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Created August 10, 2009 01:38
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from time import strftime
import sqlite3
import sys
import twitter #
import feedparser #available at
DATABASE = "/Users/goerz/.twitter_bot/tweets.sqlite"
TWITTER_USER = "username"
def print_stats():
conn = sqlite3.connect(DATABASE)
conn.row_factory = sqlite3.Row
c = conn.cursor()
c.execute('SELECT title, url, short_url from RSSContent')
all_links = c.fetchall()
for row in all_links:
short_url = row['short_url']
if short_url is None:
short_url = row['url']
c.execute('UPDATE RSSContent SET `short_url`=? WHERE `url`=?',(short_url,row['url']))
def tweet_rss(url):
conn = sqlite3.connect(DATABASE)
conn.row_factory = sqlite3.Row
c = conn.cursor()
#create the table if it doesn't exist
c.execute('CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS RSSContent (`url`, `title`, `dateAdded`, `content`, `short_url`)')
api = twitter.Api(username=TWITTER_USER, password=TWITTER_PASSWORD)
d = feedparser.parse(url)
for entry in d.entries:
#check for private
if "?key=" in
#check for duplicates
c.execute('select * from RSSContent where url=?', (,))
if not c.fetchall():
tweet_text = entry.title
shortened_link =
t = (, entry.title, strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", entry.updated_parsed), entry.summary, shortened_link)
c.execute('insert into RSSContent (`url`, `title`,`dateAdded`, `content`, `short_url`) values (?,?,?,?,?)', t)
if len(tweet_text) + len(shortened_link) > 137:
tweet_text = tweet_text[:137-len(shortened_link)]
print "%s.. %s" % (tweet_text, shortened_link)
api.PostUpdate("%s.. %s" % (tweet_text, shortened_link))
if __name__ == '__main__':
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