- Cluster Quota
oc create clusterquota env-qa \
--project-label-selector environment=qa \
--hard pods=10,services=5
oc create clusterquota user-qa \
--project-annotation-selector openshift.io/requester=qa \
--hard pods=12,secrets=20
- Templates
# export the default template yaml
oc adm create-bootstrap-project-template -o yaml > /tmp/project-template.yaml
# after making changes to the template
oc create -f project-template.yaml -n openshift-config
# update the projects.config.openshift.io/cluster to use the new template
oc edit projects.config.openshift.io/cluster -n openshift-config
apiVersion: config.openshift.io/v1
kind: Project
name: cluster
name: project-request
"There are different secret types which can be used to enforce usernames and keys in the secret object: service-account-token, basic-auth, ssh-auth, tls and opaque. The default type is opaque. The opaque type does not perform any validation, and allows unstructured key:value pairs that can contain arbitrary values.
Data is stored inside a secret resource using base64 encoding. When data from a secret is injected into a container, the data is decoded and either mounted as a file, or injected as environment variables inside the container."
- To create ssh secret:
oc create secret generic sshsecret \
- To create SSH-based authentication secret with .gitconfig file:
oc create secret generic sshsecret \
--from-file=ssh-privatekey=$HOME/.ssh/id_rsa \
- To create secret that combines .gitconfig file and CA certificate:
oc create secret generic sshsecret \
--from-file=ca.crt=<path/to/certificate> \
- To create basic authentication secret with CA certificate file:
oc create secret generic <secret_name> \
--from-literal=username=<user_name> \
--from-literal=password=<password> \
- To create basic authentication secret with .gitconfig file and CA certificate file:
oc create secret generic <secret_name> \
--from-literal=username=<user_name> \
--from-literal=password=<password> \
--from-file=.gitconfig=</path/to/file> \
$ oc describe AppliedClusterResourceQuota
# Install Runtime Environment
RUN set -x && \ 2
yum clean all && \
REPOLIST=rhel-7-server-rpms,rhel-7-server-optional-rpms,rhel-7-server-thirdparty-oracle-java-rpms \
INSTALL_PKGS="tar java-1.8.0-oracle-devel" && \
yum -y update-minimal --disablerepo "*" --enablerepo ${REPOLIST} --setopt=tsflags=nodocs \
--security --sec-severity=Important --sec-severity=Critical && \
yum -y install --disablerepo "*" --enablerepo ${REPOLIST} --setopt=tsflags=nodocs ${INSTALL_PKGS} && \
yum clean all
01. oc extract -n default secrets/registry-certificates --keys=registry.crt
02. REGISTRY=$(oc get routes -n default docker-registry -o jsonpath='{.spec.host}')
03. mkdir -p /etc/containers/certs.d/${REGISTRY}
04. mv registry.crt /etc/containers/certs.d/${REGISTRY}/
05. oc adm new-project openshift-pipeline
06. oc create -n openshift-pipeline serviceaccount pipeline
07. SA_SECRET=$(oc get secret -n openshift-pipeline | grep pipeline-token | cut -d ' ' -f 1 | head -n 1)
08. SA_PASSWORD=$(oc get secret -n openshift-pipeline ${SA_SECRET} -o jsonpath='{.data.token}' | base64 -d)
09. oc adm policy add-cluster-role-to-user system:image-builder system:serviceaccount:openshift-pipeline:pipeline
10. docker login ${REGISTRY} -u unused -p ${SA_PASSWORD}
11. docker pull docker.io/library/hello-world
12. docker tag docker.io/library/hello-world ${REGISTRY}/openshift-pipeline/helloworld
13. docker push ${REGISTRY}/openshift-pipeline/helloworld
14. oc new-project demo-project
15. oc policy add-role-to-user system:image-puller system:serviceaccount:demo-project:default -n openshift-pipeline
16. oc new-app --image-stream=openshift-pipeline/helloworld:latest
oc create service externalname myservice \
--external-name myhost.example.com
A typical service creates endpoint resources dynamically, based on the selector attribute of the service. The oc status and oc get all commands do not display these resources. You can use the oc get endpoints command to display them.
If you use the oc create service externalname --external-name command to create a service, the command also creates an endpoint resource that points to the host name or IP address given as argument.
