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# Condorcet
Votes <- read.csv("Votes.csv")
candidates <- names(Votes)
nvoters <- dim(Votes)[1]
ncand <- dim(Votes)[2]
allpairs <- combn(1:ncand, 2)
winners <- character(0)
losers <- character(0)
CondorcetMatrix <- matrix(rep(0, ncand^2), nrow = ncand)
rownames(CondorcetMatrix) <- candidates
colnames(CondorcetMatrix) <- candidates
RowBeatCol <- matrix(rep(FALSE, ncand^2), nrow = ncand)
rownames(RowBeatCol) <- candidates
colnames(RowBeatCol) <- candidates
for (k in 1:dim(allpairs)[2]){
candx <- Votes[ , allpairs[1, k]]
candy <- Votes[ , allpairs[2, k]]
a <- sum(candx < candy, na.rm = TRUE)
b <- sum(candx > candy, na.rm = TRUE)
results <- c(a, b)
names(results) <- c(candidates[allpairs[1, k]], candidates[allpairs[2, k]])
CondorcetMatrix[allpairs[1,k], allpairs[2,k]] <- results[1]
CondorcetMatrix[allpairs[2,k], allpairs[1,k]] <- results[2]
if (!isTRUE(all.equal(a, b))){
winners[k] <- names(results)[which(results == max(results))]
losers[k] <- names(results)[which(results == min(results))]
RowBeatCol[winners[k], losers[k]] <- TRUE
} else {
# there is a tie
winners[k] <- NA
losers[k] <- NA
# part b
if (any(table(winners) == ncand - 1)){
paste("The winner is:", names(table(winners))[which(table(winners) == ncand - 1)], sep = " ")
} else {
# part c
# generate all possible As and Bs
temp <- list()
for (i in 1:ncand) {
temp[[i]] <- c(TRUE, FALSE)
inSetA <- expand.grid(temp, KEEP.OUT.ATTRS = FALSE)[-2^ncand, ]
names(inSetA) <- candidates
AbeatsB <- function(z){
x <- candidates[z]
y <- candidates[!z]
!(sum(RowBeatCol[x, y]) < length(x)*length(y))
# find those A's and B's where A beats B
whereAbeatsB <- as.logical(apply(inSetA, MARGIN = 1, AbeatsB))
validAandB <- inSetA[whereAbeatsB, ]
howManyB <- ncand - rowSums(validAandB)
RESULT <- validAandB[howManyB == max(howManyB), ]
print("The sets A and B are:")
print(c("A: ", candidates[as.logical(RESULT)]))
print(c("B: ", candidates[as.logical(!RESULT)]))
\usepackage[margin = 1in]{geometry}
\title{Condorcet Voting}
\author{G.~Jay Kerns}
\section{Tallying votes}
First, read the data.
Votes <- read.csv("Votes.csv")
Here are the data, in full. (I randomly generated them.) They are in a
spreadsheet saved with comma-separated-values (\texttt{.csv}) format.
Then, set up some initial values.
candidates <- names(Votes)
nvoters <- dim(Votes)[1]
ncand <- dim(Votes)[2]
Compute all pairwise comparisons.
allpairs <- combn(1:ncand, 2)
More initialization.
winners <- character(0)
losers <- character(0)
CondorcetMatrix <- matrix(rep(0, ncand^2), nrow = ncand)
rownames(CondorcetMatrix) <- candidates
colnames(CondorcetMatrix) <- candidates
RowBeatCol <- matrix(rep(FALSE, ncand^2), nrow = ncand)
rownames(RowBeatCol) <- candidates
colnames(RowBeatCol) <- candidates
Next, tally the votes. Special care is needed in case of a tie.
for (k in 1:dim(allpairs)[2]){
candx <- Votes[ , allpairs[1, k]]
candy <- Votes[ , allpairs[2, k]]
a <- sum(candx < candy, na.rm = TRUE)
b <- sum(candx > candy, na.rm = TRUE)
results <- c(a, b)
names(results) <- c(candidates[allpairs[1, k]], candidates[allpairs[2, k]])
CondorcetMatrix[allpairs[1,k], allpairs[2,k]] <- results[1]
CondorcetMatrix[allpairs[2,k], allpairs[1,k]] <- results[2]
if (!isTRUE(all.equal(a, b))){
winners[k] <- names(results)[which(results == max(results))]
losers[k] <- names(results)[which(results == min(results))]
RowBeatCol[winners[k], losers[k]] <- TRUE
} else {
# there is a tie
winners[k] <- NA
losers[k] <- NA
Here are the winners of the respective pairwise comparisons.
