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glaucocustodio / disable_with_controller.js
Last active February 14, 2025 17:43
a Stimulus controller to disable elements on click since Rails 7.0 has dropped UJS (so `data-disable-with` is no longer available)
import { Controller } from '@hotwired/stimulus'
Disable a button when it is clicked
Ps: Rails 7.0 has dropped UJS, so `data-disable-with` is no longer available
Example usage:
= button_to 'Confirm', foo_path, method: :post, class: "btn btn-warning", data: {controller: 'disable-with', 'disable-with-content-value' => 'Confirming...'}
glaucocustodio / short_variable_name.rb
Created July 10, 2024 14:20
custom rubocop cop for checking if variable names are too short
# frozen_string_literal: true
# put this file at .rubocop/cop/naming/short_variable_name.rb
# then ensure you have the following in .rubocop.yml:
# require:
# - .rubocop/cop/naming/short_variable_name.rb
# Naming/ShortVariableName:
# Enabled: true
glaucocustodio / redundant_require_rails_helper.rb
Last active July 10, 2024 14:02
custom rubocop cop for checking if spec files include `require 'rails_helper'`
# frozen_string_literal: true
# put this file at .rubocop/cop/rspec/redundant_require_rails_helper.rb
# then ensure you have the following in .rubocop.yml:
# require:
# - .rubocop/cop/rspec/redundant_require_rails_helper.rb
# RSpec/RedundantRequireRailsHelper:
# Enabled: true
glaucocustodio / job_debouncer.rb
Last active September 15, 2023 20:33
ActiveJob debouncer
# app/jobs/job_debouncer.rb
module JobDebouncer
extend ActiveSupport::Concern
class_methods do
def perform_later_once(*args, wait_time: 15.seconds)
job_key = "job_debouncer_#{self}_#{args}"
return if Rails.cache.exist?(job_key)
glaucocustodio /
Last active August 8, 2021 19:29
Auto formatting changed Ruby files with Standard


Create a git pre commit hook and give it permission to execute:

touch .git/hooks/pre-commit && chmod +x .git/hooks/pre-commit
glaucocustodio / fixed_thread_pool_example.rb
Last active March 29, 2022 09:28
FixedThreadPool / Concurrent::Future usage example (concurrent-ruby gem)
# For more:
num_threads = Concurrent.processor_count # or whatever you prefer like 4
thread_pool =
products = Product.all
executors = { |product|
Concurrent::Future.execute({executor: thread_pool}) do
p "processing #{}"
glaucocustodio / normalization.rb
Last active June 11, 2021 16:57
Implements 3 types of normalization in ruby
class Array
# Few types of normalizations
def normalize
return if self.empty?
x_min, x_max = self.minmax
dx = (x_max-x_min).to_f
glaucocustodio / client.rb
Last active December 29, 2020 17:20
Fire and forget http request with em-http-request ruby gem
# You just need to set inactivity_timeout = 0.1 (or any other low number except zero).
# It will trigger the request and wait only 0.1 second for the response. You don't need to define the callbacks as well.
# Example code below:
require 'bundler/inline'
gemfile do
source ''
gem "em-http-request"
glaucocustodio / br_money_type.rb
Last active July 31, 2024 12:05
brazilian currency formating (Ruby on Rails - attributes api)
# app/types/br_money_type.rb
class BrMoneyType < ActiveRecord::Type::Decimal
def cast(value)
value.is_a?(String) ? value.clean_money : value
def deserialize(value)
value ? value.to_f : value
glaucocustodio / hash_based.rb
Last active April 20, 2018 18:01
Surrealist gem extension
class HashBased
include Surrealist
extend Schema
attr_reader :hash
def initialize(hash = {})
@hash = hash.deep_symbolize_keys