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Last active January 9, 2025 00:48
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Migrating a plugin to Maven 4


The below rules and steps are mostly automated by simply running the jbang script in the plugin directory.


The rules are quite simple

  • the plugin can only depend on org.apache.maven:maven-api-* artifacts (no any other maven related artifacts) at compile time
  • avoid plexus artifacts at compile time
  • mojo annotations are now in org.apache.maven.api.plugin.annotations package
  • injection annotations come from org.apache.maven.api.di
  • replace MavenSession with org.apache.maven.api.Session
  • replace MavenProject with org.apache.maven.api.Project
  • replace classes from org.apache.maven.model with their counterparts from org.apache.maven.api.model
  • unit test needs JUnit 5 and need to use the org.apache.maven.api.plugin.testing package


Let's migrate the maven-remote-resources-plugin.

First create a branch for out work:

git checkout -b migrate-to-maven4

POM changes

The first things to do are pom changes:

  • Maven 4 plugins require JDK 17:
  • and Maven 4
  • we need to depend on the new Maven API, so add the following dependencies:
    <!-- maven api -->

MOJOs definitions

  • replace org.apache.maven.plugins.annotations.Mojo with org.apache.maven.api.plugin.annotations.Mojo
  • defaultPhase is now a String, but constants are available by importing org.apache.maven.api.Lifecycle (note that due to lifecycle changes, you may need to use phase qualifiers. For example GENERATE_RESOURCES needs to be replaced with Lifecycle.BEFORE + Lifecycle.Phase.RESOURCES
  • if your mojo is using requiresDependencyResolution or requiresDependencyCollection to retrieve artifacts from the executed project, remove add one or more fields annotated with org.apache.maven.plugins.annotation.Resolution. In the case of maven-remote-resources-plugin, we have two cases (TODO)
  • remove threadSafe attribute, Maven 4 plugins are required to be thread safe

@Parameter and @Component

  • replace org.apache.maven.plugins.annotations.Parameter with org.apache.maven.api.plugin.annotations.Parameter

  • replace org.apache.maven.plugins.annotations.Component with org.apache.maven.api.di.Inject (though, most components classes/interfaces will have to be replaced)

  • it's usually a good idea to replace any injected File parameter with a Path object as they are now supported

Dependency injection

If you use Plexus or Sisu to configure your plugin, you need to switch to the Maven DI API.

  • replace javax\.inject\.([A-Z][a-zA-Z]+) with org.apache.maven.di.$1


  • replace org\.apache\.maven\.model\.([A-Z][a-zA-Z]+) with org.apache.maven.api.model.$1
  • replace org\.apache\.maven\.project\.MavenProject with org.apache.maven.api.MavenProject, and then MavenProject with Project
  • the MavenProject has quite a lot of helper methods to access informations from the model, most of which are not available anymore, so you'll need to go to the model directly using project.getModel().getResources() for example
  • model objects are now immutable, so if you plugin was creating or modifying model objects, the code will have to be adapted
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