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Created December 22, 2015 20:41
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------- Day changed to 09/25/15 -------
------- Day changed to 09/26/15 -------
09:06:00 -!- mehale_ is now known as mehale
------- Day changed to 09/27/15 -------
------- Day changed to 09/28/15 -------
04:26:58 -!- BostonGeorge2k is now known as Joh2k
------- Day changed to 09/29/15 -------
10:52:29 -!- Joh2k is now known as BostonGeorge
10:52:56 -!- BostonGeorge is now known as BostonGeorge2k
------- Day changed to 09/30/15 -------
15:44:48 < loc22> Hi guys! Have any of you ever used Masonry plugin?
15:54:04 < adr___> hey, anyone can help me with a little issue on cartodb?
------- Day changed to 10/01/15 -------
11:43:56 < techla> hi
11:44:22 < techla> i have some problem messing with promises
------- Day changed to 10/02/15 -------
10:18:22 < marketing5> sup guys who has experience with tampermonkey or grease monkey ?
------- Day changed to 10/03/15 -------
17:15:03 < maksk> SOLO PARA JOVENES
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------- Day changed to 10/09/15 -------
02:18:22 -!- truedon_ is now known as truedon
10:20:39 -!- truedon_ is now known as truedon
14:01:30 < Sawny> test
14:12:15 < Sawny> swag
------- Day changed to 10/10/15 -------
12:48:14 -!- noahmg123 is now known as log123
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------- Day changed to 10/13/15 -------
03:23:27 < qq> hello
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------- Day changed to 10/16/15 -------
22:53:13 -!- eyeball is now known as Guest46125
22:53:20 < Guest46125> dash it all
------- Day changed to 10/17/15 -------
------- Day changed to 10/18/15 -------
12:16:03 < ionutvmi> hi
------- Day changed to 10/19/15 -------
06:46:19 < daf__> hello
------- Day changed to 10/20/15 -------
------- Day changed to 10/21/15 -------
18:54:15 -!- spronk is now known as ss23\spronk
19:00:34 -!- ss23\spronk is now known as spronk
------- Day changed to 10/22/15 -------
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------- Day changed to 10/26/15 -------
00:08:42 < wingedearth> hi there
00:09:00 < wingedearth> I'm assuming this is the javascript channel
00:10:03 < wingedearth> anyone home?
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------- Day changed to 10/31/15 -------
------- Day changed to 11/01/15 -------
------- Day changed to 11/02/15 -------
------- Day changed to 11/03/15 -------
01:45:42 < rtejaped> Hello, I'm looking for a good online book/ resource for learning JS, any suggestions?
01:46:07 < gkatsev> rtejaped:
01:47:12 < rtejaped> Thanks gkatsev
------- Day changed to 11/04/15 -------
01:36:30 < SillyMonk> is this official freenode channel for JavaScript?
------- Day changed to 11/05/15 -------
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------- Day changed to 11/09/15 -------
------- Day changed to 11/10/15 -------
09:42:05 < jvrodrigues> hey guys
09:42:06 < jvrodrigues> anyone around?
09:47:32 < ashnur> no
09:47:45 < ashnur> jvrodrigues, you want ##js
------- Day changed to 11/11/15 -------
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11:18:09 -!- freggles is now known as desjing
------- Day changed to 11/18/15 -------
04:37:03 < surianup> #javascript
------- Day changed to 11/19/15 -------
08:11:02 < rkorzen> hello
------- Day changed to 11/20/15 -------
03:12:50 [Users #js]
03:12:50 [ BostonGeorge2k] [ Clockwerk] [ freggles] [ gkatsev] [ iamstef] [ joseph_86]
03:12:50 -!- Irssi: #js: Total of 6 nicks (0 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 6 normal)
03:13:46 -!- Channel #js created Fri Jan 29 09:27:20 2010
03:15:59 -!- Irssi: Join to #js was synced in 198 secs
------- Day changed to 11/21/15 -------
18:25:00 -!- meldenne1 is now known as meldenne
------- Day changed to 11/22/15 -------
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------- Day changed to 11/24/15 -------
------- Day changed to 11/25/15 -------
14:51:39 < jtri> hello, i'd like to refactor this to bind "this" so that line 8 works, but ensure that line 4 still
works too: what should I do on line 4?
------- Day changed to 11/26/15 -------
02:49:22 [Users #js]
02:49:22 [ gkatsev] [ joseph_86]
02:49:22 -!- Irssi: #js: Total of 2 nicks (0 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 2 normal)
02:50:20 -!- Channel #js created Fri Jan 29 09:27:20 2010
02:52:37 -!- Irssi: Join to #js was synced in 204 secs
11:37:04 -!- iamstef_ is now known as iamstef
19:04:42 -!- pellucid_banana is now known as roonie
------- Day changed to 11/27/15 -------
------- Day changed to 11/28/15 -------
------- Day changed to 11/29/15 -------
08:46:05 [Users #js]
08:46:05 [ BostonGeorge2k] [ freggles] [ gkatsev] [ iamstef] [ joseph_86]
08:46:05 -!- Irssi: #js: Total of 5 nicks (0 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 5 normal)
08:47:03 -!- Channel #js created Fri Jan 29 09:27:20 2010
08:49:18 -!- Irssi: Join to #js was synced in 202 secs
------- Day changed to 11/30/15 -------
------- Day changed to 12/01/15 -------
16:59:05 < trolololo> hi guys
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------- Day changed to 12/06/15 -------
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------- Day changed to 12/09/15 -------
12:51:42 < azureaus> Anyone here to talk about js?
17:09:38 -!- javascript784 is now known as azureaus
------- Day changed to 12/10/15 -------
17:28:49 -!- spronk is now known as spronkmas
------- Day changed to 12/11/15 -------
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------- Day changed to 12/15/15 -------
19:01:29 -!- spronk is now known as spronkwalker
------- Day changed to 12/16/15 -------
------- Day changed to 12/17/15 -------
06:08:15 -!- l is now known as Guest3147
------- Day changed to 12/18/15 -------
------- Day changed to 12/19/15 -------
------- Day changed to 12/20/15 -------
------- Day changed to 12/21/15 -------
------- Day changed to 12/22/15 -------
15:39:19 < ljharb> → #jshotline
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