#! /usr/bin/env ruby |
# Parse vocabulary definition in CSV to generate Context+Vocabulary in JSON-LD or Turtle |
require 'getoptlong' |
require 'csv' |
require 'json' |
require 'erubis' |
class Vocab |
JSON_STATE = JSON::State.new( |
:indent => " ", |
:space => " ", |
:space_before => "", |
:object_nl => "\n", |
:array_nl => "\n" |
) |
TITLE = "Verifiable Claims Vocabulary".freeze |
DESCRIPTION = %(This document describes the RDFS vocabulary description used for Verifiable Claims [[verifiable-claims-data-model]] along with the default JSON-LD Context.).freeze |
attr_accessor :prefixes, :terms, :properties, :classes, :instances, :datatypes, |
:imports, :date, :commit, :seeAlso |
def initialize |
path = File.expand_path("../vocab.csv", __FILE__) |
csv = CSV.new(File.open(path)) |
@prefixes, @terms, @properties, @classes, @datatypes, @instances = {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {} |
@imports, @seeAlso = [], [] |
#git_info = %x{git log -1 #{path}}.split("\n") |
#@commit = "https://github.com/w3c/vc-vocab/commit/" + (git_info[0] || 'uncommitted').split.last |
date_line = nil #git_info.detect {|l| l.start_with?("Date:")} |
@date = Date.parse((date_line || Date.today.to_s).split(":",2).last).strftime("%Y-%m-%d") |
columns = [] |
csv.shift.each_with_index {|c, i| columns[i] = c.to_sym if c} |
csv.sort_by(&:to_s).each do |line| |
entry = {} |
# Create entry as object indexed by symbolized column name |
line.each_with_index {|v, i| entry[columns[i]] = v ? v.gsub("\r", "\n").gsub("\\", "\\\\") : nil} |
case entry[:type] |
when 'prefix' then @prefixes[entry[:id]] = entry |
when 'term' then @terms[entry[:id]] = entry |
when 'rdf:Property' then @properties[entry[:id]] = entry |
when 'rdfs:Class' then @classes[entry[:id]] = entry |
when 'rdfs:Datatype' then @datatypes[entry[:id]] = entry |
when 'owl:imports' then @imports << entry[:subClassOf] |
when 'rdfs:seeAlso' then @seeAlso << entry[:subClassOf] |
else @instances[entry[:id]] = entry |
end |
end |
end |
def namespaced(term) |
term.include?(":") ? term : "cred:#{term}" |
end |
def to_jsonld |
context = { |
"id" => "@id", |
"type" => "@type", |
} |
rdfs_context = ::JSON.parse %({ |
"id": "@id", |
"type": "@type", |
"dc": "http://purl.org/dc/terms/", |
"owl": "http://www.w3.org/2002/07/owl#", |
"rdf": "http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#", |
"rdfs": "http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#", |
"dc:title": {"@container": "@language"}, |
"dc:description": {"@container": "@language"}, |
"dc:date": {"@type": "xsd:date"}, |
"rdfs:comment": {"@container": "@language"}, |
"rdfs:domain": {"@type": "@id"}, |
"rdfs:label": {"@container": "@language"}, |
"rdfs:range": {"@type": "@id"}, |
"rdfs:seeAlso": {"@type": "@id"}, |
"rdfs:subClassOf": {"@type": "@id"}, |
"rdfs:subPropertyOf": {"@type": "@id"}, |
"owl:equivalentClass": {"@type": "@vocab"}, |
"owl:equivalentProperty": {"@type": "@vocab"}, |
"owl:oneOf": {"@container": "@list", "@type": "@vocab"}, |
"owl:imports": {"@type": "@id"}, |
"owl:versionInfo": {"@type": "@id"}, |
"owl:inverseOf": {"@type": "@vocab"}, |
"owl:unionOf": {"@type": "@vocab", "@container": "@list"}, |
"rdfs_classes": {"@reverse": "rdfs:isDefinedBy", "@type": "@id"}, |
"rdfs_properties": {"@reverse": "rdfs:isDefinedBy", "@type": "@id"}, |
"rdfs_datatypes": {"@reverse": "rdfs:isDefinedBy", "@type": "@id"}, |
"rdfs_instances": {"@reverse": "rdfs:isDefinedBy", "@type": "@id"} |
}) |
rdfs_classes, rdfs_properties, rdfs_datatypes, rdfs_instances = [], [], [], [] |
prefixes.each do |id, entry| |
context[id] = entry[:subClassOf] |
end |
terms.each do |id, entry| |
next if entry[:@type] == '@null' |
context[id] = if [:@container, :@type].any? {|k| entry[k]} |
{'@id' => entry[:subClassOf]}. |
merge(entry[:@container] ? {'@container' => entry[:@container]} : {}). |
