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Created November 26, 2016 00:24
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# an 'unpack' operator, to do python/MatLab-like multiple assignment from
# functions
`%=%` <- function (expr, list) {
if (!is.list(list))
stop ('the right hand side must be a list')
# grab the names to assign to
expr <- substitute(expr)
names_list <- lapply(expr, as.character)[-1]
# drop any outputs for which the name was NULL
blanks <- vapply(names_list, function (x) length(x) == 0, FALSE)
if (any (blanks)) {
list <- list[which(!blanks)]
names_list <- names_list[which(!blanks)]
names <- unlist(names_list)
# assign the names to the list
names(list) <- names
# do list2env into parent environment
list2env(list, envir = parent.frame())
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# example
foo <- function() list(1, 2, 3)
# assign the elemtns to these names
{a; b; c} %=% foo()
# [1] 1
# [1] 2
# [1] 3
# skip (don't assign) one of the elements by using NULL instead of an object
{a1; NULL; c1} %=% foo()
# [1] 1
# [1] 3
# only these 5 objects were assigned
# [1] "%=%" "a" "a1" "b" "c" "c1" "foo"
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