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Last active March 9, 2025 02:54
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  • Save glasslion/b2fcad16bc8a9630dbd7a945ab5ebf5e to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save glasslion/b2fcad16bc8a9630dbd7a945ab5ebf5e to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
This script convert youtube subtitle file(vtt) to plain text.
Convert YouTube subtitles(vtt) to human readable text.
Download only subtitles from YouTube with youtube-dl:
youtube-dl --skip-download --convert-subs vtt <video_url>
Note that default subtitle format provided by YouTube is ass, which is hard
to process with simple regex. Luckily youtube-dl can convert ass to vtt, which
is easier to process.
To conver all vtt files inside a directory:
find . -name "*.vtt" -exec python {} \;
import sys
import re
def remove_tags(text):
Remove vtt markup tags
tags = [
for pat in tags:
text = re.sub(pat, '', text)
# extract timestamp, only kep HH:MM
text = re.sub(
r'(\d{2}:\d{2}):\d{2}\.\d{3} --> .* align:start position:0%',
text = re.sub(r'^\s+$', '', text, flags=re.MULTILINE)
return text
def remove_header(lines):
Remove vtt file header
pos = -1
for mark in ('##', 'Language: en',):
if mark in lines:
pos = lines.index(mark)
lines = lines[pos+1:]
return lines
def merge_duplicates(lines):
Remove duplicated subtitles. Duplacates are always adjacent.
last_timestamp = ''
last_cap = ''
for line in lines:
if line == "":
if re.match('^\d{2}:\d{2}$', line):
if line != last_timestamp:
yield line
last_timestamp = line
if line != last_cap:
yield line
last_cap = line
def merge_short_lines(lines):
buffer = ''
for line in lines:
if line == "" or re.match('^\d{2}:\d{2}$', line):
yield '\n' + line
if len(line+buffer) < 80:
buffer += ' ' + line
yield buffer.strip()
buffer = line
yield buffer
def main():
vtt_file_name = sys.argv[1]
txt_name = re.sub(r'.vtt$', '.txt', vtt_file_name)
with open(vtt_file_name) as f:
text =
text = remove_tags(text)
lines = text.splitlines()
lines = remove_header(lines)
lines = merge_duplicates(lines)
lines = list(lines)
lines = merge_short_lines(lines)
lines = list(lines)
with open(txt_name, 'w') as f:
for line in lines:
if __name__ == "__main__":
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Should it work with Japanese files?

Error message:

C:\Video\YouTube\Benjiro\Subtitles>python c:\tools\bin\ Kensuke1.ja.vtt
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "c:\tools\bin\", line 110, in
File "c:\tools\bin\", line 93, in main
text =
File "C:\Users\JohnT\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python39\lib\encodings\", line 23, in decode
return codecs.charmap_decode(input,self.errors,decoding_table)[0]
UnicodeDecodeError: 'charmap' codec can't decode byte 0x81 in position 93: character maps to

Small file for testing:

Kind: captions
Language: ja

00:00:00.500 --> 00:00:03.260 align:start position:0%


00:00:03.260 --> 00:00:03.270 align:start position:0%

00:00:03.270 --> 00:00:04.730 align:start position:0%

00:00:04.730 --> 00:00:04.740 align:start position:0%

00:00:04.740 --> 00:00:07.670 align:start position:0%

00:00:07.670 --> 00:00:07.680 align:start position:0%

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jtsoftware can you post url of example from youtube (Kensuke1.ja) ?

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Here's the Kensuke1 video:


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Thank you for the script. I want to add one feature in it, for analyzing time gaps between sentences. For example, if one sentence takes 5second, then put full-stop, vice versa for all text.
Let me know, if anyone has ideas or script fit this.

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ghost commented Mar 11, 2021

thank you, good script

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FYI: Here is a different approach inspired by this script. I needed to download a autogenerated transcript which at least my version of ytdl was not downloading. Also check spelling of words, so you have to change it for your target language.

