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Created December 15, 2015 04:01
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Multi-select in Xamarin in Forms
using System;
using System.Linq;
using Xamarin.Forms;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
namespace SampleApp
// Inherit from this page to get a multi-select option in XF
public class SelectMultipleBasePage<T> : ContentPage
public class WrappedSelection<T> : INotifyPropertyChanged
public T Item { get; set; }
bool isSelected = false;
public bool IsSelected {
get {
return isSelected;
if (isSelected != value) {
isSelected = value;
PropertyChanged (this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs (nameof (IsSelected)));
public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged = delegate {};
public class WrappedItemSelectionTemplate : ViewCell
public WrappedItemSelectionTemplate() : base ()
Label name = new Label();
name.SetBinding(Label.TextProperty, new Binding("Item.Name"));
Switch mainSwitch = new Switch();
mainSwitch.SetBinding(Switch.IsToggledProperty, new Binding("IsSelected"));
RelativeLayout layout = new RelativeLayout();
layout.Children.Add (name,
Constraint.Constant (5),
Constraint.Constant (5),
Constraint.RelativeToParent (p => p.Width - 60),
Constraint.RelativeToParent (p => p.Height - 10)
layout.Children.Add (mainSwitch,
Constraint.RelativeToParent (p => p.Width - 55),
Constraint.Constant (5),
Constraint.Constant (50),
Constraint.RelativeToParent (p => p.Height - 10)
View = layout;
public List<WrappedSelection<T>> WrappedItems = new List<WrappedSelection<T>>();
public SelectMultipleBasePage(List<T> items)
WrappedItems = items.Select (item => new WrappedSelection<T> () { Item = item, IsSelected = false }).ToList ();
ListView mainList = new ListView () {
ItemsSource = WrappedItems,
ItemTemplate = new DataTemplate (typeof(WrappedItemSelectionTemplate))
Content = mainList;
ToolbarItems.Add (new ToolbarItem ("All", null, SelectAll, ToolbarItemOrder.Primary));
ToolbarItems.Add (new ToolbarItem ("None", null, SelectNone, ToolbarItemOrder.Primary));
void SelectAll ()
foreach (var wi in WrappedItems)
wi.IsSelected = true;
void SelectNone ()
foreach (var wi in WrappedItems)
wi.IsSelected = false;
public List<T> GetSelection()
return WrappedItems.Where (item => item.IsSelected).Select (wrappedItem => wrappedItem.Item).ToList ();
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As a gist this doesn't have a license (that I'm aware of anyway), would you be willing to say that this is MIT or similarly licensed?

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