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Created October 29, 2012 20:22
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Add support to Capybara for selectors matching the current node
# spec/support/capybara_node_matchers.rb
# Monkey-patches Capybara to add ```match_css?```, and ```match_selector?``` matchers.
module Capybara::Node::Matchers
# Returns whether this node matches the given selector.
def match_selector?(*args)
result = parent_element.all(*args)
# NOTE: In 1.1.2, ```page.find("#foo") != page.find("#foo")``` (seriously??)
# Instead, check whether the node's native representations match.
# See
result.any? { |other| self.eql?(other) or (other.respond_to?(:native) and native == other.native) }
# Returns whether this node matches the css selector. The built-in
# ```has_css?``` only applies to *descendants* of the current node,
# not the current node itself (by design).
# See
def match_css?(path, options={})
match_selector?(:css, path, options)
# Capybara::Node.parent returns the parent document, not the parent element.
# jnicklas has rejected syntactic sugar patches for this, saying that it's
# simple enough to use selectors to find the parent node.
# See
# WARNING: calling parent_element on the root <html> element causes Capybara
# to freeze and never come back!
def parent_element
find(:xpath, "..")
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