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Created August 23, 2017 21:59
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Small test add-on for a few pull requests
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import os
from aqt.qt import *
from anki.hooks import addHook
from aqt.utils import shortcut
from aqt.editor import Editor
def _addButton(self, icon, cmd, tip="", label="", id=None, toggleable=False):
if icon:
if os.path.isabs(icon):
iconstr = self.resourceToData(icon)
iconstr = "/_anki/imgs/{}.png".format(icon)
imgelm = '''<img class=topbut src="{}">'''.format(iconstr)
imgelm = ""
if label or not imgelm:
labelelm = '''<span class=blabel>{}</span>'''.format(label or cmd)
labelelm = ""
if id:
idstr = 'id={}'.format(id)
idstr = ""
if toggleable:
toggleScript = 'toggleEditorButton(this);'
toggleScript = ''
tip = shortcut(tip)
return ('''<button tabindex=-1 {id} class=linkb type="button" title="{tip}"'''
''' onclick="pycmd('{cmd}');{togglesc}return false;">'''
imgelm=imgelm, cmd=cmd, tip=tip, labelelm=labelelm, id=idstr,
def addButton(self, icon, cmd, func, tip="", label="",
id=None, toggleable=False, keys=None):
"""Assign func to bridge cmd, register shortcut, return button"""
if cmd not in self._links:
self._links[cmd] = func
if keys:
s = QShortcut(QKeySequence(keys), self.widget,
activated = lambda s=self: func(s))
btn = self._addButton(icon, cmd, tip=tip, label=label,
id=id, toggleable=toggleable)
return btn
def testFunc(editor):
def onSetupEditorButtons(btns, self):
new = self.addButton(None, "dostuff", testFunc, label="test", keys="F6")
new = self._addButton(None, "mycmd", "tooltip", "DM")
return btns
addHook("setupEditorButtons", onSetupEditorButtons)
Editor.addButton = addButton
Editor._addButton = _addButton
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