing(a, n, h, o, i);
return vec3f{1} * F * D * G / (4 * dot(n, o) * dot(n, i)) * dot(n, i);
vec3f eval_metal(vec3f eta, vec3f etak, float a, vec3f n, vec3f o, vec3f i) {
if (dot(n, i) <= 0 || dot(n, o) <= 0) return vec3f{0};
auto h = normalize(i + o);
auto F = fresnel_conductor(eta, etak, h, i);
auto D = microfacet_distribution(a, n, h);
auto G = microfacet_shadowing(a, n, h, o, i);
return F * D * G / (4 * dot(n, o) * dot(n, i)) * dot(n, i);
// Evaluate emission
static vec3f eval_emission(
const vec3f& emission, const vec3f& normal, const vec3f& outgoing) {
return emission;
// Evaluates/sample the BRDF scaled by the cosine of the incoming direction.
static vec3f eval_brdfcos(const ptr::brdf& brdf, const vec3f& normal,
const vec3f& outgoing, const vec3f& incoming) {
// if (!brdf.roughness) return zero3f;
// YOUR CODE GOES HERE ------------------------------------------------------
auto brdfcos = zero3f;
if (brdf.diffuse)
brdfcos += brdf.diffuse *
eval_diffuse_reflection(normal, outgoing, incoming);
if (brdf.specular)
brdfcos += brdf.specular * eval_microfacet_reflection(brdf.ior,
brdf.roughness, normal, outgoing, incoming);
if (brdf.metal)
brdfcos += brdf.metal * eval_microfacet_reflection(brdf.meta, brdf.metak,
brdf.roughness, normal, outgoing, incoming);
if (brdf.transmission)
brdfcos += brdf.transmission * eval_microfacet_transmission(brdf.ior,
brdf.roughness, normal, outgoing,
return brdfcos;
/*static vec3f eval_delta(const ptr::brdf& brdf, const vec3f& normal,
const vec3f& outgoing, const vec3f& incoming) {
if (brdf.roughness) return zero3f;
return eval_delta_reflection(brdf.ior, normal, outgoing, incoming);
static vec3f eval_delta(const ptr::brdf& brdf, const vec3f& normal,
const vec3f& outgoing, const vec3f& incoming) {
if (brdf.roughness) return zero3f;
// YOUR CODE GOES HERE ------------------------------------------------------
auto brdfcos = zero3f;
/*if (brdf.diffuse) brdfcos += brdf.diffuse * eval_delta_reflection(normal,
* outgoing, incoming);*/
if (brdf.specular)
brdfcos += brdf.specular *
eval_delta_reflection(brdf.ior, normal, outgoing, incoming);
if (brdf.metal)
brdfcos += brdf.metal * eval_delta_reflection(brdf.meta, brdf.metak, normal,
outgoing, incoming);
if (brdf.transmission)
brdfcos += brdf.transmission *
eval_delta_transmission(brdf.ior, normal, outgoing, incoming);
return brdfcos;
// Picks a direction based on the BRDF
static vec3f sample_brdfcos(const ptr::brdf& brdf, const vec3f& n,
const vec3f& o, float rnl, const vec2f& rn) {
if (!brdf.roughness) return zero3f;
// YOUR CODE GOES HERE ------------------------------------------------------
auto cdf = 0.0f;
/*if (brdf.diffuse_pdf) {
cdf += brdf.diffuse_pdf;
if (rnl < cdf) return sample_diffuse(n, o, rn);
if (brdf.diffuse_pdf) {
cdf += brdf.diffuse_pdf;
if (rnl < cdf) return sample_diffuse_reflection(n, o, rn);
if (brdf.specular_pdf) {
cdf += brdf.specular_pdf;
if (rnl < cdf)
return sample_microfacet_reflection(brdf.ior, brdf.roughness, n, o, rn);
if (brdf.metal_pdf) {
cdf += brdf.metal_pdf;
if (rnl < cdf)
