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Simple RSA
import random
import math
from collections import namedtuple
## Simple class to generate RSA keys and then encrypt or
## decrypt an integer.
## 1. Find two random prime numbers p and q
## 2. Compute the modulus n as n = p * q
## 3. Compute phi(n), phi being Euler's totient function
## which returns the number of coprimes of n in the
## range of [1;n].
## 4. Find the first exponent e as a random coprime of
## phi(n) in the range of [2;phi(n)].
## 5. Compute d as the multiplicative inverse of phi(n)
## 6. The public key consists of n and e.
## 7. The private key consists of n and d.
## 8. An integer m is encrypted as m^e mod n
## 9. An encrypted integer m is decrypted as m^d mod n
class RSA:
def __init__(self):
self.key = namedtuple("Key",["modulus","exponent"])
## @brief Function to generate public and private keys.
## @return The public and private keys.
def generateKeys(self):
# two distinct prime numbers p and q
p = self.__findPrime()
q = self.__findPrime()
# the modulus value
n = p * q
# compute phi of n, phi being Euler's
# totius function which returns all
# integers k in the range of 1 <= k <= n
# for which n and k are coprime, so gcd(n,k)
# is equal to 1. This is the shortened form
phi = (p - 1) * (q - 1)
e = self.__findExponent(phi)
d = self.__multiplicativeInverse(e,phi)
publicKey = self.key(n,e)
privateKey = self.key(n,d)
return publicKey, privateKey
## @brief Encrypts a message with a public key.
## @param message The integer to encrypt.
## @param key The public key.
## @return The encrypted message.
def encrypt(self,message,key):
return self.__squareMultiply(message,key.exponent) % key.modulus
## @brief Decrypts a message with a private key.
## @param message The encrypted integer to decrypt.
## @param key The private key.
## @return The decrypted message.
def decrypt(self,message,key):
return self.__squareMultiply(message,key.exponent) % key.modulus
## @brief Determines whether an integer is a prime.
## @param n The integer to determine the primality for.
## @return Boolean, True if n is prime else False
def __isPrime(self,n):
# 2 and 3 are prime, 0 and 1 not
if n <= 3:
return n >= 2
# easy check for 2 and 3
if n % 2 == 0 or n % 3 == 0:
return False
# other numbers
for i in range(5, int(math.sqrt(n)) + 1, 6):
if n % i == 0 or n % (i + 2) == 0:
return False
return True
## @brief Finds a random prime number.
## @return A random prime number.
def __findPrime(self):
# look for the first 10-bit prime
n = random.randrange(1024)
while(self.__isPrime(n) == False):
n = random.randrange(1024)
return n
## @brief Determines the GCD for two values.
## @details This function uses the Euclidean algorithm to
## determine the greatest common divisor (GCD)
## for two values a and b.
## @param a The first integer.
## @param b The second integer.
## @return The greatest common divisor of a and b.
def __gcd(self,a,b):
temp = a
# switch a for b so that
# a is always greater b
if b > a:
a = b
b = temp
temp = a % b
a = b
b = temp
return a
## @brief Finds the exponent of phi(n).
## @details Determines the exponent of the public key,
## for the totient function value phi(n), n
## being the modulus value. Part of the RSA
## algorithm. e is a random coprime of phi(n)
## in the range of [2;phi].
## @param phi The totient function value of n.
## @return The exponent e.
def __findExponent(self,phi):
e = random.randrange(2,phi)
while(self.__gcd(phi,e) != 1):
e = random.randrange(2,phi)
return e
## @brief Finds the multiplicative inverse of two values.
## @details Determines the modular multiplicative inverse
## of two integers, one being a modulus value n
## and the other the value a. The multiplicative
## inverse is the value for which a^-1 mod n = 1,
## so the modular multiplicative inverse d is the
## value for which a * d = 1 (mod n). This value
## is found using the extended euclidean algorithm.
## This algorithm goes as follows:
## 1. Start with coef (d) being equal to 1 and a
## delayed version of coef, coefDelayed equal
## to 0. There is also a delay for value,
## valueDelay, initally equal to the modulus.
## 2. While valueDelay is not 0, compute the
## floored quotient of valueDelay and value;
## then update value to valueDelay - quotient
## * value, and set valueDelay to what value
## was before. Do the same for coef and
## coefDelay.
## 3. Before returning, check if coefDelay is
## negative. If so, add the modulus value
## to get a positive (but congruent) value.
## 4. Return the positive coefDelay.
## @param value The value for the algorithm.
## @param modulus The modulus for the algorithm.
## @return The modular multiplicative inverse d.
def __multiplicativeInverse(self,value,modulus):
coef = 1
coefDelay = 0
valueDelay = modulus
quotient = valueDelay//value
valueDelay, value = value, valueDelay - quotient * value
coefDelay, coef = coef, coefDelay - quotient * coef
if coefDelay < 0:
coefDelay += modulus
return coefDelay
## @brief Square-and-multiply algorithm.
## @details The square-and-multiply version is an efficient
## way to compute high exponents of certain values.
## x^n is broken down to (x^2)^(n/2) for even n.
## For odd n, n is reduced by one and therefore
## the value must be multiplied an addtional time
## by x: x * (x^2)^((n-1)/2). Do this recursively.
## @param base The base of exonentiation.
## @param power The exponent.
## @return The result of base^power.
def __squareMultiply(self,base,power):
if power < 0:
raise ValueError("Negative powers not allowed")
if power == 0:
return 1
if power == 1:
return base
# if power is odd, x_new = x * (x^2)^((n-1)/2)
if power % 2:
return base * self.__squareMultiply(base*base,(power-1)/2)
# if power is even, x_new = (x^2)^(n/2)
return self.__squareMultiply(base*base,power/2)
if __name__ == "__main__":
rsa = RSA()
pub,priv = rsa.generateKeys()
m = ord("B")
crypt = rsa.encrypt(m,pub)
decrypt = rsa.decrypt(crypt,priv)
print("Decrypted message: {} \t Original message: {}".format(int(decrypt),m))
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