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Forked from bokner/digest_auth.erl
Created April 11, 2010 14:31
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%% Author: bokner ([email protected])
%% Created: Apr 10, 2010
%% Description: HTTP digest authentication
%% Note: the code follows particular explanation given on Wikipedia.
%% Disclaimer: Use on your own risk. The author disclaims any liability
%% with regard to using this code.
%% Include files
%% Exported Functions
%% API Functions
%% Does digest authentication.
%% Callback function passes an authorization header and a URL,
%% to make it possible to construct consequent http request with proper authorization.
%% For example:
%% AuthCallback = fun(AuthHeader, URL) ->
%% http:request(post, {URL, [{"Authorization", AuthHeader}], "application/x-www-form-urlencoded",
%% Body)}, [], [])
%% end,
%% digest_auth:auth("", "POST", "user_name", "password", AuthCallback).
%% Note: I assume that initial request can be made using GET. It seems logical, because it doesn't have to submit any data. The service I was testing the code on does just this,
%% event though consequent requests must be made with POST. Hence second argument (i.e. Method) refers to a method for consequent request, not for initial request.
%% Note: HTTP method names are case sensitive. Because this code doesn't imply using any particular HTTP client
%% for consequent request, I don't see the way to enforce proper method name. So when you write your callback
%% function, you have to make sure that the method name used by your http client logically corresponds
%% to the one passed to auth/5, which always have to be a capitalized name, like "POST" or "GET".
%% Looking at the example above, string "POST" is used for a method name, while http:request/4 specifies
%% method as atom 'post'.
auth(URL, Method, User, Password, AuthCallback) ->
{http, _, _, _, DigestURI, _} = http_uri:parse(URL),
{ok, {{_, ResponseCode, _},
_Response}} = http:request(get, {URL, []}, [], []),
case ResponseCode of
401 ->
AuthorizationHeader = buildAuthHeader(DigestURI, Method, User, Password, Fields),
AuthCallback(AuthorizationHeader, URL);
_ ->
{error, noAuthentication}
buildAuthHeader(URI, Method, User, Password, Fields) ->
{Realm, Nonce, Nc, CNonce, Response, Opaque} =
calcResponse(Fields, User, Password, URI, Method, "0000000000000000"),
lists:flatten(io_lib:format("Digest username=\"~s\",realm=\"~s\",nonce=\"~s\",uri=\"~s\",qop=auth,nc=~s,cnonce=\"~s\",response=\"~s\",opaque=\"~s\"",
[User, Realm, Nonce, URI, Nc, CNonce, Response, Opaque])).
calcResponse(Fields, User, Password, URI, Method, Nc) ->
DigestLine = proplists:get_value("www-authenticate", Fields),
[$D, $i, $g, $e, $s, $t, $ | DigestParamsStr] = DigestLine,
DigestParams =
lists:map(fun(T) -> [Name, Value] = string:tokens(T, "="), {Name, string:strip(Value, both, $")} end, string:tokens(DigestParamsStr, ",")),
%% Calculate digest
Realm = proplists:get_value("realm", DigestParams),
Opaque = proplists:get_value("opaque", DigestParams),
Nonce = proplists:get_value("nonce", DigestParams),
CNonce = hex(integer_to_list(erlang:trunc(random:uniform()*10000000000000000))),
Qop = proplists:get_value("qop", DigestParams),
Response = calc_response(Method, User, Password, URI, Realm, Opaque, Nonce, Nc, CNonce, Qop),
{Realm, Nonce, Nc, CNonce, Response, Opaque}.
calc_response(Method, User, Password, URI, Realm, Opaque, Nonce, Nc, CNonce, Qop) ->
HA1 = hex(binary_to_list(crypto:md5( string:join([User, Realm, Password], ":")))),
HA2 = hex(binary_to_list(crypto:md5( string:join([Method, URI], ":")))),
io:format("HA1:~p~n", [HA1]),
io:format("HA2:~p~n", [HA2]),
%HA1 result, server nonce (nonce), request counter (nc), client nonce (cnonce), quality of protection code (qop) and HA2 result is calculated.
Step3Arg = HA1 ++ ":" ++
Nonce ++ ":" ++
Nc ++ ":" ++
CNonce ++ ":" ++
Qop ++ ":" ++
io:format("3rd step:~p~n", [Step3Arg]),
hex(binary_to_list(crypto:md5( Step3Arg))).
%% Implements example of digest response calculation from Wikipedia
%% (
test_calc_response() ->
io:format("Proper response is: 6629fae49393a05397450978507c4ef1~n"),
calc_response("GET", "Mufasa", "Circle Of Life", "/dir/index.html", "[email protected]", "5ccc069c403ebaf9f0171e9517f40e41", "dcd98b7102dd2f0e8b11d0f600bfb0c093", "00000001","0a4f113b", "auth").
%% Local Functions
%% @hidden
digit_to_xchar(D) when (D >= 0) and (D < 10) ->
D + 48;
digit_to_xchar(D) ->
D + 87.
hex(S) ->
hex(S, []).
hex([], Res) ->
hex([N | Ns], Res) ->
hex(Ns, [digit_to_xchar(N rem 16),
digit_to_xchar(N div 16) | Res]).
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