return sample_microfacet_reflection(
brdf.meta, brdf.metak, brdf.roughness, n, o, rn);
// return sample_specular(brdf.roughness, rnl, n, o, rn);
if (brdf.transmission_pdf) {
cdf += brdf.transmission_pdf;
if (rnl < cdf)
return sample_microfacet_transmission(brdf.ior, brdf.roughness, n, o, rn);
return zero3f;
// Compute the weight for sampling the BRDF
static float sample_brdfcos_pdf(const ptr::brdf& brdf, const vec3f& n, float rl,
const vec3f& o, const vec3f& i) {
if (!brdf.roughness) return 0;
// YOUR CODE GOES HERE ------------------------------------------------------
auto pdf = 0.0f;
if (brdf.diffuse_pdf) {
pdf += brdf.diffuse_pdf * sample_diffuse_reflection_pdf(n, o, i);
if (brdf.specular_pdf) {
pdf += brdf.specular_pdf *
sample_microfacet_reflection_pdf(brdf.ior, brdf.roughness, n, o, i);
if (brdf.metal_pdf) {
pdf += brdf.metal_pdf * sample_microfacet_reflection_pdf(
brdf.meta, brdf.metak, brdf.roughness, n, o, i);
if (brdf.transmission_pdf) {
pdf += brdf.transmission_pdf * sample_microfacet_transmission_pdf(
brdf.ior, brdf.roughness, n, o, i);
return pdf;
/*static vec3f sample_delta(const ptr::brdf& brdf, const vec3f& normal,
const vec3f& outgoing, float rnl) {
if (brdf.roughness) return zero3f;
// YOUR CODE GOES HERE -----------------------------------------------------
return sample_delta_reflection(brdf.ior, normal, outgoing);
static vec3f sample_delta(const ptr::brdf& brdf, const vec3f& normal,
const vec3f& outgoing, float rnl) {
// if (brdf.roughness) return zero3f;
// YOUR CODE GOES HERE ------------------------------------------------------
auto cdf = 0.0f;
if (brdf.diffuse_pdf) {
cdf += brdf.diffuse_pdf;
if (brdf.specular_pdf) {
cdf += brdf.specular_pdf;
if (rnl < cdf) return sample_delta_reflection(brdf.ior, normal, outgoing);
if (brdf.metal_pdf) {
cdf += brdf.metal_pdf;
if (rnl < cdf)
return sample_delta_reflection(brdf.meta, brdf.metak, normal, outgoing);
if (brdf.transmission_pdf) {
cdf += brdf.transmission_pdf;
if (rnl < cdf) return sample_delta_transmission(brdf.ior, normal, outgoing);
return zero3f;
/*static float sample_delta_pdf(const ptr::brdf& brdf, const vec3f& n, float rl,
const vec3f& o, const vec3f& i) {
if (brdf.roughness) return 0;
// YOUR CODE GOES HERE ------------------------------------------------------
auto pdf = 0.0f;
if (brdf.diffuse_pdf) {
pdf += brdf.diffuse_pdf * sample_diffuse_pdf(n, o, i);
if (brdf.specular_pdf) {
pdf += brdf.specular_pdf * sample_specular_pdf(brdf.roughness, rl , n, o,
if (brdf.metal_pdf) {
pdf += brdf.metal_pdf * sample_specular_pdf(brdf.roughness, rl, n, o, i);
if (brdf.transmission_pdf) {
pdf += brdf.transmission_pdf *
sample_microfacet_transmission_pdf(brdf.roughness, rl ,n, o, i);
return pdf;
static float sample_delta_pdf(const ptr::brdf& brdf, const vec3f& normal,
const vec3f& outgoing, const vec3f& incoming) {
if (brdf.roughness) return 0;
// YOUR CODE GOES HERE ------------------------------------------------------
auto pdf = 0.0f;
if (brdf.specular_pdf && !brdf.refraction_pdf) {
pdf += brdf.specular_pdf *