merge(entry[:@type] ? {'@type' => entry[:@type]} : {}) |
else |
entry[:subClassOf] |
end |
end |
classes.each do |id, entry| |
term = entry[:term] || id |
context[term] = namespaced(id) unless entry[:@type] == '@null' |
# Class definition |
node = { |
'@id' => namespaced(id), |
'@type' => 'rdfs:Class', |
'rdfs:label' => {"en" => entry[:label].to_s}, |
'rdfs:comment' => {"en" => entry[:comment].to_s}, |
} |
node['rdfs:subClassOf'] = namespaced(entry[:subClassOf]) if entry[:subClassOf] |
rdfs_classes << node |
end |
properties.each do |id, entry| |
defn = {"@id" => namespaced(id)} |
case entry[:range] |
when "xsd:string" then defn['@language'] = nil |
when /xsd:/ then defn['@type'] = entry[:range].split(',').first |
when nil, |
'rdfs:Literal' then ; |
else defn['@type'] = '@id' |
end |
defn['@container'] = entry[:@container] if entry[:@container] |
defn['@type'] = entry[:@type] if entry[:@type] |
term = entry[:term] || id |
context[term] = defn unless entry[:@type] == '@null' |
# Property definition |
node = { |
'@id' => namespaced(id), |
'@type' => 'rdf:Property', |
'rdfs:label' => {"en" => entry[:label].to_s}, |
'rdfs:comment' => {"en" => entry[:comment].to_s}, |
} |
node['rdfs:subPropertyOf'] = namespaced(entry[:subClassOf]) if entry[:subClassOf] |
domains = entry[:domain].to_s.split(',') |
case domains.length |
when 0 then ; |
when 1 then node['rdfs:domain'] = namespaced(domains.first) |
else node['rdfs:domain'] = {'owl:unionOf' => domains.map {|d| namespaced(d)}} |
end |
ranges = entry[:range].to_s.split(',') |
case ranges.length |
when 0 then ; |
when 1 then node['rdfs:range'] = namespaced(ranges.first) |
else node['rdfs:range'] = {'owl:unionOf' => ranges.map {|r| namespaced(r)}} |
end |
rdfs_properties << node |
end |
datatypes.each do |id, entry| |
context[id] = namespaced(id) unless entry[:@type] == '@null' |
# Datatype definition |
node = { |
'@id' => namespaced(id), |
'@type' => 'rdfs:Datatype', |
'rdfs:label' => {"en" => entry[:label].to_s}, |
'rdfs:comment' => {"en" => entry[:comment].to_s}, |
} |
node['rdfs:subClassOf'] = namespaced(entry[:subClassOf]) if entry[:subClassOf] |
rdfs_datatypes << node |
end |
instances.each do |id, entry| |
context[id] = namespaced(id) unless entry[:@type] == '@null' |
# Instance definition |
rdfs_instances << { |
'@id' => namespaced(id), |
'@type' => entry[:type], |
'rdfs:label' => {"en" => entry[:label].to_s}, |
'rdfs:comment' => {"en" => entry[:comment].to_s}, |
} |
end |
# Use separate rdfs context so as not to polute the context. |
ontology = { |
"@context" => rdfs_context, |
"@id" => prefixes["cred"][:subClassOf], |
"@type" => "owl:Ontology", |
"dc:title" => {"en" => TITLE}, |
"dc:description" => {"en" => DESCRIPTION}, |
"dc:date" => date, |
"owl:imports" => imports, |
#"owl:versionInfo" => commit, |
"rdfs:seeAlso" => seeAlso, |
"rdfs_classes" => rdfs_classes, |
"rdfs_properties" => rdfs_properties, |
"rdfs_datatypes" => rdfs_datatypes, |
"rdfs_instances" => rdfs_instances |
}.delete_if {|k,v| Array(v).empty?} |
{ |
"@context" => context, |
"@graph" => ontology |
}.to_json(JSON_STATE) |
end |
def to_html |
json = JSON.parse(to_jsonld) |
eruby = Erubis::Eruby.new(File.read("template.html")) |
eruby.result(ont: json['@graph'], context: json['@context']) |
end |
def to_ttl |
output = [] |
prefixes = { |
"dc" => {subClassOf: "http;//purl.org/dc/terms/"}, |
"owl" => {subClassOf: "http://www.w3.org/2002/07/owl#"}, |
"rdf" => {subClassOf: "http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#"}, |
"rdfs" => {subClassOf: "http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#"}, |
}.merge(@prefixes).dup |
prefixes.each {|id, entry| output << "@prefix #{id}: <#{entry[:subClassOf]}> ."} |
output << "\n# CSVM Ontology definition" |
output << "cred: a owl:Ontology;" |