And here are the losers of the respective pairwise comparisons.
Here is the Condorcet matrix associated with the election.
And here is whether candidate in Row $i$ beat the candidate in Column
\section{Declaring a winner}
Here is the number of pairwise elections each candidate won.
We declare the winner, if one exists.
if (any(table(winners) == ncand - 1)){
paste("The winner is:", names(table(winners))[which(table(winners) == ncand - 1)], sep = " ")
} else {
# part c
# generate all possible As and Bs
temp <- list()
for (i in 1:ncand) {
temp[[i]] <- c(TRUE, FALSE)
inSetA <- expand.grid(temp, KEEP.OUT.ATTRS = FALSE)[-2^ncand, ]
names(inSetA) <- candidates
AbeatsB <- function(z){
x <- candidates[z]
y <- candidates[!z]
!(sum(RowBeatCol[x, y]) < length(x)*length(y))
# find those A's and B's where A beats B
whereAbeatsB <- as.logical(apply(inSetA, MARGIN = 1, AbeatsB))
validAandB <- inSetA[whereAbeatsB, ]
howManyB <- ncand - rowSums(validAandB)
RESULT <- validAandB[howManyB == max(howManyB), ]
print("The sets A and B are:")
print(c("A: ", candidates[as.logical(RESULT)]))
print(c("B: ", candidates[as.logical(!RESULT)]))
For these data, Candidate 4 was the winner.
\section{When a winner doesn't exist}
For the previous data there was a winner. For other data, there might
not be, and the program calculates sets $A$ and $B$ in that case. For
instance, perhaps there is a tie.
Votes <- read.csv("VotesTie.csv")
Here are the data with a tie, in full.
Everything else is as above. The results follow.
<<echo = FALSE>>=
candidates <- names(Votes)
nvoters <- dim(Votes)[1]
ncand <- dim(Votes)[2]
allpairs <- combn(1:ncand, 2)
winners <- character(0)
losers <- character(0)
CondorcetMatrix <- matrix(rep(0, ncand^2), nrow = ncand)
rownames(CondorcetMatrix) <- candidates
colnames(CondorcetMatrix) <- candidates
RowBeatCol <- matrix(rep(FALSE, ncand^2), nrow = ncand)
rownames(RowBeatCol) <- candidates
colnames(RowBeatCol) <- candidates
for (k in 1:dim(allpairs)[2]){
candx <- Votes[ , allpairs[1, k]]
candy <- Votes[ , allpairs[2, k]]
a <- sum(candx < candy, na.rm = TRUE)
b <- sum(candx > candy, na.rm = TRUE)
results <- c(a, b)
names(results) <- c(candidates[allpairs[1, k]], candidates[allpairs[2, k]])
CondorcetMatrix[allpairs[1,k], allpairs[2,k]] <- results[1]
CondorcetMatrix[allpairs[2,k], allpairs[1,k]] <- results[2]
if (!isTRUE(all.equal(a, b))){
winners[k] <- names(results)[which(results == max(results))]
losers[k] <- names(results)[which(results == min(results))]
RowBeatCol[winners[k], losers[k]] <- TRUE
} else {
# there is a tie
winners[k] <- NA
losers[k] <- NA
# part b
if (any(table(winners) == ncand - 1)){
paste("The winner is:", names(table(winners))[which(table(winners) == ncand - 1)], sep = " ")
} else {
# part c
# generate all possible As and Bs
temp <- list()
for (i in 1:ncand) {
temp[[i]] <- c(TRUE, FALSE)
inSetA <- expand.grid(temp, KEEP.OUT.ATTRS = FALSE)[-2^ncand, ]
names(inSetA) <- candidates
AbeatsB <- function(z){
x <- candidates[z]
y <- candidates[!z]
!(sum(RowBeatCol[x, y]) < length(x)*length(y))
# find those A's and B's where A beats B
whereAbeatsB <- as.logical(apply(inSetA, MARGIN = 1, AbeatsB))
validAandB <- inSetA[whereAbeatsB, ]
howManyB <- ncand - rowSums(validAandB)
RESULT <- validAandB[howManyB == max(howManyB), ]
print("The sets A and B are:")
print(c("A: ", candidates[as.logical(RESULT)]))
print(c("B: ", candidates[as.logical(!RESULT)]))
For these data, Candidates 1 and 2 were tied in group $A$, and
Candidate 3 was delegated to group $B$.