sample_delta_reflection_pdf(brdf.ior, normal, outgoing, incoming);
if (brdf.metal_pdf) {
pdf += brdf.metal_pdf * sample_delta_reflection_pdf(brdf.meta, brdf.metak,
normal, outgoing, incoming);
if (brdf.transmission_pdf) {
pdf += brdf.transmission_pdf *
sample_delta_transmission_pdf(brdf.ior, normal, outgoing, incoming);
if (brdf.refraction_pdf) {
pdf += brdf.refraction_pdf *
sample_delta_refraction_pdf(brdf.ior, normal, outgoing, incoming);
return pdf;
// Sample lights wrt solid angle
static vec3f sample_lights(const ptr::scene* scene, const vec3f& position,
float rl, float rel, const vec2f& ruv) {
// YOUR CODE GOES HERE ------------------------------------------------------
auto light_id = sample_uniform(scene->lights.size(), rl);
auto& light = scene->lights[light_id];
if (light->object) {
auto tid = sample_discrete_cdf(light->cdf, rel);
auto uv = sample_triangle(ruv);
auto lposition = eval_position(light->object, tid, uv);
return normalize(lposition - position);
else if (light->environment) {
auto texture = light->environment->emission_tex;
auto tid = sample_discrete_cdf(light->cdf, rel);
auto size = texture_size(texture);
auto uv = vec2f{
(tid % size.x + 0.5f) / size.x, (tid / size.x + 0.5f) / size.y};
return transform_direction(light->environment->frame,
{cos(uv.x * 2 * pif) * sin(uv.y * pif), cos(uv.y * pif),
sin(uv.x * 2 * pif) * sin(uv.y * pif)});
}else {
return sample_sphere(ruv);
return zero3f;
} // namespace yocto::pathtrace
// Sample lights pdf
static float sample_lights_pdf(
const ptr::scene* scene, const vec3f& position, const vec3f& direction) {
// YOUR CODE GOES HERE ------------------------------------------------------
auto pdf = 0.0f;
for (auto light : scene->lights) {
if (light->object) {
//<handle object>
auto lpdf = 0.0f;
auto np = position;
for (auto bounce = 0; bounce < 100; bounce++) {
auto isec = intersect_instance_bvh(light->object, {np, direction});
if (!isec.hit) break;
// compute pdf of this triangle
auto lp = eval_position(light->object, isec.element, isec.uv);
auto ln = eval_normal(light->object, isec.element, isec.uv);
// prob triangle * area triangle = area triangle mesh
auto area = light->cdf.back();
lpdf += distance_squared(lp, position) /
(abs(dot(ln, direction)) * area);
np = lp + direction * 1e-3f; // continue ray
pdf += lpdf;
} else if (light->environment) {
//<handle env>
auto texture = light->environment->emission_tex;
auto size = texture_size(texture);
auto wl = transform_direction(
inverse(light->environment->frame), direction);
auto texcoord = vec2f{
atan2(wl.z, wl.x) / (2 * pif), acos(clamp(wl.y, -1.0f, 1.0f)) / pif};
if (texcoord.x < 0) texcoord.x += 1;
auto i = clamp((int)(texcoord.x * size.x), 0, size.x - 1);
auto j = clamp((int)(texcoord.y * size.y), 0, size.y - 1);
auto prob = sample_discrete_cdf_pdf(light->cdf, j * size.x + i) /
auto angle = (2 * pif / size.x) * (pif / size.y) *
sin(pif * (j + 0.5f) / size.y);
pdf += prob / angle;
else {
pdf += 1 / (4 * pif);
pdf *= sample_uniform_pdf(scene->lights.size());
return pdf;
// Path tracing.
