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Last active February 22, 2021 09:33
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custom jupyter nbconvert latex template, using revtex
((*- extends 'article.tplx' -*))
% See
% for some useful tips
% Document class
((* block docclass *))
((* endblock docclass *))
% Packages
((* block packages *))
% We will generate all images so they have a width \maxwidth. This means
% that they will get their normal width if they fit onto the page, but
% are scaled down if they would overflow the margins.
% Set max figure width to be 80% of text width, for now hardcoded.
% Ensure that by default, figures have no caption (until we provide a
% proper Figure object with a Caption API and a way to capture that
% in the conversion process - todo).
\usepackage{adjustbox} % Used to constrain images to a maximum size
\usepackage{xcolor} % Allow colors to be defined
\usepackage{enumerate} % Needed for markdown enumerations to work
\usepackage{geometry} % Used to adjust the document margins
\usepackage{amsmath} % Equations
\usepackage{amssymb} % Equations
\usepackage{textcomp} % defines textquotesingle
% Hack from
\def\PYZsq{\textquotesingle}% Upright quotes in Pygmentized code
\usepackage{upquote} % Upright quotes for verbatim code
\usepackage{eurosym} % defines \euro
\usepackage[mathletters]{ucs} % Extended unicode (utf-8) support
\usepackage[utf8x]{inputenc} % Allow utf-8 characters in the tex document
\usepackage{fancyvrb} % verbatim replacement that allows latex
\usepackage{grffile} % extends the file name processing of package graphics
% to support a larger range
% The hyperref package gives us a pdf with properly built
% internal navigation ('pdf bookmarks' for the table of contents,
% internal cross-reference links, web links for URLs, etc.)
\usepackage{booktabs} % table support for pandoc > 1.12.2
\usepackage[inline]{enumitem} % IRkernel/repr support (it uses the enumerate* environment)
\usepackage[normalem]{ulem} % ulem is needed to support strikethroughs (\sout)
% normalem makes italics be italics, not underlines
((* endblock packages *))
% Title Page
((* block title -*))
((*- endblock title *))
((* block author -*))
((* endblock author *))
((* block maketitle *))
((*- if nb.metadata.get("latex_metadata", {}).get("title", ""): -*))
\title{((( nb.metadata["latex_metadata"]["title"] )))}
((*- else -*))
\title{((( | ascii_only | escape_latex )))}
((*- endif *))
((*- if nb.metadata.get("latex_metadata", {}).get("author", ""): -*))
\author{((( nb.metadata["latex_metadata"]["author"] )))}
((*- else -*))
\author{Michael Goerz}
((*- endif *))
((*- if nb.metadata.get("latex_metadata", {}).get("affiliation", ""): -*))
\affiliation{((( nb.metadata["latex_metadata"]["affiliation"] )))}
((*- endif *))
((* endblock maketitle *))
% Input
% Input cells can be hidden using the "Hide input" and "Hide input all"
% nbextensions (which set the hide_input metadata flags)
((* block input scoped *))
((*- if cell.metadata.hide_input or nb.metadata.hide_input: -*))
((*- else -*))
((( custom_add_prompt(cell.source | wrap_text(88) | highlight_code(strip_verbatim=True), cell, 'In ', 'incolor') )))
((*- endif *))
((* endblock input *))
% Output
((* block output_group -*))
((*- if cell.metadata.hide_output: -*))
((*- else -*))
((( super() )))
((*- endif -*))
((* endblock output_group *))
% Display stream ouput with coloring
((* block stream *))
((( output.text | wrap_text(86) | escape_latex | ansi2latex )))
((* endblock stream *))
% Define macro custom_add_prompt() (derived from add_prompt() macro in style_ipython.tplx)
((* macro custom_add_prompt(text, cell, prompt, prompt_color) -*))
((*- if cell.execution_count is defined -*))
((*- set execution_count = "" ~ (cell.execution_count | replace(None, " ")) -*))
((*- else -*))
((*- set execution_count = " " -*))
((*- endif -*))
((*- set indention = " " * (execution_count | length + 7) -*))
((( text | add_prompts(first='{\color{' ~ prompt_color ~ '}' ~ prompt ~ '[{\\color{' ~ prompt_color ~ '}' ~ execution_count ~ '}]:} ', cont=indention) )))
((*- endmacro *))
% Bibliography
% Insert citations in markdown as e.g.
% <cite data-cite="DevoretS2013">[DevoretS2013]</cite>
% requires file references.bib in current directory (or the file set as "bib" in the latex_metadata)
((* block bibliography *))
\bibliography{((( nb.metadata.get("latex_metadata", {}).get("bib", "references") )))}
((* endblock bibliography *))
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