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Created September 3, 2014 09:20
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Viterbi algorithm
def viterbi(states,observations,stateM,transM,observM,observSeq):
probab = [{}]
path = {}
# Initialize states
for s in states:
# first probability is the initial state times the
# first observation
probab[0][s] = stateM[s] * observM[s][observSeq[0]]
path[s] = [s] # first destination
# for every observation
for t in range(1,len(observSeq)):
#temporary dictionary so we can use and not have to edit path
temppath = {}
# compute all possible paths from t-1 to t and store
# only the best ones
for s in states:
# compute forward algorithm (previous state probability * transition probability
# * probability that the current observation was emitted by that state)
# and store only the best path + its probability
p = 0
state = ""
for i in states:
val = probab[t-1][i] * transM[i][s] * observM[s][observSeq[t]]
if val > p:
p = val
state = i
probab[t][s] = p # store probability
temppath[s] = path[state] + [s] # old path + new move
path = temppath.copy() # copy back
# if there is only one observation, the max is simply
# the first probability
n = 0 if len(observSeq) <= 1 else t
# get final state with best probability
(p,state) = max((probab[n][i],i) for i in states)
# return its path and its probability
return (p,path[state])
states = ("Sad","Happy")
observations = ("Crying","Laughing","Eating")
stateM = {'Sad': 0.3, 'Happy': 0.7}
transM = {'Sad': {'Sad': 0.3, 'Happy': 0.7}, 'Happy': {'Sad': 0.4, 'Happy': 0.6}}
observM = {'Sad': {'Crying': 0.7, 'Laughing': 0.1, 'Eating': 0.2}, 'Happy': {'Crying': 0.1, 'Laughing': 0.6, 'Eating': 0.3}}
observSeq = ["Laughing","Crying","Eating","Crying"]
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