static vec4f trace_path(const ptr::scene* scene, const ray3f& ray_,
rng_state& rng, const trace_params& params) {
// YOUR CODE GOES HERE ------------------------------------------------------
auto radiance = zero3f;
auto weight = vec3f{1,1,1};
auto ray = ray_;
auto incoming = zero3f;
for (auto bounce = 0; bounce < params.bounces; bounce++) {
//<intersection and environment>
auto isec = intersect_scene_bvh(scene, ray);
if (!isec.hit) {
radiance += weight * eval_environment(scene, ray);
auto object = scene->objects[isec.object];
auto element = isec.element;
auto uv = isec.uv;
auto position = eval_position(object, element, uv);
auto outgoing = -ray.d;
auto normal = eval_shading_normal(object, element, uv, outgoing);
auto emission = eval_emission(object, element, uv, normal, outgoing);
auto brdf = eval_brdf(object, element, uv, normal, outgoing);
//<sample transmittance>
// outgoing
radiance += weight * eval_emission(emission, normal, outgoing);
// next direction
if (brdf.roughness) {
incoming =
rand1f(rng) < 0.5f
? sample_brdfcos(brdf, normal, outgoing, rand1f(rng), rand2f(rng))
: sample_lights(
scene, position, rand1f(rng), rand1f(rng), rand2f(rng));
weight *= eval_brdfcos(brdf, normal, incoming, outgoing) * 2 /
brdf, normal, rand1f(rng), incoming, outgoing) +
sample_lights_pdf(scene, position, incoming));
} else {
incoming = sample_delta(brdf, normal, outgoing, rand1f(rng));
weight *= eval_delta(brdf, normal, outgoing, incoming) /
sample_delta_pdf(brdf, normal, outgoing, incoming);
// russian roulette
if (weight == zero3f || !isfinite(weight)) break;
// russian roulette
if (max(weight) < 1 && bounce > 3) {
auto rr_prob = max((float)0.05, 1 - max(weight));
if (rand1f(rng) > rr_prob) break;
weight *= 1 / rr_prob;
// setup next iteration
ray = {position, incoming};
// recurse
return {radiance, 1.0f};
// Recursive path tracing.
static vec4f trace_naive(const ptr::scene* scene, const ray3f& ray_,
rng_state& rng, const trace_params& params) {
auto radiance = zero3f;
auto weight = vec3f{1, 1, 1};
auto ray = ray_;
auto hit = false;
for (auto bounce : range(params.bounces)) {
//<intersection and environment>
auto isec = intersect_scene_bvh(scene, ray);
if (!isec.hit) {
radiance += weight * eval_environment(scene, ray);
auto object = scene->objects[isec.object];
auto element = isec.element;
auto uv = isec.uv;
auto position = eval_position(object, element, uv);
auto outgoing = -ray.d;
auto normal = eval_shading_normal(object, element, uv, outgoing);
auto emission = eval_emission(object, element, uv, normal, outgoing);
auto brdf = eval_brdf(object, element, uv, normal, outgoing);
//<sample transmittance>
// handle opacity
if (brdf.opacity < 1 && rand1f(rng) >= brdf.opacity) {
ray = {position + ray.d * 1e-2f, ray.d};
bounce -= 1;
hit = true;
// outgoing
radiance += weight * eval_emission(emission, normal, outgoing);
vec3f incoming = zero3f; // initialize incoming
// next direction
if (brdf.roughness) {
incoming = sample_brdfcos(
brdf, normal, outgoing, rand1f(rng), rand2f(rng));
weight *= eval_brdfcos(brdf, normal, outgoing, incoming) /
brdf, normal, rand1f(rng), outgoing, incoming);
} else {
incoming = sample_delta(brdf, normal, outgoing, rand1f(rng));
weight *= eval_delta(brdf, normal, outgoing, incoming) /
sample_delta_pdf(brdf, normal, outgoing, incoming);
// check weight
if (weight == zero3f || !isfinite(weight)) break;
// russian roulette
if (max(weight) < 1 && bounce > 3) {
auto rr_prob = max((float)0.05, 1 - max(weight));
if (rand1f(rng) > rr_prob) break;
weight *= 1 / rr_prob;
// setup next iteration
ray = {position, incoming};
// recurse
return {radiance, hit ? 1.0f : 0.0f};
// namespace yocto::pathtrace
// Eyelight for quick previewing.