If you do not use the --external-name option, it does not create an endpoint resource. In this case, you need to use the oc create -f command and a resource definition file to explicitly create the endpoint resources.
If you create an endpoint from a file, you can define multiple IP addresses for the same external service, and rely on the OpenShift service load-balancing features. In this scenario, OpenShift does not add or remove addresses to account for the availability of each instance. An external application needs to update the list of IP addresses in the endpoint resource.
- this example removes an config attribute using JSON path
oc patch dc/mysql --type=json \
-p='[{"op":"remove", "path": "/spec/strategy/rollingParams"}]'
- this example cnhage an existing attribute value using JSON format
oc patch dc/mysql --patch \
The oc export command can create a resource definition file by using the --as-template option. Without the --as-template option, the oc export command only generates a list of resources. With the --as-template option, the oc export command wraps the list inside a template resource definition. After you export a set of resources to a template file, you can add annotations and parameters as desired.
The order in which you list the resources in the oc export command is important. You need to export dependent resources first, and then the resources that depend on them. For example, you need to export image streams before the build configurations and deployment configurations that reference those image streams.
oc export is,bc,dc,svc,route --as-template > mytemplate.yml
Depending on your needs, add more resource types to the previous command. For example, add secret before bc and dc. It is safe to add pvc to the end of the list of resource types because a deployment waits for persistent volume claim to bind.
The oc export command does not generate resource definitions that are ready to use in a template. These resource definitions contain runtime information that is not needed in a template, and some of it could prevent the template from working at all. Examples of runtime information are attributes such as status, creationTimeStamp, image, and tags, besides most annotations that start with the openshift.io/generated-by prefix.
Some resource types, such as secrets, require special handling. It is not possible to initialize key values inside the data attribute using template parameters. The data attribute from a secret resource needs to be replaced by the stringData attribute and all key values need to be unencoded.
Process a template, create a new binary build to customize something and them change the DeploymentConfig to use the new Image...
oc process openshift//datagrid72-basic | oc create -f -
oc new-build --name=customdg -i openshift/jboss-datagrid72-openshift:1.0 --binary=true --to='customdg:1.0'
oc set triggers dc/datagrid-app --from-image=openshift/jboss-datagrid72-openshift:1.0 --remove
oc set triggers dc/datagrid-app --from-image=customdg:1.0 -c datagrid-app
oc process -f mytemplate.yaml --parameters
docker run registry.access.redhat.com/jboss-datagrid-7/datagrid72-openshift:1.0 /bin/sh -c 'cat /opt/datagrid/standalone/configuration/clustered-openshift.xml' > clustered-openshift.xml
oc patch storageclass glusterfs-storage -p '{"metadata": {"annotations":{"storageclass.kubernetes.io/is-default-class":"true"}}}'
oc annotate route <route_name> --overwrite haproxy.router.openshift.io/timeout=10s
oc patch dc|rc <dc_name> -p "spec:
region: infra"
oc new-build --binary=true --name=ola2 --image-stream=redhat-openjdk18-openshift --to='mycustom-jdk8:1.0'
oc start-build ola2 --from-file=./target/ola.jar --follow
oc new-app
oc rollout pause dc <dc name>
oc rollout resume dc <dc name>
http://$(oc get route nexus3 --template='{{ .spec.host }}')
Maven uses settings.xml in $HOME/.m2 for configuration outside of pom.xml:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<name>Nexus Public Mirror</name>
Maven can automatically store artifacts using -DaltDeploymentRepository parameter for deploy task:
mvn deploy -DskipTests=true \
-DaltDeploymentRepository= nexus::default::http://nexus3.nexus.svc.cluster.local:8081/repository/releases
oc project <project>
oc get is
# creates an ImageStream from a Remote Docker Registry image
oc import-image <image name> --from=docker.io/<imagerepo>/<imagename> --all --confirm
oc get istag
OC_EDITOR="vim" oc edit dc/<your_dc>
- image: docker.io/openshiftdemos/gogs@sha256:<the new image digest from Image Stream>
imagePullPolicy: Always
oc secrets new-basicauth gogs-basicauth --username=<your gogs login> --password=<gogs pwd>
oc set build-secret --source bc/tasks gogs-basicauth
oc set volume dc/myAppDC --add --overwrite --name....
