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Last active November 12, 2015 18:44
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  • Save gnilrets/611d85d5cb87fa31bb8a to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save gnilrets/611d85d5cb87fa31bb8a to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
require 'bundler/setup'
require 'daru'
require 'benchmark'
require 'yaml'
filename = 'Application_1470_20151111010006.txt'
def bench(name, &block)
time = Benchmark.realtime do
yield block
puts "#{name}: #{time}"
bench :read_csv do
# Quoting not usually needed with tab files, but there are invalid quotes in this file, so set quoting character to \x00
count = 0
CSV.foreach(filename, { headers: true, col_sep: "\t", encoding: "ISO-8859-1:UTF-8", quote_char: 0.chr }) do |line|
count += 1
bench :vanilla do
df = Daru::DataFrame.from_csv filename, { headers: true, col_sep: "\t", encoding: "ISO-8859-1:UTF-8", quote_char: 0.chr }
bench :lazy_update do
Daru.lazy_update = true
df = Daru::DataFrame.from_csv filename, { headers: true, col_sep: "\t", encoding: "ISO-8859-1:UTF-8", quote_char: 0.chr }
Daru.lazy_update = false
bench :clone_false do
df = Daru::DataFrame.from_csv filename, { headers: true, col_sep: "\t", encoding: "ISO-8859-1:UTF-8", quote_char: 0.chr, clone: false}
bench :custom_load do
to_df = {}
bench :build_hash_of_array do
first_row = true
CSV.foreach(filename, { headers: true, col_sep: "\t", encoding: "ISO-8859-1:UTF-8", quote_char: 0.chr }) do |line|
if first_row
line.headers.each do |header|
to_df[header.to_sym] = []
first_row = false
line.headers.each do |col|
to_df[col.to_sym] << line[col] if col
bench :build_df do
df =
# The file has about 4000 records with 150 columns
# These benchmarks run on a MacBook Pro 3GHZ i7 using Ruby 2.2.2
read_csv: 1.061856008003815
vanilla: 7.537773759991978 # So converting the csv to a DF using Daru::DataFrame.from_csv increaases the read time by 7x!
lazy_update: 12.88438387599308 # lazy_update doesn't help
clone_false: 7.735707809988526 # nor does clone
build_hash_of_array: 3.6907865480025066 # building a hash of arrays from the CSV takes about 3.5x times more than just reading the CSV
build_df: 0.6319248990039341 # building a df from the hash of arrays is super fast
custom_load: 4.322789887010003 # building a hash of arrays from the CSV and creating the DF is about 2x faster than using the .from_csv method
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v0dro commented Nov 12, 2015

Dont call df.update if Daru.lazy_update = true.

Another thing:
Once you convert to a hash and pass to DataFrame (in :build_df), could you also try passing the clone: false option? It should be even faster.

Would like the results when this is done.

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