static vec4f trace_eyelight(const ptr::scene* scene, const ray3f& ray_,
rng_state& rng, const trace_params& params) {
// initialize
return {};
// Trace a single ray from the camera using the given algorithm.
using shader_func = vec4f (*)(const ptr::scene* scene, const ray3f& ray,
rng_state& rng, const trace_params& params);
static shader_func get_trace_shader_func(const trace_params& params) {
switch (params.shader) {
case shader_type::naive: return trace_naive;
case shader_type::path: return trace_path;
case shader_type::eyelight: return trace_eyelight;
default: {
throw std::runtime_error("sampler unknown");
return nullptr;
// Trace a block of samples
vec4f trace_sample(ptr::state* state, const ptr::scene* scene,
const ptr::camera* camera, const vec2i& ij, const trace_params& params) {
auto shader = get_trace_shader_func(params);
auto& pixel = state->pixels[ij];
auto ray = sample_camera(
camera, ij, state->pixels.size(), rand2f(pixel.rng), rand2f(pixel.rng));
auto shaded = shader(scene, ray, pixel.rng, params);
if (!isfinite(xyz(shaded))) xyz(shaded) = zero3f;
if (max(xyz(shaded)) > params.clamp)
xyz(shaded) = xyz(shaded) * (params.clamp / max(xyz(shaded)));
pixel.accumulated += shaded;
pixel.samples += 1;
return pixel.accumulated / pixel.samples;
// Forward declaration
ptr::light* add_light(ptr::scene* scene);
// Init trace lights
void init_lights(ptr::scene* scene, const trace_params& params,
progress_callback progress_cb) {
// handle progress
auto progress = vec2i{0, 1};
if (progress_cb) progress_cb("build light", progress.x++, progress.y);
for (auto light : scene->lights) delete light;
for (auto object : scene->objects) {
if (object->material->emission == zero3f) continue;
auto shape = object->shape;
if (shape->triangles.empty()) continue;
if (progress_cb) progress_cb("build light", progress.x++, ++progress.y);
auto light = add_light(scene);
light->object = object;
light->cdf = std::vector<float>(shape->triangles.size());
for (auto idx = 0; idx < light->cdf.size(); idx++) {
auto& t = shape->triangles[idx];
light->cdf[idx] = triangle_area(
shape->positions[t.x], shape->positions[t.y], shape->positions[t.z]);
if (idx) light->cdf[idx] += light->cdf[idx - 1];
for (auto environment : scene->environments) {
if (environment->emission == zero3f) continue;
if (progress_cb) progress_cb("build light", progress.x++, ++progress.y);
auto light = add_light(scene);
light->environment = environment;
if (environment->emission_tex) {
auto texture = environment->emission_tex;
auto size = texture_size(texture);
light->cdf = std::vector<float>(size.x * size.y);
for (auto i = 0; i < light->cdf.size(); i++) {
auto ij = vec2i{i % size.x, i / size.x};
auto th = (ij.y + 0.5f) * pif / size.y;
auto value = lookup_texture(texture, ij);
light->cdf[i] = max(value) * sin(th);
if (i) light->cdf[i] += light->cdf[i - 1];
// handle progress
if (progress_cb) progress_cb("build light", progress.x++, progress.y);
// Init a sequence of random number generators.
void init_state(ptr::state* state, const ptr::scene* scene,
const ptr::camera* camera, const trace_params& params) {
auto image_size =
(camera->film.x > camera->film.y)
? vec2i{params.resolution,
(int)round(params.resolution * camera->film.y / camera->film.x)}
: vec2i{
(int)round(params.resolution * camera->film.x / camera->film.y),
state->pixels.assign(image_size, pixel{});
state->render.assign(image_size, zero4f);
auto rng = make_rng(1301081);
for (auto& pixel : state->pixels) {
pixel.rng = make_rng(params.seed, rand1i(rng, 1 << 31) / 2 + 1);
using std::atomic;
using std::deque;
using std::future;
// Simple parallel for used since our target platforms do not yet support
// parallel algorithms. `Func` takes the integer index.
