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Created November 9, 2017 05:11
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pseudo-R2 is bad
# demonstrating how bad an esitmate of model goodness fo fit pseudo R2 is with small integer data
# fake poisson glm
n <- 1000
x <- rnorm(n)
# the lower the rates, the worse the pseudo-r squared says the model is
intercept <- -2
# try twiddling the intercept to change the average rate for the Poisson
# with 10: pr2 = 0.998
# with 0: pr2 = 0.119
# with -2: pr2 = 0.0618
# the "true" rates, i.e. from the perfect model
# the true model should have a high pseudo R2, right?
lambda <- exp(intercept + 0.5 * x)
# simulate observed data form the true model
y <- rpois(n, lambda)
# function to calculate the deviance
dev <- function (pred)
-2 * sum(dpois(y, pred, log = TRUE))
dev_null <- dev(mean(y))
dev_true <- dev(lambda)
(pseudo_r2 <- 1 - dev_true / dev_null)
# :O
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