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Last active April 23, 2020 20:11
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Number of Lines in Swift Files

Might be handy when estimating work.

  1. Open Terminal
  2. cd to your Xcode project
  3. Execute the following when inside your target project:

Number of lines:

find . -name "*.swift" -print0 | xargs -0 wc -l


Number of lines without whitespace and comments:

total=0; for file in $(find . -name “*.swift”); do export file; export count=“$(egrep -v ‘^$|^\s*$|\/\/.*’ ${file} | wc -l)“; echo ${file} ${count}; total=$((count + total)); done; echo $total

Credit: @vellori

Justifications for Swift 2.2 to Swift 3 Migration

  • We can't use iOS 9 devices while debugging and all the devices we'll purchase as new will come with iOS 10.
  • Enables Xcode 8 which will let us develop faster. (more tools = speed)
  • Enables lots of open source frameworks that can be very useful for us. No open source developers support Swift 2.2 for their new frameworks.
  • Lets us update dependencies that are not currently maintained for Swift 2.2. These dependencies are years-old currently and might have serious bugs which are fixed in the latest version which only supports Swift 3+.
  • Apple occasionally disables app submissions using certain versions of Xcode. This is due to compatibility reasons. Xcode 9 is the latest version and Xcode 10 is on the way for mid-2018 release. Using Xcode 8 might be OK for now but Xcode 7 is risky as will be 4 versions behind soon. It's recommended to support only latest 2 major releases of a software...
  • Documentation from Apple provides nice examples about how we should use the latest Xcode and SDK versions:
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