template <typename Func>
inline void parallel_for(const vec2i& size, Func&& func) {
auto futures = std::vector<std::future<void>>{};
auto nthreads = std::thread::hardware_concurrency();
std::atomic<int> next_idx(0);
for (auto thread_id = 0; thread_id < nthreads; thread_id++) {
std::async(std::launch::async, [&func, &next_idx, size]() {
while (true) {
auto j = next_idx.fetch_add(1);
if (j >= size.y) break;
for (auto i = 0; i < size.x; i++) func({i, j});
for (auto& f : futures) f.get();
template <typename Func>
inline void parallel_for(
const vec2i& size, std::atomic<bool>* stop, Func&& func) {
auto futures = std::vector<std::future<void>>{};
auto nthreads = std::thread::hardware_concurrency();
std::atomic<int> next_idx(0);
for (auto thread_id = 0; thread_id < nthreads; thread_id++) {
std::async(std::launch::async, [&func, &next_idx, size, stop]() {
while (true) {
if (stop && *stop) return;
auto j = next_idx.fetch_add(1);
if (j >= size.y) break;
for (auto i = 0; i < size.x; i++) func({i, j});
for (auto& f : futures) f.get();
// Progressively compute an image by calling trace_samples multiple times.
void trace_samples(ptr::state* state, const ptr::scene* scene,
const ptr::camera* camera, const trace_params& params) {
if (params.noparallel) {
for (auto j = 0; j < state->render.size().y; j++) {
for (auto i = 0; i < state->render.size().x; i++) {
state->render[{i, j}] = trace_sample(
state, scene, camera, {i, j}, params);
} else {
state->render.size(), [state, scene, camera, &params](const vec2i& ij) {
state->render[ij] = trace_sample(state, scene, camera, ij, params);
void trace_samples(ptr::state* state, const ptr::scene* scene,
const ptr::camera* camera, const trace_params& params,
std::atomic<bool>* stop) {
if (params.noparallel) {
for (auto j = 0; j < state->render.size().y; j++) {
for (auto i = 0; i < state->render.size().x; i++) {
if (stop && stop) return;
state->render[{i, j}] = trace_sample(
state, scene, camera, {i, j}, params);
} else {
parallel_for(state->render.size(), stop,
[state, scene, camera, &params](const vec2i& ij) {
state->render[ij] = trace_sample(state, scene, camera, ij, params);
} // namespace yocto::pathtrace
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
namespace yocto::pathtrace {
// cleanup
shape::~shape() {
if (bvh) delete bvh;
// cleanup
scene::~scene() {
if (bvh) delete bvh;
for (auto camera : cameras) delete camera;
for (auto object : objects) delete object;
for (auto shape : shapes) delete shape;
for (auto material : materials) delete material;
for (auto texture : textures) delete texture;
for (auto environment : environments) delete environment;
for (auto light : lights) delete light;
// Add element
ptr::camera* add_camera(ptr::scene* scene) {
return scene->cameras.emplace_back(new camera{});
ptr::texture* add_texture(ptr::scene* scene) {
return scene->textures.emplace_back(new texture{});
ptr::shape* add_shape(ptr::scene* scene) {
return scene->shapes.emplace_back(new shape{});
ptr::material* add_material(ptr::scene* scene) {
return scene->materials.emplace_back(new material{});
ptr::object* add_object(ptr::scene* scene) {
return scene->objects.emplace_back(new object{});
ptr::environment* add_environment(ptr::scene* scene) {
return scene->environments.emplace_back(new environment{});
ptr::light* add_light(ptr::scene* scene) {
return scene->lights.emplace_back(new light{});
// Set cameras
void set_frame(ptr::camera* camera, const frame3f& frame) {
camera->frame = frame;
void set_lens(ptr::camera* camera, float lens, float aspect, float film) {
camera->lens = lens;
camera->film = aspect >= 1 ? vec2f{film, film / aspect}
: vec2f{film * aspect, film};
void set_focus(ptr::camera* camera, float aperture, float focus) {
