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gonewayword / jsbin.bixeloc.js
Last active August 29, 2016 00:40 — forked from anonymous/index.html
VariablesDescribing variables in detail.// source
//1. Variables are sort of metaphorically like defining a character
//with whom your program, the author, is going to play. Variables
//are for storing the definition of something in memory. When you
//declare a variable you are basically creating a tool for your
//program to hold on to and be able to work with, and naming that tool.
//They can be many different types of things, including a number, a string,
//a boolean, a function, etc. They're called variable because they are
//changeable throughout the program.
gonewayword / jsbin.vofezuh.js
Last active August 29, 2016 00:39 — forked from anonymous/index.html
Datatypes: Simple and complexDescribing datatypes in excessive detail// source
//II. Datatypes (Simple & Complex)
//Javascript has many data types that can be used in variables. These are, as they sound,
//types of data that are recognized by the interpreter as data. Below are some of the data
//types described.
//1. Number
//A number in javascript is, well, a number. It is declared using straight up integers or
//integers with decimal places, declared with a "." then the remaining part of the number,
//up to 15 decimal places. Each number is stored in 64 bits of memory.
//Control Flow
//Control flow is exactly what it sounds likes--exercising control over
//the flow of one's program, and there are many tactics toward this end. Two conditional
//tactics are outlined below, if statements and switch statements.
//The if-else and if statements incorporate block statements with different conditions
//that, if met or not met, determine how the program moves forward. See below.
var brendansBoss = function(trait, goodnessLevel) {
gonewayword / jsbin.siwivo.js
Created August 29, 2016 00:42 — forked from anonymous/index.html
Describing functions as best one can functionFunctions make a program go round// source
//Functions: programs within programs!
//Functions are the internal combustion if variables are the fuel. Functions are the trebuchets, if variables are the boulders.
//Enough metaphors. Functions are the action in a program that keeps the program moving along, they are what gets executed.
//The two necessary phases of a function are declaring it, and executing it--also calling a function or invoking a function.
//To declare a function there are a couple ways.
var scrumtrelescent = function(para1, para2) {}
function scrumtrelescence(para1, para2) {}
gonewayword / jsbin.tipiga.js
Created August 29, 2016 00:43 — forked from anonymous/index.html
Loop de LoopsHere we go round the prickly pear// source
//Loops: While, for, for-in
//Loops are a great way to access, manipulate, output or otherwise deal with
//a set of information in different ways. There are different types of loops
//that are ideal for accessing different things.
//A for loop loops through a block of code a certain number of times.
for(i = 0; i <= 5; i++) {
gonewayword / jsbin.juquze.js
Created August 29, 2016 00:44 — forked from anonymous/index.html
Javascript OperatorrrrsssDescribing the shit out of Javascript Operators// source
//Operators are sort of like the prepositions of javascript. They express a
//relation of one thing to another, often a variable to another variable, or they
//facilitate a definition. Let's take a look below at some specific operator definitions
//and their examples.
//1. Assignment
//Assignment operators do what their name says--they assign a meaning, definition or
gonewayword / jsbin.kodexoq.js
Created August 29, 2016 00:45 — forked from anonymous/index.html
String TheoryStrings vibrate and create matter// source
//String Manipulation
//Strings are essentially characters (or a lack of characters) put inside of quotes. They can
//be viewed essentially as "display-only", if you will, in that they don't contain a value
//that is represented by what they look like. In other words, a string could be
//"This string is the number six", but it would not be. The string would be, simply, that
//series of characters in that order. They can be manipulated in many ways, outlined below.
//SOMEthing to keep in mind while looking at all of the below is that strings are immutable, which means
//they cannot be changed. Any of the manipulations you may perform to it--slice, turn into array, etc, these