oc create configmap myconfigfile --from-file=./configfile.txt
oc set volumes dc/printenv --add --overwrite=true --name=config-volume --mount-path=/data -t configmap --configmap-name=myconfigfile
oc create secret generic mysec --from-literal=app_user=superuser --from-literal=app_password=topsecret
oc env dc/printenv --from=secret/mysec
oc set volume dc/printenv --add --name=db-config-volume --mount-path=/dbconfig --secret-name=printenv-db-secret
oc set probe dc cotd1 --liveness -- echo ok
oc set probe dc/cotd1 --readiness --get-url=http://:8080/index.php --initial-delay-seconds=2
oc run pi --image=perl --replicas=1 --restart=OnFailure \
--command -- perl -Mbignum=bpi -wle 'print bpi(2000)'
oc run pi --image=perl --schedule='*/1 * * * *' \
--restart=OnFailure --labels parent="cronjobpi" \
--command -- perl -Mbignum=bpi -wle 'print bpi(2000)'
oc expose service cotd1 --name='abcotd' -l name='cotd'
oc set route-backends abcotd --adjust cotd2=+20%
oc set route-backends abcotd cotd1=50 cotd2=50
docker pull registry.access.redhat.com/jboss-eap-6/eap64-openshift
to validate a openshift/kubernates resource definition (json/yaml file) in order to find malformed/sintax problems
oc create --dry-run --validate -f openshift/template/tomcat6-docker-buildconfig.yaml
to prune old objects
to enable cluster GC
oc whoami -t
curl -k -H "Authorization: Bearer <api_token>" https://<master_host>:8443/api/v1/namespaces/<projcet_name>/pods/https:<pod_name>:8778/proxy/jolokia/
# get pod memory via jmx
curl -k -H "Authorization: Bearer <api_token>" https://<master_host>:8443/api/v1/namespaces/<projcet_name>/pods/https:<pod_name>:8778/proxy/jolokia//read/java.lang:type\=Memory/HeapMemoryUsage | jq .
oc login --username=tuelho --insecure-skip-tls-verify --server=https://master00-${guid}.oslab.opentlc.com:8443
### to login as Cluster Admin through master host
oc login -u system:admin -n openshift
oc describe clusterPolicy default
#local binding
oadm policy add-role-to-user <role> <username>
#cluster biding
oadm policy add-cluster-role-to-user <role> <username>
oadm policy add-scc-to-user anyuid -z default
for more details consult: https://docs.openshift.com/enterprise/3.1/admin_guide/manage_authorization_policy.html
ip=`oc describe pod hello-openshift|grep IP:|awk '{print $2}'`
curl http://${ip}:8080
oc exec -ti `oc get pods | awk '/registry/ { print $1; }'` /bin/bash
#new way to do the same:
oc rsh <container-name>
oc edit <object_type>/<object_name>
oc edit dc/myDeploymentConfig
oc volume dc/docker-registry \
--add --overwrite \
-t persistentVolumeClaim \
--claim-name=registry-claim \
oc new-app --docker-image=openshift/hello-openshift:v1.0.6 -l "todelete=yes"
oc new-app javaee6-demo
oc new-app --template=eap64-basic-s2i -p=APPLICATION_NAME=ticketmonster,SOURCE_REPOSITORY_URL=https://github.com/jboss-developer/ticket-monster,SOURCE_REPOSITORY_REF=2.7.0.Final,CONTEXT_DIR=demo
oc new-app https://github.com/openshift/sinatra-example -l "todelete=yes"
oc new-app openshift/php~https://github.com/openshift/sti-php -l "todelete=yes"
oc get builds
oc logs -f builds/sti-php-1
$ oc new-app
$ oc new-app https://github.com/openshift/sti-ruby.git \
$ oc new-app https://github.com/openshift/ruby-hello-world.git#beta4
New App From Source Code
Build Strategy Detection
If new-app finds a Dockerfile in the repository, it uses docker build strategy Otherwise, new-app uses source strategy
To specify strategy, set
--strategy flag
to source or docker Example: To force new-app to use docker strategy for local source repository:
$ oc new-app /home/user/code/myapp --strategy=docker
$ oc new-app https://github.com/openshift/simple-openshift-sinatra-sti.git -o json | \
tee ~/simple-sinatra.json
$ oc new-app mysql
$ oc new-app myregistry:5000/example/myimage
If the registry that the image comes from is not secured with SSL, cluster administrators must ensure that the Docker daemon on the OpenShift Enterprise nodes is run with the --insecure-registry flag pointing to that registry. You must also use the
flag to tell new-app that the image comes from an insecure registry.
