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Created September 18, 2019 06:10
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C# Result type
public interface IResult
bool WasSuccessful { get; }
string[] Errors { get; }
bool WasFailure { get; }
public class Result : IResult
private string[] _errors;
private Result()
public bool WasSuccessful { get; private set; }
public bool WasFailure
get { return !WasSuccessful; }
public string[] Errors
get { return _errors.ToArray(); }
public string ErrorString
get { return string.Join(Environment.NewLine, _errors); }
public static Result Failed(params string[] errors)
return new Result() { _errors = errors.ToArray() };
public static Result Failed(params IResult[] becauseOf)
return new Result() { _errors = becauseOf.SelectMany(b => b.Errors).ToArray() };
public static Result Success()
return new Result() { WasSuccessful = true };
public static Result From(params Result[] results)
var failed = results.Where(r => !r.WasSuccessful).ToArray();
if (failed.Length == 0) return Result.Success();
return Result.Failed(failed.SelectMany(f => f.Errors).ToArray());
public class Result<T> : IResult
private T _value;
private string[] _errors;
private Result()
public bool WasSuccessful { get; private set; }
public string[] Errors
get { return _errors != null ? _errors.ToArray() : null; }
public string ErrorString
get { return _errors != null ? string.Join(Environment.NewLine, _errors) : null; }
public T Value
if (!WasSuccessful) throw new Exception("No value as the operation was not successful");
return _value;
public bool WasFailure
get { return !WasSuccessful; }
public static Result<T> Failed()
return new Result<T>() { _errors = new string[0] };
public static Result<T> Failed(params string[] errors)
return new Result<T>() { _errors = errors.ToArray() };
public static Result<T> Failed(params IResult[] becauseOf)
return new Result<T>() { _errors = becauseOf.SelectMany(b => b.Errors).ToArray() };
public static Result<T> Success(T value)
return new Result<T>() { WasSuccessful = true, _value = value };
public static implicit operator Result<T>(T value)
return Success(value);
public static implicit operator T(Result<T> result)
return result.Value;
public T ValueOr(T def)
return WasSuccessful ? Value : def;
public override string ToString()
return WasSuccessful ? "" + Value : ErrorString;
public static Result<T> From<TIn>(Result<TIn> result) where TIn : T
return result.WasSuccessful ? Success(result.Value) : Failed(result);
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