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Gabriel Sieben gjsman

  • Homeschool Connections
  • Greater St. Paul - Minneapolis Area
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gjsman / platform.txt
Created February 22, 2020 18:36
Platform.txt file for Energia on MSP-EXP432E401Y
# Energia MSP432E Core and platform.
# ------------------------------
# For more info:
name=Energia MSP432E (32-bits) Boards
# MSP432E compile variables
gjsman / gist:0d6962b58d2c5b27d099c62937f642a1
Created January 29, 2020 02:50
Crazy Machines 2 on Steam Proton with Working Audio
Crazy Machines 2 runs and installs fine on Steam for Linux when Proton is enabled, except for one problem: No audio. I figured out how to fix this problem and it isn't too hard, though! :)
1. Install Winetricks and Protontricks.
2. Open a terminal, and type "protontricks 18400 shell."
3. Open a Firefox window, and download the OpenAL Windows installer from
4. In the terminal window, type "cd ~/Downloads" to get out of the Wine folder, and then type "wine openal-installer.exe."
5. Install OpenAL. Exit the terminal.
6. Open Crazy Machines 2 in Steam and enjoy the music and Sound FX!