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Last active March 7, 2016 17:20
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Automated testing for MSIs on VM Pooler for PA-231
SET COMP=<poolername>
SET UNAME=administrator
SET PWD=<password>
NET USE \\%COMP%\c$ /user:%UNAME% %PWD%
ECHO Copying data...
robocopy /mir /s /e /Copy:DAT /R:1 /w:1 "%~dp0." "\\%COMP%\C$\TEST-5769"
ECHO --------------------------------------------------
psexec \\%COMP% -u %UNAME% -p %PWD% powershell -NoProfile -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Command "iex ((new-object net.webclient).DownloadString(''))" && SET PATH=%PATH%;%ALLUSERSPROFILE%\chocolatey\bin
psexec \\%COMP% -u %UNAME% -p %PWD% choco install pester -y
psexec \\%COMP% -u %UNAME% -p %PWD% powershell "& { Import-Module Pester; Invoke-Pester -Strict -EnableExit -Path C:\TEST-5769\tests }"
REM NET USE \\%COMP%\c$ /d
$DebugPreference = "SilentlyContinue"
$here = Split-Path -Parent $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Definition
$src = Resolve-Path -Path "$($here)\.."
$here = Split-Path -Parent $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path
$common = Join-Path -Path $here 'Common.ps1'
. $common
$oldMSI = "$src\puppet-agent-1.3.1-x64.msi"
$newMSI = "$src\puppet-agent-"
function Install-MSI($msiPath,$cmdArgs = @()) {
if ($msiPath -eq $oldMSI) { Write-Host "Installing Old MSI" -ForegroundColor Yellow }
if ($msiPath -eq $newMSI) { Write-Host "Installing New MSI" -ForegroundColor Yellow }
$result = Start-Process -FilePath 'C:\Windows\System32\msiexec.exe' -Wait -NoNewWindow -PassThru `
-ArgumentList ( @('/i',$msiPath,'/qn','REBOOT=ReallySuppress','ALLUSERS=1','/l*v','C:\Test-5769\install-msi.log','PUPPET_AGENT_STARTUP_MODE=Manual') + $cmdArgs)
Write-Host "Exit Code $($result.ExitCode)" -ForegroundColor Yellow
Write-Output $result.ExitCode
function Uninstall-MSI($msiPath,$nocleanup=$false, $cmdArgs = @()) {
if ($msiPath -eq $oldMSI) { Write-Host "Uninstalling Old MSI" -ForegroundColor Yellow }
if ($msiPath -eq $newMSI) { Write-Host "Uninstalling New MSI" -ForegroundColor Yellow }
$result = Start-Process -FilePath 'C:\Windows\System32\msiexec.exe' -Wait -NoNewWindow -PassThru `
-ArgumentList ( @('/x',$msiPath,'/qn','REBOOT=ReallySuppress','ALLUSERS=1','/l*v','C:\Test-5769\uninstall-msi.log') + $cmdArgs)
Write-Host "Exit Code $($result.ExitCode)" -ForegroundColor Yellow
if (-not $nocleanup) {
Write-Host "Cleaning up after the pup install" -ForegroundColor Yellow
& cmd.exe /c RD "C:\ProgramData\PuppetLabs" /s /q
& cmd.exe /c RD "C:\Program Files\Puppet Labs" /s /q
Remove-Item -Path 'HKLM:\Software\Wow6432Node\Puppet Labs' -Recurse -ErrorAction 'SilentlyContinue' | out-Null
Write-Host "Cleaning completed" -ForegroundColor Yellow
Write-Output $result.ExitCode
function Invoke-CleanEverything {
Get-Service -Name 'puppet' -ErrorAction 'SilentlyContinue' | % { & cmd.exe /c sc stop puppet }
$result = Uninstall-MSI -MSIPath $newMSI $true
$result = Uninstall-MSI -MSIPath $oldMSI
function Get-PuppetConfig {
$hash = @{}
Get-Content "C:\ProgramData\PuppetLabs\puppet\etc\puppet.conf" | % {
if ($matches -ne $null) { $matches.Clear() }
if ($_ -match '(.+)=(.+)') {
$hash."$($matches[1])" = "$($matches[2])"
Write-Output $hash
Describe "Plain Install - New MSI" {
