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Created June 12, 2016 19:27
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RxSwift slides – Code for the search sample
class SearchResultsViewController: UITableViewController {
// MARK: - Properties
private let viewModel: SearchResultsViewModelType
private let disposeBag = DisposeBag()
// MARK: - Initialization
init(viewModel: SearchResultsViewModelType = SearchResultsViewModel()) {
self.viewModel = viewModel
super.init(style: .Plain)
required init?(coder aDecoder: NSCoder) {
fatalError("init(coder:) has not been implemented")
// MARK: - Lifecycle
override func viewDidLoad() {
// MARK: - Private
private func setupBindings() {
tableView.dataSource = nil
.bindTo(tableView.rx_itemsWithCellFactory) { tableView, row, result in
let cell: ShowResultCell = tableView.dequeueReusableCell(forRow: row)
cell.result = result
return cell
// MARK: - UISearchResultsUpdating
extension SearchResultsViewController: UISearchResultsUpdating {
func updateSearchResultsForSearchController(searchController: UISearchController) {
viewModel.query.value = searchController.searchBar.text ?? ""
public protocol SearchResultsViewModelType: class {
/// The search query
var query: Variable<String> { get }
/// The search results
var results: Observable<[SearchResult.Show]> { get }
public class SearchResultsViewModel: SearchResultsViewModelType {
public let query: Variable<String> = Variable("")
public let results: Observable<[SearchResult.Show]>
public init(client: SearchClient = Client()) {
let minimumCharacterCount = 3
let dueTime = 0.3
results = query.asObservable()
.throttle(dueTime, scheduler: MainScheduler.instance)
.flatMapLatest { query in
(query.characters.count >= minimumCharacterCount)
?, page: 1, type: .Ngram)
: Observable.just(Page())
.map { $0.items }
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