- IT: Move ITs off maven-shared-utils by @cstamas in apache/maven#1941
- [MNG-8394] Event bridge and properties fix by @cstamas in apache/maven#1937
- [MNG-8389] MavenExReq lacks u/p/i settings file paths by @cstamas in apache/maven#1939
- [MNG-8391] Wrong effective model when conflicting values come from parents and profiles by @gnodet in apache/maven#1942
- [MNG-8396] Add a cache layer to the filtered dependency graph by @gnodet in apache/maven#1944
- [MNG-8400] Make sure base parser uses canonical maven.home by @cstamas in apache/maven#1945
- [MNG-8402] System properties can take precedence over builtin expressions by @gnodet in apache/maven#1947
- [MNG-8403] Maven ITs use maven-executor by @cstamas in apache/maven#1940
- [MNG-8405] Fail On Severity, when set, is not reset (in resident instances) by @gnodet in apache/maven#1950
- [MNG-8403] Collapse IT utils and helpers by @cstamas in apache/maven#1949
- IT: Drop dead stuff by @cstamas in apache/maven#1951
- [MNG-8404] ModelValidator: add unit tests and simplify a bit by @gnodet in apache/maven#1948
- IT: Streamline ITs more by @cstamas in apache/maven#1952
- [MNG-8388] Fix escape characters being replaced to change the original configuration by @CrazyHZM in apache/maven#1946
- [MNG-8407] Add target attribute to SVG links by @kwin in apache/maven#1954
- Use https for www.apache.org/licenses/ by @slawekjaranowski in apache/maven#1955
- [MNG-8401] Reference global Maven download page by @kwin in apache/maven#1953
- [MNG-8415] Add constant for the security settings xml file by @gnodet in apache/maven#1956
- [MNG-8410] API cleanup by @gnodet in apache/maven#1957
- [MNG-8420] Bump jlineVersion from 3.27.1 to 3.28.0 by @dependabot in apache/maven#1962
- [MNG-8411][MNG-8412][MNG-8416] mvnenc fixes by @cstamas in apache/maven#1959
- [MNG-8393] Enable consumer pom by default for 4.1.0 model version only by @gnodet in apache/maven#1963
- [MNG-8421] Move all of logging setup to LookupInvoker; mvnenc IT by @cstamas in apache/maven#1964
- [MNG-5729] Use monotonic time measurements by @gnodet in apache/maven#1965
- [MNG-8423] mvnenc -h by @cstamas in apache/maven#1971
- [MNG-8406] Proper IT isolation by @cstamas in apache/maven#1968
- [MNG-8419][MNG-8424] Too aggressive warning for pre-Maven4 passwords by @cstamas in apache/maven#1970
- Add missing package infos by @gnodet in apache/maven#1980
- [MNG-5729] Fix possible NPE with introduction of mononic clock by @gnodet in apache/maven#1972
- [MNG-8430] Resolver 2.0.5 by @cstamas in apache/maven#1975
- [MNG-5729] Fix transfer rate computation by @gnodet in apache/maven#1969
- [MNG-8244] Using before:all / all / after:all is not triggered by @gnodet in apache/maven#1973
- [MNG-8245][MNG-8246] Warn when calling before: or after: phases by @gnodet in apache/maven#1974
- [MNG-3282] Docgen: remove property numbering, they are misleading and properties are "floating" anyway (alphabetically) by @gnodet in apache/maven#1979
- [MNG-8414] The consumer pom should warn if not able to downgrade the model version to 4.0.0 by @gnodet in apache/maven#1981
Full Changelog: https://github.com/apache/maven/compare/maven-4.0.0-rc-1...maven-4.0.0-rc-2