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Last active August 29, 2015 13:56
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Law of the Iterated Logarithm
limsup <- function(x){
z = rep(0,length(x))
for(i in 1:length(x)){
z[i] = max(x[i:length(x)])
LIL <- function( iter = 50000,
mu = 0,
sigma = 1){
x <- rnorm(iter, mean = mu, sd = sigma)
n <- 10:iter
m <- sigma*sqrt(2*log(log(n))/n)
plot( n, cumsum(x)[n]/n,
log = "x",
type = "n",
ylab = expression(paste("Sample Mean ", bar(italic(X[n])))),
xlab = "Cumulative Trials",
xlim = c(10,iter),
ylim = mu + c(-1,1))
lines( n, m, lty = 2)
lines( n, -1*m, lty = 2)
xx <- c(n,rev(n))
yy <- mu + c(m, -rev(m))
polygon(xx, yy, col=grey(0.95), border = NA)
abline( h = mu, lty = 2, lwd = 2, col="blue")
lines(n, cumsum(x)[n]/n)
mtext(expression(mu), adj = 1, side=4,cex=2, at = mu, col="blue")
text( iter^0.75, mu+m[round(iter^0.75)], pos=3,labels = expression(mu %+-% sqrt( frac(2*sigma^2~plain(log)~plain(log)~n, n))))
plot.refresh <- function(...){
iter <- slider(no = 1)
mu <- slider(no = 2)
sigma <- slider(no = 3)
x <- rnorm(iter, mean = mu, sd = sigma)
n <- 10:iter
m <- sigma*sqrt(2*log(log(n))/n)
plot( n, cumsum(x)[n]/n,
log = "x",
type = "n",
main = "Law of the Iterated Logarithm",
ylab = expression(paste("Sample Mean ", bar(italic(X))[n])),
xlab = expression(paste("sample size ", italic(n), ", (log scale)", sep="")),
xlim = c(10,iter),
ylim = 0.5*c(-1,1))
lines( n, mu + m, lty = 2)
lines( n, mu - m, lty = 2)
xx <- c(n,rev(n))
yy <- mu+c(m, -rev(m))
polygon(xx, yy, col=grey(0.95), border = NA)
abline( h = mu, lty = 2, lwd = 2, col="blue")
lines(n, cumsum(x)[n]/n)
mtext(expression(mu), adj = 1, side=4,cex=2, at = mu, col="blue")
text( iter^0.75, mu+m[round(iter^0.75)], pos=3,labels = expression( mu %+-% sqrt( frac(2*sigma^2~plain(log)~plain(log)~n, n))))
slider( plot.refresh,
c("Sample size n",
"Population mean",
"Population standard deviation"),
c(1000, -0.4, 0.5),
c(100000, 0.4, 1.5),
c(1, 0.1, 0.1),
c(50000, 0, 1),
title = "LIL Demo")
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