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Created October 3, 2008 11:51
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I am planning to have sites/slice like functionality in my rails app, so as I can roll quick customizations
for potential clients (like themes, but more than that).
Questions is, for sharing static resources (js,css,images,flash....), I have two options:
1. Keep client specific static files in RAILS_ROOT/sites/client_name/public/{javascripts,images,stylesheets}
and render them through overridden tag helpers. Down side, is, these static resources won't be then accessible via
front end webserver (nginx/apache) and most code I have seen use send_data or something like that to render them.
But the up side is each client specific site/slice is self contained. Such as:
|--- sites
| client_name
|-- app/
| |__ controllers
| |__ views
|__ public
|__ images
|__ stylesheets
|__ javascripts
2. Another option is, keep them in, RAILS_ROOT/public/sites/client_name/{javascripts,images,stylesheets}
and serve them through overridden tag helpers, if a overriden view is being served, rather than default one.
This way, I think, even front end webserver will be able to serve them. Downside is, if I do this, slices/sites are
not self contained.
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