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totoLab commented Jun 2, 2021

# extract timestamp, only kep HH:MM
How are you obtaining this behavior? I ask because I wanted to remove these timestamps too, but I couldn't figure out how.

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wankio commented Jun 25, 2021

dont know if it can convert this into timed words , tried everything but it converted the whole lines

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does doenload os subtitles any longer work? youtube-dl -o ytdl-subs --skip-download --write-sub --sub-format vtt has no effect - not text fiels written.

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freeload101 commented Sep 27, 2021

does doenload os subtitles any longer work? youtube-dl -o ytdl-subs --skip-download --write-sub --sub-format vtt has no effect - not text fiels written.

I had to youtube-dl --write-auto-sub --convert-subs=srt --skip-download URL

see also WIP

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dugsmith137 commented Oct 30, 2021 via email

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when i run this with the asterisk, the program only converts one file. not all of them.

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freeload101 commented Nov 9, 2021

when i run this with the asterisk, the program only converts one file. not all of them.

use a for loop ? or

find . -iname "*.vtt" -exec python '{}' \;


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find . -iname "*.vtt" -exec python '{}' \;

how do I run this? sorry I'm still learning, I feel like a script kiddie

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find . -iname "*.vtt" -exec python '{}' \;

how do I run this? sorry I'm still learning, I feel like a script kiddie

Well you know what a script kiddie is so your 1/2 way there! Not sure this is the place to have this conversation so hit me up on Discord operat0r#1379 or 404.647.4250

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xloem commented Dec 1, 2021

@claudchereji it's a script for a linux terminal . it also not hard to modify the python script so as to handle multiple files.

I had trouble with international characters using this script with python3 (works with python2). seems youtube doesn't use utf-8 for everything. passing encoding='iso-8859-1' to preserve bytes when opening the vtt file fixed this for me. i plan to fork the gist.

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xloem commented Dec 1, 2021

My fork is at . This fork handles unexpected encodings and multiple vtt files (@claudchereji ). If people work on this further I request somebody make a git repository for it to track the work.

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Kudos for the awesome work. Just a question, how do I make it such that it removes the time stamp altogether. I don't even want the HH:MM.

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xloem commented Dec 16, 2021

It looks like timestamp output is produced by line 66 in this file (yield line after matching a time format), not sure.

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Arkohub commented Jun 28, 2022

I am also seeking a way to remove the timestamp. I'm very new to python so I am struggling to follow where I can tweak the code without breaking it. But I think it's falling off somewhere because it's removing duplicates. I tried making another def later on with re.sub but no dice.

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vuslatx commented Jul 25, 2022

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haazy commented Nov 9, 2022

Alternative is

Working great.

This looks like what I want but I am not sure of how to use it.

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Alternative is
Working great.

This looks like what I want but I am not sure of how to use it.

if you want to join me on a Stream we can walk though it and record podcast/video for ! just hit me up sometime

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gala8y commented Jan 11, 2023

Thanks a lot for the script @glasslion.

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Just found out this script after I made this one:

Might be of help to some.

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Would a command-line tool with interface below be welcome?

yt-text bZ6pA--F3D4 > subtitles.txt

or better with full URL?

yt-text > subtitles.txt

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ibrahimkettaneh commented Jan 26, 2024

Would a command-line tool with interface below be welcome?

yt-text bZ6pA--F3D4 > subtitles.txt

or better with full URL?

yt-text > subtitles.txt

Yes, it would be 😁

EDIT: For anyone interested,

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Hi everyone, wrapped this script here:

Sample usage:

from justsubs import Video

subs = Video("KzWS7gJX5Z8").subtitles(language="en-uYU-mmqFLq8")

It seems simply "en" does not work, need "en-uYU-mmqFLq8".

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Also pip install justsubs should work

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For YouTube subtitles, there were some timestamps and metadata remaining while using the script.

I've fixed it here:

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