camera->aperture = aperture;
camera->focus = focus;
// Add texture
void set_texture(ptr::texture* texture, const img::image<vec3b>& img) {
texture->colorb = img;
texture->colorf = {};
texture->scalarb = {};
texture->scalarf = {};
void set_texture(ptr::texture* texture, const img::image<vec3f>& img) {
texture->colorb = {};
texture->colorf = img;
texture->scalarb = {};
texture->scalarf = {};
void set_texture(ptr::texture* texture, const img::image<byte>& img) {
texture->colorb = {};
texture->colorf = {};
texture->scalarb = img;
texture->scalarf = {};
void set_texture(ptr::texture* texture, const img::image<float>& img) {
texture->colorb = {};
texture->colorf = {};
texture->scalarb = {};
texture->scalarf = img;
// Add shape
void set_points(ptr::shape* shape, const std::vector<int>& points) {
shape->points = points;
void set_lines(ptr::shape* shape, const std::vector<vec2i>& lines) {
shape->lines = lines;
void set_triangles(ptr::shape* shape, const std::vector<vec3i>& triangles) {
shape->triangles = triangles;
void set_positions(ptr::shape* shape, const std::vector<vec3f>& positions) {
shape->positions = positions;
void set_normals(ptr::shape* shape, const std::vector<vec3f>& normals) {
shape->normals = normals;
void set_texcoords(ptr::shape* shape, const std::vector<vec2f>& texcoords) {
shape->texcoords = texcoords;
void set_radius(ptr::shape* shape, const std::vector<float>& radius) {
shape->radius = radius;
// Add object
void set_frame(ptr::object* object, const frame3f& frame) {
object->frame = frame;
void set_shape(ptr::object* object, ptr::shape* shape) {
object->shape = shape;
void set_material(ptr::object* object, ptr::material* material) {
object->material = material;
// Add material
void set_emission(ptr::material* material, const vec3f& emission,
ptr::texture* emission_tex) {
material->emission = emission;
material->emission_tex = emission_tex;
void set_color(
ptr::material* material, const vec3f& color, ptr::texture* color_tex) {
material->color = color;
material->color_tex = color_tex;
void set_specular(
ptr::material* material, float specular, ptr::texture* specular_tex) {
material->specular = specular;
material->specular_tex = specular_tex;
void set_metallic(
ptr::material* material, float metallic, ptr::texture* metallic_tex) {
material->metallic = metallic;
material->metallic_tex = metallic_tex;
void set_ior(ptr::material* material, float ior) { material->ior = ior; }
void set_transmission(ptr::material* material, float transmission, bool thin,
float trdepth, ptr::texture* transmission_tex) {
material->transmission = transmission;
material->thin = thin;
material->trdepth = trdepth;
material->transmission_tex = transmission_tex;
void set_thin(ptr::material* material, bool thin) { material->thin = thin; }
void set_roughness(
ptr::material* material, float roughness, ptr::texture* roughness_tex) {
material->roughness = roughness;
material->roughness_tex = roughness_tex;
void set_opacity(
ptr::material* material, float opacity, ptr::texture* opacity_tex) {
material->opacity = opacity;
material->opacity_tex = opacity_tex;
void set_scattering(ptr::material* material, const vec3f& scattering,
float scanisotropy, ptr::texture* scattering_tex) {
material->scattering = scattering;
material->scanisotropy = scanisotropy;
material->scattering_tex = scattering_tex;
// Add environment
void set_frame(ptr::environment* environment, const frame3f& frame) {
environment->frame = frame;
void set_emission(ptr::environment* environment, const vec3f& emission,
ptr::texture* emission_tex) {
environment->emission = emission;
environment->emission_tex = emission_tex;
} // namespace yocto::pathtrace
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