$ oc create -f examples/sample-app/application-template-stibuild.json
$ oc new-app ruby-helloworld-sample
$ oc new-app openshift/postgresql-92-centos7 \
$ oc new-app https://github.com/openshift/ruby-hello-world -o json > myapp.json
$ vi myapp.json
$ oc create -f myapp.json
- To deploy two images in single pod:
$ oc new-app nginx+mysql
$ oc new-app \
ruby~https://github.com/openshift/ruby-hello-world \
mysql \
$ oc export all --as-template=<template_name>
You can also substitute a particular resource type or multiple resources instead of all. Run $ oc export -h for more examples
- to create a new project using
and defining an admin user
$ oadm new-project instant-app --display-name="instant app example project" \
--description='A demonstration of an instant-app/template' \
--node-selector='region=primary' --admin=andrew
$ oc new-app --template=mysql-ephemeral --param=MYSQL_USER=mysqluser,MYSQL_PASSWORD=redhat,MYSQL_DATABASE=mydb,DATABASE_SERVICE_NAME=database
$ oc env dc database --list
# deploymentconfigs database, container mysql
The first adds, with value /data. The second updates, with value /opt.
$ oc env dc/registry STORAGE=/data
$ oc env dc/registry --overwrite STORAGE=/opt
To unset environment variables in the pod templates:
$ oc env <object-selection> KEY_1- ... KEY_N- [<common-options>]
The trailing hyphen (-, U+2D) is required.
This example removes environment variables ENV1 and ENV2 from deployment config d1:
$ oc env dc/d1 ENV1- ENV2-
This removes environment variable ENV from all replication controllers:
$ oc env rc --all ENV-
This removes environment variable ENV from container c1 for replication controller r1:
To list environment variables in pods or pod templates:
$ oc env rc r1 --containers='c1' ENV-
This example lists all environment variables for pod p1:
$ oc env <object-selection> --list [<common-options>]
$ oc env pod/p1 --list
oc patch dc/<dc_name> \
-p '{"spec":{"template":{"spec":{"nodeSelector":{"nodeLabel":"logging-es-node-1"}}}}}'
oc volume dc/<dc_name> \
--add --overwrite --name=<volume_name> \
--type=persistentVolumeClaim --claim-name=<claim_name>
oadm manage node <nome do node > --schedulable=false
oadm registry --service-account=registry \
--config=/etc/origin/master/admin.kubeconfig \
--credentials=/etc/origin/master/openshift-registry.kubeconfig \
--images='registry.access.redhat.com/openshift3/ose-${component}:${version}' \
--mount-host=<path> --selector=meuselector
oc export all --as-template=<template_name>
# create the build
cat ./path/to/your/Dockerfile | oc new-build --name=build-from-docker --binary --strategy=docker -l app=app-from-custom-docker-build -D -
#if you need to give some input to your Docker Build process
oc start-build build-from-docker --from-dir=. --follow
# create an OSE app from the docker build image
oc new-app app-from-custom-docker-build -l app=app-from-custom-docker-build
oc expose service app-from-custom-docker-build
#Ref: https://docs.openshift.org/latest/dev_guide/copy_files_to_container.html
oc rsync /home/user/source devpod1234:/src
oc rsync devpod1234:/src /home/user/source
- Desliga todos os containers que vc não tá usando no seu ambiente do openshift
- Executa em todos os nodes e master o comando: docker rm $(docker ps -a -q)
- Remove todas as imagens de todos os nodes e master. Para isso loga em cada uma delas via ssh e remove as imagens usando docker rmi . Pega as imagens que começa com o ip do registry 172.30...