output << %( dc:title "#{TITLE}"@en;) |
output << %( dc:description """#{DESCRIPTION}"""@en;) |
output << %( dc:date "#{date}"^^xsd:date;) |
output << %( dc:imports #{imports.map {|i| '<' + i + '>'}.join(", ")};) |
#output << %( owl:versionInfo <#{commit}>;) |
output << %( rdfs:seeAlso #{seeAlso.map {|i| '<' + i + '>'}.join(", ")};) |
output << "\n# Class definitions" unless @classes.empty? |
@classes.each do |id, entry| |
output << "cred:#{id} a rdfs:Class;" |
output << %( rdfs:label "#{entry[:label]}"@en;) |
output << %( rdfs:comment """#{entry[:comment]}"""@en;) |
output << %( rdfs:subClassOf #{namespaced(entry[:subClassOf])};) if entry[:subClassOf] |
output << %( rdfs:isDefinedBy cred: .) |
end |
output << "\n# Property definitions" unless @properties.empty? |
@properties.each do |id, entry| |
output << "cred:#{id} a rdf:Property;" |
output << %( rdfs:label "#{entry[:label]}"@en;) |
output << %( rdfs:comment """#{entry[:comment]}"""@en;) |
output << %( rdfs:subPropertyOf #{namespaced(entry[:subClassOf])};) if entry[:subClassOf] |
domains = entry[:domain].to_s.split(',') |
case domains.length |
when 0 then ; |
when 1 then output << %( rdfs:domain #{namespaced(entry[:domain])};) |
else |
output << %( rdfs:domain [ owl:unionOf (#{domains.map {|d| namespaced(d)}.join(' ')})];) |
end |
ranges = entry[:range].to_s.split(',') |
case ranges.length |
when 0 then ; |
when 1 then output << %( rdfs:range #{namespaced(entry[:range])};) |
else |
output << %( rdfs:range [ owl:unionOf (#{ranges.map {|d| namespaced(d)}.join(' ')})];) |
end |
output << %( rdfs:isDefinedBy cred: .) |
end |
output << "\n# Datatype definitions" unless @datatypes.empty? |
@datatypes.each do |id, entry| |
output << "cred:#{id} a rdfs:Datatype;" |
output << %( rdfs:label "#{entry[:label]}"@en;) |
output << %( rdfs:comment """#{entry[:comment]}"""@en;) |
output << %( rdfs:subClassOf #{namespaced(entry[:subClassOf])};) if entry[:subClassOf] |
output << %( rdfs:isDefinedBy cred: .) |
end |
output << "\n# Instance definitions" unless @instances.empty? |
@instances.each do |id, entry| |
output << "cred:#{id} a #{namespaced(entry[:type])};" |
output << %( rdfs:label "#{entry[:label]}"@en;) |
output << %( rdfs:comment """#{entry[:comment]}"""@en;) |
output << %( rdfs:isDefinedBy cred: .) |
end |
output.join("\n") |
end |
end |
options = { |
output: $stdout |
} |
OPT_ARGS = [ |
["--format", "-f", GetoptLong::REQUIRED_ARGUMENT,"Output format, default #{options[:format].inspect}"], |
["--output", "-o", GetoptLong::REQUIRED_ARGUMENT,"Output to the specified file path"], |
["--quiet", GetoptLong::NO_ARGUMENT, "Supress most output other than progress indicators"], |
["--help", "-?", GetoptLong::NO_ARGUMENT, "This message"] |
] |
def usage |
STDERR.puts %{Usage: #{$0} [options] URL ...} |
width = OPT_ARGS.map do |o| |
l = o.first.length |
l += o[1].length + 2 if o[1].is_a?(String) |
l |
end.max |
OPT_ARGS.each do |o| |
s = " %-*s " % [width, (o[1].is_a?(String) ? "#{o[0,2].join(', ')}" : o[0])] |
s += o.last |
STDERR.puts s |
end |
exit(1) |
end |
opts = GetoptLong.new(*OPT_ARGS.map {|o| o[0..-2]}) |
opts.each do |opt, arg| |
case opt |
when '--format' then options[:format] = arg.to_sym |
when '--output' then options[:output] = File.open(arg, "w") |
when '--quiet' then options[:quiet] = true |
when '--help' then usage |
end |
end |
vocab = Vocab.new |
case options[:format] |
when :jsonld then options[:output].puts(vocab.to_jsonld) |
when :ttl then options[:output].puts(vocab.to_ttl) |
when :html then options[:output].puts(vocab.to_html) |
else |
[:jsonld, :ttl, :html].each do |format| |
fn = {jsonld: "credentials.jsonld", ttl: "credentials.ttl", html: "credentials.html"}[format] |
File.open(fn, "w") do |output| |
output.puts(vocab.send("to_#{format}".to_sym)) |
end |
end |
end |