\section{When there are cyclic preferences}
Another thing that can happen with Condorcet voting is the
Rock-Paper-Scissors phenomenon. In that case our voting method is
Votes <- read.csv("VotesCyclic.csv")
Here are the cyclic data, in full.
Everything else is just like before. Here are the results.
<<echo = FALSE>>=
candidates <- names(Votes)
nvoters <- dim(Votes)[1]
ncand <- dim(Votes)[2]
allpairs <- combn(1:ncand, 2)
winners <- character(0)
losers <- character(0)
CondorcetMatrix <- matrix(rep(0, ncand^2), nrow = ncand)
rownames(CondorcetMatrix) <- candidates
colnames(CondorcetMatrix) <- candidates
RowBeatCol <- matrix(rep(FALSE, ncand^2), nrow = ncand)
rownames(RowBeatCol) <- candidates
colnames(RowBeatCol) <- candidates
for (k in 1:dim(allpairs)[2]){
candx <- Votes[ , allpairs[1, k]]
candy <- Votes[ , allpairs[2, k]]
a <- sum(candx < candy, na.rm = TRUE)
b <- sum(candx > candy, na.rm = TRUE)
results <- c(a, b)
names(results) <- c(candidates[allpairs[1, k]], candidates[allpairs[2, k]])
CondorcetMatrix[allpairs[1,k], allpairs[2,k]] <- results[1]
CondorcetMatrix[allpairs[2,k], allpairs[1,k]] <- results[2]
if (!isTRUE(all.equal(a, b))){
winners[k] <- names(results)[which(results == max(results))]
losers[k] <- names(results)[which(results == min(results))]
RowBeatCol[winners[k], losers[k]] <- TRUE
} else {
# there is a tie
winners[k] <- NA
losers[k] <- NA
# part b
if (any(table(winners) == ncand - 1)){
paste("The winner is:", names(table(winners))[which(table(winners) == ncand - 1)], sep = " ")
} else {
# part c
# generate all possible As and Bs
temp <- list()
for (i in 1:ncand) {
temp[[i]] <- c(TRUE, FALSE)
inSetA <- expand.grid(temp, KEEP.OUT.ATTRS = FALSE)[-2^ncand, ]
names(inSetA) <- candidates
AbeatsB <- function(z){
x <- candidates[z]
y <- candidates[!z]
!(sum(RowBeatCol[x, y]) < length(x)*length(y))
# find those A's and B's where A beats B
whereAbeatsB <- as.logical(apply(inSetA, MARGIN = 1, AbeatsB))
validAandB <- inSetA[whereAbeatsB, ]
howManyB <- ncand - rowSums(validAandB)
RESULT <- validAandB[howManyB == max(howManyB), ]
print("The sets A and B are:")
print(c("A: ", candidates[as.logical(RESULT)]))
print(c("B: ", candidates[as.logical(!RESULT)]))
For these data there are no winners and no losers. We are right back
where we started. Though, if there were more candidates then the
program would split them into a rock-paper-scissors-whatever part (in
set $A$) and a losers part (in set $B$) with $B$ as big as possible.
<<echo = FALSE>>=
Candidate1 Candidate2 Candidate3 Candidate4
3 4 2 1
1 2 3 4
4 2 3 1
3 4 1 2
4 2 3 1
3 4 2 1
3 1 4 2
3 4 2 1
1 3 2 4
3 4 2 1
Candidate1 Candidate2 Candidate3
3 1 2
3 1 2
3 1 2
3 1 2
3 1 2
3 1 2
3 1 2
3 1 2
2 3 1
2 3 1
2 3 1
2 3 1
2 3 1
2 3 1
1 2 3
1 2 3
1 2 3
1 2 3
1 2 3
Candidate1 Candidate2 Candidate3
1 2 3
2 1 3
1 2 3
2 1 3
1 2 3
2 1 3
1 2 3
2 1 3
1 2 3
2 1 3
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