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Created August 1, 2014 09:34
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Vagrant #3836
==> host1: Forcing shutdown of VM...
==> host1: Destroying VM and associated drives...
==> host1: Running cleanup tasks for 'puppet' provisioner...
==> host2: Forcing shutdown of VM...
==> host2: Destroying VM and associated drives...
==> host2: Running cleanup tasks for 'puppet' provisioner...
Bringing machine 'host2' up with 'virtualbox' provider...
Bringing machine 'host1' up with 'virtualbox' provider...
==> host2: Importing base box 'hashicorp/precise64'...
==> host2: Matching MAC address for NAT networking...
==> host2: Checking if box 'hashicorp/precise64' is up to date...
==> host2: Setting the name of the VM: vagrant-issue-3836_host2_1406885180316_17575
==> host2: Clearing any previously set network interfaces...
==> host2: Preparing network interfaces based on configuration...
host2: Adapter 1: nat
==> host2: Forwarding ports...
host2: 22 => 2222 (adapter 1)
==> host2: Booting VM...
==> host2: Waiting for machine to boot. This may take a few minutes...
host2: SSH address:
host2: SSH username: vagrant
host2: SSH auth method: private key
==> host2: Machine booted and ready!
==> host2: Checking for guest additions in VM...
==> host2: Mounting shared folders...
host2: /vagrant => /home/robin/dev/vagrant-issue-3836
host2: /tmp/vagrant-puppet-2/manifests => /home/robin/dev/vagrant-issue-3836/manifests
==> host2: Running provisioner: puppet...
==> host2: Running Puppet with host2.pp...
==> host2: stdin: is not a tty
==> host2: notice: host2 successful
==> host2: notice: /Stage[main]/Foo/Notify[host2 successful]/message: defined 'message' as 'host2 successful'
==> host2: notice: Finished catalog run in 0.02 seconds
==> host1: Importing base box 'hashicorp/precise64'...
==> host1: Matching MAC address for NAT networking...
==> host1: Checking if box 'hashicorp/precise64' is up to date...
==> host1: Setting the name of the VM: vagrant-issue-3836_host1_1406885352701_24394
==> host1: Fixed port collision for 22 => 2222. Now on port 2200.
==> host1: Clearing any previously set network interfaces...
==> host1: Preparing network interfaces based on configuration...
host1: Adapter 1: nat
==> host1: Forwarding ports...
host1: 22 => 2200 (adapter 1)
==> host1: Booting VM...
==> host1: Waiting for machine to boot. This may take a few minutes...
host1: SSH address:
host1: SSH username: vagrant
host1: SSH auth method: private key
==> host1: Machine booted and ready!
==> host1: Checking for guest additions in VM...
==> host1: Mounting shared folders...
host1: /vagrant => /home/robin/dev/vagrant-issue-3836
host1: /tmp/vagrant-puppet-4/manifests => /home/robin/dev/vagrant-issue-3836/manifests
==> host1: Running provisioner: puppet...
==> host1: Running Puppet with host1.pp...
==> host1: stdin: is not a tty
==> host1: notice: host1 successful
==> host1: notice: /Stage[main]/Foo/Notify[host1 successful]/message: defined 'message' as 'host1 successful'
==> host1: notice: Finished catalog run in 0.01 seconds
==> host2: Running provisioner: puppet...
==> host2: Running Puppet with host2.pp...
==> host2: stdin: is not a tty
==> host2: notice: host2 successful
==> host2: notice: /Stage[main]/Foo/Notify[host2 successful]/message: defined 'message' as 'host2 successful'
==> host2: notice: Finished catalog run in 0.02 seconds
==> host1: Running provisioner: puppet...
==> host1: Running Puppet with host1.pp...
==> host1: stdin: is not a tty
==> host1: notice: host1 successful
==> host1: notice: /Stage[main]/Foo/Notify[host1 successful]/message: defined 'message' as 'host1 successful'
==> host1: notice: Finished catalog run in 0.02 seconds
==> host1: Attempting graceful shutdown of VM...
==> host1: Checking if box 'hashicorp/precise64' is up to date...
==> host1: Clearing any previously set forwarded ports...
==> host1: Fixed port collision for 22 => 2222. Now on port 2200.
==> host1: Clearing any previously set network interfaces...
==> host1: Preparing network interfaces based on configuration...
host1: Adapter 1: nat
==> host1: Forwarding ports...
host1: 22 => 2200 (adapter 1)
==> host1: Booting VM...
==> host1: Waiting for machine to boot. This may take a few minutes...
host1: SSH address:
host1: SSH username: vagrant
host1: SSH auth method: private key
==> host1: Machine booted and ready!
==> host1: Checking for guest additions in VM...
==> host1: Mounting shared folders...
host1: /vagrant => /home/robin/dev/vagrant-issue-3836
host1: /tmp/vagrant-puppet-2/manifests => /home/robin/dev/vagrant-issue-3836/manifests
==> host1: Machine already provisioned. Run `vagrant provision` or use the `--provision`
==> host1: to force provisioning. Provisioners marked to run always will still run.
==> host2: Running provisioner: puppet...
==> host2: Running Puppet with host2.pp...
==> host2: stdin: is not a tty
==> host2: notice: host2 successful
==> host2: notice: /Stage[main]/Foo/Notify[host2 successful]/message: defined 'message' as 'host2 successful'
==> host2: notice: Finished catalog run in 0.01 seconds
==> host1: Running provisioner: puppet...
Shared folders that Puppet requires are missing on the virtual machine.
This is usually due to configuration changing after already booting the
machine. The fix is to run a `vagrant reload` so that the proper shared
folders will be prepared and mounted on the VM.
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