It "Uses defaults if nothing specified" {
$result = Install-MSI -MSIPath $newMSI
$result | Should Be 0
(Get-PuppetConfig).server | Should Be 'puppet'
It "Uses specified MSI exec properties" {
$result = Install-MSI -MSIPath $newMSI -cmdArgs @('PUPPET_MASTER_SERVER=beforeserver','PUPPET_CA_SERVER=beforecaserver','PUPPET_AGENT_CERTNAME=beforecertname','PUPPET_AGENT_ENVIRONMENT=beforeenv')
$result | Should Be 0
(Get-PuppetConfig).server | Should Be 'beforeserver'
(Get-PuppetConfig).ca_server | Should Be 'beforecaserver'
(Get-PuppetConfig).certname | Should Be 'beforecertname'
(Get-PuppetConfig).environment | Should Be 'beforeenv'
Describe "Upgrade" {
It "Uses specified MSI exec properties in old MSI as part of the upgrade" {
$result = Install-MSI -MSIPath $oldMSI -cmdArgs @('PUPPET_MASTER_SERVER=beforeserver','PUPPET_CA_SERVER=beforecaserver','PUPPET_AGENT_CERTNAME=beforecertname','PUPPET_AGENT_ENVIRONMENT=beforeenv')
$result | Should Be 0
$result = Uninstall-MSI -MSIPath $oldMSI -nocleanup $true
$result | Should Be 0
$result = Install-MSI -MSIPath $newMSI
$result | Should Be 0
(Get-PuppetConfig).server | Should Be 'beforeserver'
(Get-PuppetConfig).ca_server | Should Be 'beforecaserver'
(Get-PuppetConfig).certname | Should Be 'beforecertname'
(Get-PuppetConfig).environment | Should Be 'beforeenv'
It "Supports msi upgrade" {
$result = Install-MSI -MSIPath $oldMSI -cmdArgs @('PUPPET_MASTER_SERVER=beforeserver','PUPPET_CA_SERVER=beforecaserver','PUPPET_AGENT_CERTNAME=beforecertname','PUPPET_AGENT_ENVIRONMENT=beforeenv')
$result | Should Be 0
$result = Install-MSI -MSIPath $newMSI
$result | Should Be 0
(Get-PuppetConfig).server | Should Be 'beforeserver'
(Get-PuppetConfig).ca_server | Should Be 'beforecaserver'
(Get-PuppetConfig).certname | Should Be 'beforecertname'
(Get-PuppetConfig).environment | Should Be 'beforeenv'
It "Uses specified settings in puppet.conf" {
$result = Install-MSI -MSIPath $oldMSI -cmdArgs @('PUPPET_MASTER_SERVER=beforeserver','PUPPET_CA_SERVER=beforecaserver','PUPPET_AGENT_CERTNAME=beforecertname','PUPPET_AGENT_ENVIRONMENT=beforeenv')
$result | Should Be 0
"@ | Out-File "C:\ProgramData\PuppetLabs\puppet\etc\puppet.conf" -Encoding 'ASCII' | Out-Null
$result = Install-MSI -MSIPath $newMSI
$result | Should Be 0
(Get-PuppetConfig).server | Should Be 'confserver'
(Get-PuppetConfig).ca_server | Should Be 'confcaserver'
(Get-PuppetConfig).certname | Should Be 'confcertname'
(Get-PuppetConfig).environment | Should Be 'confenv'
It "Ignores previous settings if specified in the new MSI" {
$result = Install-MSI -MSIPath $oldMSI -cmdArgs @('PUPPET_MASTER_SERVER=beforeserver','PUPPET_CA_SERVER=beforecaserver','PUPPET_AGENT_CERTNAME=beforecertname','PUPPET_AGENT_ENVIRONMENT=beforeenv')
$result | Should Be 0
$result = Uninstall-MSI -MSIPath $oldMSI -nocleanup $true
$result | Should Be 0
$result = Install-MSI -MSIPath $newMSI -cmdArgs @('PUPPET_MASTER_SERVER=newserver','PUPPET_CA_SERVER=newcaserver','PUPPET_AGENT_CERTNAME=newcertname','PUPPET_AGENT_ENVIRONMENT=newenv')
$result | Should Be 0
(Get-PuppetConfig).server | Should Be 'newserver'
(Get-PuppetConfig).ca_server | Should Be 'newcaserver'
(Get-PuppetConfig).certname | Should Be 'newcertname'
(Get-PuppetConfig).environment | Should Be 'newenv'
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