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Created November 14, 2018 05:38
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$Script:PuppetConsoleURI = '' # e.g. '';
$Script:PuppetConsoleUsername = 'username';
$Script:PuppetConsolePassword = 'password' # Cleartext
Function Get-PuppetLoginToken() {
$body = @{
'username' = $Script:PuppetConsoleUsername;
'password' = $Script:PuppetConsolePassword;
'redirect' = '/'
$sv = $null
$contentType = 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'
$result = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri "$($Script:PuppetConsoleURI)/auth/login" -ContentType $contentType `
-Method Post -Body $body -SessionVariable sv -SkipCertificateCheck
$body = $null
$token = $null
$result.Headers.'Set-Cookie' | % {
if ($_.SubString(0,8) -eq 'pl_ssti=') { $token = ($_.SubString(8) -split ';',2)[0]}
$sv.Headers.Add('X-Authentication', $Token + '|no_keepalive')
$script:PuppetRequestSession = $sv
Function Script:Invoke-PuppetRequest($URI, $Method = 'GET', $Body = $null) {
$iwrArgs = @{
'URI' = "$($Script:PuppetConsoleURI)$URI";
'Method' = $Method;
'WebSession' = $script:PuppetRequestSession;
'UseBasicParsing' = $true;
if ($Body -ne $null) { $iwrArgs.Add('Body', $Body) }
$oldPreference = $progressPreference
$progressPreference = 'SilentlyContinue'
$result = Invoke-WebRequest @iwrArgs -SkipCertificateCheck
$progressPreference = $oldPreference
Return $result.Content
Function Get-AllPuppetNodes()
$obj = New-Object -TypeName System.Collections.ArrayList
# Only fetch up to 2000 nodes
$Maximum = 2000
# Get 100 nodes at a time
$OffsetBlock = 100
$offset = 0
$returnedObjects = 0
Write-Progress -Activity 'Loading Nodes' -PercentComplete 0
$body = @{
'filter' = (@{} | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 5);
'limit' = $OffsetBlock;
'offset' = $offset;
do {
$body.offset = $offset;
$result = (Invoke-PuppetRequest -URI '/api/cm/nodes' -Body $body | ConvertFrom-JSON)
$totalNodes = $
if ($totalNodes -le 1) { $totalNodes = $Maximum }
Write-Progress -Activity 'Loading Nodes' -PercentComplete ($offset/$totalNodes * 100)
$returnedObjects = 0
$result.'cm/nodes' | % {
Write-Output $_
$returnedObjects = $returnedObjects + 1
$offset = $offset + $OffsetBlock
} while (($returnedObjects -eq $OffsetBlock) -and ($obj.Count -le $Maximum))
Write-Progress -Activity 'Loading Nodes' -Completed
# Useful stuff is here ----v
Get-AllPuppetNodes | ? { ($_.Status -eq 'unreported') -or ($_.Status -eq 'failure') -or ($_.ReportedAt -lt (Get-Date).AddDays(-5)) }
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