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Last active April 11, 2017 07:38
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simulate_graf <- function (graf_model, n = 10, newdata = NULL) {
# simulate n draws from the predictive posterior of a GRaF model, optionally
# to new data
# get the mean of the latent Gaussian process
mean_f <- predict(graf_model,
newdata = newdata,
type = 'latent',
CI = NULL)[, 1]
# get the covariance
if (is.null(newdata))
K <- graf_model$K
K <- GRaF:::cov.SE(newdata, l = graf_model$ls)
# get random draws
latent_sim <- t(MASS::mvrnorm(n = n,
mu = mean_f,
Sigma = K))
# put on the probability scale and return
# example from ?graf
# load Anguilla data from the dismo package
# get the first 100 presence-absence records
y <- Anguilla_train$Angaus[1:300]
# get covariates, removing LocSed (contains NAs) and make DSDam a factor
x <- Anguilla_train[1:300, 3:13]
x$DSDam <- factor(x$DSDam)
# fit a presence-absence model to the data, with and without optimisation
m1 <- graf(y, x)
m2 <- graf(y, x, opt.l = TRUE)
# simulate and create DHARMa objects for both models
sims <- simulate_graf(m1, n = 10000)
pred <- predict(m1)[, 1]
dh <- createDHARMa(simulatedResponse = sims,
observedResponse = y,
fittedPredictedResponse = pred,
integerResponse = TRUE)
sims2 <- simulate_graf(m2, n = 10000)
pred2 <- predict(m2)[, 1]
dh2 <- createDHARMa(simulatedResponse = sims2,
observedResponse = y,
fittedPredictedResponse = pred2,
integerResponse = TRUE)
# compare plots
# test uniformity of the residuals
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