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Angular hustler

Gleb Mikheev glebmachine

Angular hustler
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JohnyDeath / Установка Outline VPN на Ubuntu
Created March 4, 2022 19:36 — forked from YPermitin/Установка Outline VPN на Ubuntu
Инструкция по развертыванию собственного VPN-сервиса на базе Outline VPN

Установка Outline VPN на Ubuntu 20.04

Outline VPN - это бесплатный инструмент с открытым исходным кодом, позволяющий развернуть собственную VPN на Вашем собственном сервере или на машине облачного провайдера. Подробную информацию Вы можете узнать здесь и здесь.

В своем составе имеет как графические инструменты, так и средства работы через командную строку. Позволяет использовать VPN как на настольных компьютерах, так и на мобильных устройствах.

Прежде чем начать

Вам нужен сервер. Да, его нужно арендовать, учитывая его местоположение. Например, если Вам нужно получать доступ к ресурсам, которые недоступны в текущем местоположении, но доступны, например, в Канаде, то смело арендуйте виртуальную машину в AWS, Digital Ocean или любом другом месте.

irustm /
Last active April 8, 2024 09:47
Angular vs React

На случай важных переговоров

[11.01.18 18:47] [Forwarded from Алексей Охрименко]

  1. Google, Microsoft
  2. Typescript из коробки
  3. Единственный вреймворк с Dependency Injection из коробки
  4. Не нужно ничего React-ить и AngularJS-ифаить. Больше никаких оберток. jQuery плагины и D3 можно использовать на прямую
  5. Более современный фреймворк
obenjiro /
Last active July 30, 2024 11:07
ДАААА!!! ML на JavaScript! Но зачем?
LayZeeDK / app.component.ts
Last active October 28, 2019 19:45
Bootstrapping an Angular Ivy component
import { Component, OnInit } from '@angular/core';
selector: 'ivy-app',
template: `
Hello, {{name}}!
alxhub /
Last active April 24, 2020 07:26
NGSW Documentation Draft (full)

What are Service Workers (and why might you want one)?

Service Workers are a new technology in modern web browsers. They augment the normal web deployment model and empower applications to deliver reliability and performance on par with natively installed code.

Service Workers have many different capabilities, but the most important is their function as a network proxy. They intercept all outgoing HTTP requests made by the application and can choose how to respond to them. For example, they can query a local cache and deliver a cached response if one is available. Proxying isn't limited to requests made through programmatic APIs (such as fetch), but includes resources referenced in HTML and even the initial request to index.html itself. Service Worker-based caching is thus completely programmable, and doesn't rely on server-specified caching headers.

Unlike the other scripts which make up an application (such as the Angular app bundle), the Service Worker is preserved after the user closes the tab. T

btroncone /
Last active January 24, 2025 10:03
A Comprehensive Introduction to @ngrx/store - Companion to Series

Comprehensive Introduction to @ngrx/store

By: @BTroncone

Also check out my lesson @ngrx/store in 10 minutes on!

Update: Non-middleware examples have been updated to ngrx/store v2. More coming soon!

Table of Contents

paulirish /
Last active March 1, 2025 05:48
What forces layout/reflow. The comprehensive list.

What forces layout / reflow

All of the below properties or methods, when requested/called in JavaScript, will trigger the browser to synchronously calculate the style and layout*. This is also called reflow or layout thrashing, and is common performance bottleneck.

Generally, all APIs that synchronously provide layout metrics will trigger forced reflow / layout. Read on for additional cases and details.

Element APIs

Getting box metrics
  • elem.offsetLeft, elem.offsetTop, elem.offsetWidth, elem.offsetHeight, elem.offsetParent
6174 / Random-string
Created July 23, 2013 13:36
Generate a random string in JavaScript In a short and fast way!
Math.random().toString(36).substring(2, 15) + Math.random().toString(36).substring(2, 15);
juliocesar / best-localStorage-polyfill-evar.js
Created April 18, 2011 23:19
This is the best localStorage polyfill in the world
// I mean, seriously, localStorage is supported even by your mum. How about instead of
// casing the feature out, you give users in-memory (stale) storage instead?
// If they close your application, they deserve to lose data anyway.
// if (!('localStorage' in window)) {
if (!Modernizr.localstorage) {
window.localStorage = {
_data : {},
setItem : function(id, val) { return this._data[id] = String(val); },
getItem : function(id) { return this._data.hasOwnProperty(id) ? this._data[id] : undefined; },
katylava /
Last active February 27, 2024 10:18
git selective merge

Update 2022: git checkout -p <other-branch> is basically a shortcut for all this.

FYI This was written in 2010, though I guess people still find it useful at least as of 2021. I haven't had to do it ever again, so if it goes out of date I probably won't know.

Example: You have a branch refactor that is quite different from master. You can't merge all of the commits, or even every hunk in any single commit or master will break, but you have made a lot of improvements there that you would like to bring over to master.

Note: This will not preserve the original change authors. Only use if necessary, or if you don't mind losing that information, or if you are only merging your own work.