- configurar GC: https://docs.openshift.com/enterprise/3.1/admin_guide/garbage_collection.html
- internal DNS name of ose/kubernetes services
- follows the pattern
Object Type | Example |
Default | <pod_namespace>.cluster.local |
Services | .<pod_namespace>.svc.cluster.local |
Endpoints | ..endpoints.cluster.local |
"he only caveat to this, is that if we are using the multi-tenant OVS networking plugin, our cluster administrators will have to make visible our ci project to all other projects:" Ref: https://blog.openshift.com/improving-build-time-java-builds-openshift/
$ oadm pod-network make-projects-global ci
To adjust openshift-master log level, edit following line of /etc/sysconfig/atomic-openshift-master
from master VM:
To make changes valid, restart atomic-openshift-master service:
$ sudo -i systemctl restart atomic-openshift-master.service
In node machine, to provide filtered information:
# journalctl -f -u atomic-openshift-node
Make sure that your default service account has sufficient privileges to communicate with the Kubernetes REST API. Add the view role to serviceaccount for the project:
$ oc policy add-role-to-user view system:serviceaccount:$(oc project -q):default
Examine the first entry in the log file:
Service account has sufficient permissions to view pods in kubernetes (HTTP 200). Clustering will be available.
oc adm ipfailover ipf-ha-router
--replicas=2 --watch-port=80 \
--selector="region=infra" \
--virtual-ips="x.0.0.x" \
--iptables-chain="INPUT" \
--service-account=ipfailover --create
- Common strategy for building template definitions:
- Use oc new-app and oc expose to manually create resources application needs
- Test to make sure resources work as expected
- Use oc export with -o json option to export existing resource definitions
- Merge resource definitions into template definition file
- Add parameters
- Test resource definition in another project
JSON syntax errors are not easy to identify, and OpenShift is sensitive to them, refusing JSON files that most browsers would accept as valid. Use jsonlint -s from the python-demjson package, available from EPEL, to identify syntax issues in a JSON resource definition file.
- Use
oc new-app
with-o json
option to bootstrap your new template definition file
oc new-app -o json openshift/hello-openshift > hello.json
- Converting the Resource Definition to a Template
- Change kind attribute from List to Template
- Make two changes to metadata object:
- Add name attribute and value so template has name users can refer to
- Add annotations containing description attribute for template, so users know what template is supposed to do.
- Rename items array attribute as objects
- to list all parameters from mysql-persistent template:
$ oc process --parameters=true -n openshift mysql-persistent
- Customizing resources from a preexisting Template
$ oc export -o json
-n openshift mysql-ephemeral > mysql-ephemeral.json
... change the mysql-ephemeral.json file ...
$ oc process -f mysql-ephemeral.json \
> testdb.json
$ oc create -f testdb.json
oc process uses the -v option to provide parameter values, while oc new-app command uses the -p option.
ssh master00-$guid
mkdir /root/pvs
export volsize="5Gi"
for volume in pv{1..25}; \
do \
cat << EOF > /root/pvs/${volume}.yaml
apiVersion: v1
kind: PersistentVolume
name: ${volume}
storage: ${volsize}
- ReadWriteOnce
path: /var/export/pvs/${volume}
persistentVolumeReclaimPolicy: Recycle
echo "Created def file for ${volume}"; \
export volsize="10Gi"
for volume in pv{26..50}; \
do \
cat << EOF > /root/pvs/${volume}.yaml
apiVersion: v1
kind: PersistentVolume
name: ${volume}
storage: ${volsize}
- ReadWriteOnce
path: /var/export/pvs/${volume}
persistentVolumeReclaimPolicy: Recycle
echo "Created def file for ${volume}"; \
export volsize="1Gi"
for volume in pv{51..100}; \
do \
cat << EOF > /root/pvs/${volume}.yaml
apiVersion: v1
kind: PersistentVolume
name: ${volume}
storage: ${volsize}
- ReadWriteOnce
path: /var/export/pvs/${volume}
persistentVolumeReclaimPolicy: Recycle
echo "Created def file for ${volume}"; \
for pv in $(oc get pv|awk '{print $1}' | grep pv | grep -v NAME); do oc patch pv $pv -p "spec:
- ReadWriteMany
- ReadWriteOnce
- ReadOnlyMany
persistentVolumeReclaimPolicy: Recycle"
oc patch -n user1 dc/events -p '{ "metadata" : { "annotations" : { "app.openshift.io/connects-to" : "invoice-events,inventory-events" } }, "spec": { "template": { "spec": { "containers": [ { "name": "events", "env": [ { "name": "AMQP_HOST", "valueFrom": { "configMapKeyRef": { "name": "amq-config", "key": "service.host" } } }, { "name": "AMQP_PORT", "valueFrom": { "configMapKeyRef": { "name": "amq-config", "key": "service.port.amqp" } } } ] } ] } } } }'
oc patch configmap/myconf --patch '{"data":{"key1":"newvalue1"}}'
oc get rolebinding -o wide -A | grep -E 'NAME|ClusterRole/view|namespace/sa_name'
oc get service --all-namespaces -o json | jq '.items[]
| select(
.metadata.labels."discovery.3scale.net" == "true"
and .metadata.annotations."discovery.3scale.net/port"
and .metadata.annotations."discovery.3scale.net/scheme"
| {
"service-name": .metadata.name,
"service-namespace": .metadata.namespace,
"labels": .metadata.labels,
"annotations": .metadata.annotations
} '
oc get ClusterServiceVersion --all-namespaces
oc get subs -n openshift-operators
oc api-resources
oc explain <resource name>[.json attribute]
The OpenShift community recommends using image stream resources to refer to container images instead of using direct references to container images. An image stream resource points to a container image either in the internal registry or in an external registry, and stores metadata such as available tags and image content checksums.
