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Last active September 20, 2015 16:42
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Setting up Discogs PHP API client with OAuth feature

Setting up Discogs PHP API client with OAuth feature

Get these composer packages

"guzzlehttp/guzzle": "4.1.x",
"guzzlehttp/oauth-subscriber": "0.1.x",
"league/oauth1-client": "~1.0",

Auto-load this class


namespace League\OAuth1\Client\Server;

use League\OAuth1\Client\Credentials\TokenCredentials;
use Guzzle\Service\Client as GuzzleClient;

class Discogs extends Server

	protected $userAgent;

	public function __construct($clientCredentials, SignatureInterface $signature = null, $userAgent = null)
		$this->userAgent = $userAgent;
		parent::__construct($clientCredentials, $signature);

	public function createHttpClient()
		$client = new GuzzleClient();
		$this->userAgent and $client->setUserAgent($this->userAgent);

		return $client;

	public function urlTemporaryCredentials()
		return '';

	public function urlAuthorization()
		return '';

	public function urlTokenCredentials()
		return '';

	public function userDetails($data, TokenCredentials $tokenCredentials) {}
	public function userUid($data, TokenCredentials $tokenCredentials) {}
	public function userEmail($data, TokenCredentials $tokenCredentials) {}
	public function userScreenName($data, TokenCredentials $tokenCredentials) {}
	public function urlUserDetails() {}


Now setup the oauth redirect feature, the api client and make calls


class MyController 
	public function getIndex()
		$userAgent = 'MyApp/1.0';  // specify recognizable user-agent

		$server = new \League\OAuth1\Client\Server\Discogs([
			'identifier'   => DISCOGS_KEY,
			'secret'       => DISCOGS_SECRET,
			'callback_uri' => ''
		], null, $userAgent);

		// no temporary token? redirect then
		if ( !isset($_GET['oauth_token']) ) {
			$tempCredentials = $server->getTemporaryCredentials();
			$_SESSION['tempCredentials'] = serialize($tempCredentials);
			header('Location: '.$server->getAuthorizationUrl($tempCredentials));

		// ok got temporary token
		// nb: you may save it in db
		$token = $server->getTokenCredentials(

		// build guzzle client to make requests
		$client = new GuzzleHttp\Client([
			'base_url' => '',
			'defaults' => [
				'headers' => ['User-Agent' => $userAgent ],
				'auth'    => 'oauth',

		// attach oauth subscriber to grab images
		$client->getEmitter()->attach(new GuzzleHttp\Subscriber\Oauth\Oauth1([
			'consumer_key'    => DISCOGS_KEY,
			'consumer_secret' => DISCOGS_SECRET,
			'token'           => $token->getIdentifier(),
			'token_secret'    => $token->getSecret(),

		// make calls
		$results = $client->get('/database/search', [ 'query' => [
			'q'    => 'Justin Bieber',
			'type' => 'artist',

		// get image body
		$rawImage = $client

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