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Created December 5, 2011 12:09
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Generator for Dorling cartograms
Generator for packed circle cartograms
import proj, gisutils
class Cartogram:
def loadCSV(self, url, key='id', value='val', lon='lon', lat='lat'):
import csv
doc = csv.reader(open(url))
head = None
circles = []
for row in doc:
if not head:
head = row
circles.append(Circle(row[head.index(lon)], row[head.index(lat)], row[head.index(key)], row[head.index(value)]))
self.circles = circles
def computeRadii(self):
import sys, math
minv = 0
maxv = sys.maxint * -1
for c in self.circles:
minv = min(minv, c.value)
maxv = max(maxv, c.value)
for c in self.circles:
c.r = math.pow((c.value - minv)/(maxv-minv), 0.5)*20
def project(self, globe):
# create view..
self.globe = globe
bbox = gisutils.Bounds2D()
for circle in self.circles:
x,y = globe.project(circle.lon,
self.bbox = bbox
w = 700
self.view = gisutils.View(bbox, w, w*(bbox.height/bbox.width), 80)
# .. and place circles. you can use any other geo-libs as well, e.g. pyproj
for circle in self.circles:
x,y = self.view.project(globe.project(circle.lon,
circle.x = x
circle.y = y
def layout(self, steps=100):
for i in range(steps):
if i % 10 == 0:
def layout_step(self):
import math
pad = 0
for A in self.circles:
for B in self.circles:
if A != B:
radsq = (A.r+B.r)*(A.r+B.r)
d = A.sqdist(B)
if radsq + pad > d:
# move circles away from each other
v = Vector(B.x-A.x, B.y-A.y)
m = (math.sqrt(radsq) - math.sqrt(d)) * 0.25
A._move(v.x*-1, v.y*-1)
B._move(v.x, v.y)
for C in self.circles:
def toSVG(self):
from svgfig import SVG, canvas
w = self.view.width
h = self.view.height
svg = canvas(width='%dpx' % w, height='%dpx' % h, viewBox='0 0 %d %d' % (w, h), enable_background='new 0 0 %d %d' % (w, h), style='stroke-width:0.7pt; stroke-linejoin: round; stroke:#444; fill:#eee;')
g = SVG('g', id="gemeinden")
for circle in self.circles:
c = SVG('circle',cx=circle.x, cy=circle.y, r=circle.r)
c['data-key'] =
c['data-population'] = circle.value
meta = SVG('metadata')
views = SVG('views')
view = SVG('view', padding="80", w=w, h=h)
proj = self.globe.toXML()
bbox = self.bbox
bbox = SVG('bbox', x=round(bbox.left,2), y=round(,2), w=round(bbox.width,2), h=round(bbox.height,2))
class Circle:
def __init__(self, lon, lat, id, value):
self.lon = float(lon) = float(lat) = id
self.value = float(value)
self.dx = 0
self.dy = 0
def _move(self, x,y):
self.dx += x
self.dy += y
def move(self):
self.x += self.dx
self.y += self.dy
self.dx = 0
self.dy = 0
def __repr__(self):
return '<Circle lon=%f, lat=%f, id=%s, val=%f >'% (self.lon,,, self.value)
def sqdist(self, circ):
dx = self.x - circ.x
dy = self.y - circ.y
return dx*dx + dy*dy
been too lazy to code this myself, instead I took code from here
class Vector:
# Class properties
def __init__(self, x, y):
self.x = float(x)
self.y = float(y)
# represent as a string
def __repr__(self):
return 'Vector(%s, %s)' % (self.x, self.y)
Class Methods / Behaviours
def zero(self):
self.x = 0.0
self.y = 0.0
return self
def clone(self):
return kVec(self.x, self.y)
def normalize(self):
from math import sqrt
if self.x == 0 and self.y == 0:
return self
norm = float (1.0 / sqrt(self.x*self.x + self.y*self.y))
self.x *= norm
self.y *= norm
# self.z *= norm
return self
def invert(self):
self.x = -(self.x)
self.y = -(self.y)
return self
def resize(self, sizeFactor):
return self
def minus(self, t):
self.x -= t.x
self.y -= t.y
# self.z -= t.z
return self
def plus(self, t):
self.x += t.x
self.y += t.y
# self.z += t.z
return self
def roundToInt(self):
self.x = int(x)
self.y = int(y)
return self
# Returns the squared length of this vector.
def lengthSquared(self):
return float((self.x*self.x) + (self.y*self.y))
# Returns the length of this vector.
def length(self):
from math import sqrt
return float(sqrt(self.x*self.x + self.y*self.y))
# Computes the dot product of this vector and vector v2
def dot(self, v2):
return (self.x * v2.x + self.y * v2.y)
# Linearly interpolates between vectors v1 and v2 and returns the result point = (1-alpha)*v1 + alpha*v2.
def interpolate(self, v2):
self.x = float((1 - alpha) * self.x + alpha * v2.x)
self.y = float((1 - alpha) * self.y + alpha * v2.y)
return kVec(self.x, self.y)
# Returns the angle in radians between this vector and the vector parameter;
# the return value is constrained to the range [0,PI].
def angle(self, v2):
from math import acos
vDot = / (self.length() * v2.length())
if vDot < -1.0 : vDot = -1.0
if vDot > 1.0 : vDot = 1.0
return float(acos(vDot))
# Limits this vector to a given size.
# NODEBOX USERS: name should change as 'size' and 'scale' are reserved words in Nodebox!
def limit(self, size):
if (self.length() > size):
# Point Methods
# Returns the square of the distance between this tuple and tuple t1.
def distanceSquared(self, t1):
dx = self.x - t1.x
dy = self.y - t1.y
return (dx * dx + dy * dy)
# NODEBOX USERS: name should change as 'scale' is reserved word in Nodebox!
def scale(self, s):
self.x *= s
self.y *= s
return self
# NODEBOX USERS: name should change as 'translate' is reserved word in Nodebox!
def translate(self, vec):
# NODEBOX USERS: name should change as 'translate' is reserved word in Nodebox!
def translate(self, vec, dist):
v = kVec.resize(vec, dist)
def distance(self, pt):
from math import sqrt
dx = self.x - pt.x
dy = self.y - pt.y
return float(sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy))
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gka commented Dec 5, 2011

actually, the trick is to find a good scale for the nodes. if you make them too large, the geo layout is too distorted. otherwise, if you make them too small, there's too much white space.. I manually adjusted the factor in line 30.

the mysterious "globe" is just a class that projects lon,lat coordinates into x,y.

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what are proj, gisutils? from django?

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almccon commented Mar 4, 2014

I can't figure out proj or gisutils either, @rachzhang. @gka, are they part of Kartograph?

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