Having container image metadata in an image stream allows OpenShift to perform operations, such as image caching, based on this data instead of going to a registry server every time. It also allows using either notification or pooling strategies to react to image content updates.
Build configurations and deployment configurations use image stream events to perform operations such as:
Triggering a new S2I build because the builder image was updated.
Triggering a new deployment of pods for an application because the application container image was updated in an external registry.
The easiest way to create an image stream is by using the oc import-image command with the --confirm
option. The following example creates an image stream named myis for the acme/awesome container image that comes from the insecure registry at registry.acme.example.com
[user@host ~]$ oc import-image myis --confirm \
--from registry.acme.example.com:5000/acme/awesome --insecure
The openshift project provides a number of image streams for the benefit of all OpenShift cluster users. You can create your own image streams in the current project using both the oc new-app command as well as using OpenShift templates.
An image stream resource can define multiple image stream tags. An image stream tag can either point to a different container image tag or to a different container image name. This means you can use simpler, shorter names for common images, such as S2I builder images, and use different names or registries for variations of the same image. For example, the ruby image stream from the openshift project defines the following image stream tags:
ruby:2.5 refers to rhel8/ruby-25 from the Red Hat Container Catalog.
ruby:2.6 refers to rhel8/ruby-26 from the Red Hat Container Catalog.
oc patch dc/mysql --patch \
'{"spec":{"strategy":{"recreateParams":{"post":{"failurePolicy": "Abort","execNewPod":{"containerName":"mysql","command":["/bin/sh","-c","curl -L -s https://github.com/RedHatTraining/DO288-apps/releases/download/OCP-4.1-1/import.sh -o /tmp/import.sh&&chmod 755 /tmp/import.sh&&/tmp/import.sh"]}}}}}}'
oc get pods -o name | xargs -L 1 oc logs [--tail 1 [-c <conatiner-name>]]
curl -s \
-w 'HTTP code: %{http_code}\nTime: %{time_total}s\n' \
INGRESS_POD=$(oc -n istio-system get pods -l istio=ingressgateway -o jsonpath='{.items..metadata.name}')
oc -n istio-system exec $INGRESS_POD -- ls /etc/istio/customer-certs
cat > gateway-patch.json << EOF
"op": "add",
"path": "/spec/template/spec/containers/0/volumeMounts/0",
"value": {
"mountPath": "/etc/istio/customer-certs",
"name": "customer-certs",
"readOnly": true
"op": "add",
"path": "/spec/template/spec/volumes/0",
"value": {
"name": "customer-certs",
"secret": {
"secretName": "istio-ingressgateway-customer-certs",
"optional": true
applying the patch
oc -n istio-system patch --type=json deploy istio-ingressgateway -p "$(cat gateway-patch.json)"
Verify the given pod uses a unique SVID (SPIFFE - Secure Production Identity Framework for Everyone Verified Identity Document):
oc exec $POD_NAME -c istio-proxy -- \
curl -s | \
jq -r .configs[5].dynamic_active_secrets[0].secret | \
jq -r .tls_certificate.certificate_chain.inline_bytes | \
base64 --decode | \
openssl x509 -text -noout | \
grep "X509v3 Subject" -A 1
X509v3 Subject Alternative Name: critical
kubectl wait --namespace ingress-nginx \
--for=condition=ready pod \
--selector=app.kubernetes.io/component=controller \
oc create secret generic sshsecret ` ` oc create secret generic sshsecret \