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Created July 21, 2019 10:55
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One page naughts and crosses
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<title>NAUGHTS AND CROSSES</title>
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<h2 id="hint">Naughty</h2>
<a href="#" id="reset" class="hide">Start over</a>
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const PLAYER_O = -1;
const PLAYER_X = 1;
const TEXT_ICON = {
[PLAYER_O]: 'O',
[PLAYER_X]: 'X',
const getNewBoard = () => [[0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0]];
const state = {
turn: PLAYER_O,
board: getNewBoard(),
movesMade: 0,
winner: null,
const gridEl = document.getElementById('grid');
const squareEls = document.getElementsByClassName('sq');
const hintEl = document.getElementById('hint');
const resetEl = document.getElementById('reset');
/* Take a board state and return a winner, if any is found. Null indicates no winner. */
function checkForWinner(board) {
const sumSquares = squares => squares.reduce((a, b) => a + b);
// Check rows
const row0 = sumSquares(board[0]);
const row1 = sumSquares(board[1]);
const row2 = sumSquares(board[2]);
// Check cols
const col0 = sumSquares([board[0][0], board[1][0], board[2][0]]);
const col1 = sumSquares([board[0][1], board[1][1], board[2][1]]);
const col2 = sumSquares([board[0][2], board[1][2], board[2][2]]);
// Check diagonals
const diag0 = sumSquares([board[0][0], board[1][1], board[2][2]]);
const diag1 = sumSquares([board[0][2], board[1][1], board[2][0]]);
let winner = null;
// Look for sums of 3 or -3 to indicate a win
[row0, row1, row2, col0, col1, col2, diag0, diag1].some(sum => {
if (Math.abs(sum) === 3) {
winner = sum < 0 ? PLAYER_O : PLAYER_X;
return true;
return winner;
/* Claims a square for the specified player */
function selectSquare(squareEl, player) {
const col = Number(squareEl.dataset.col);
const row = Number(squareEl.parentElement.dataset.row);
state.board[row][col] = player;
squareEl.innerText = TEXT_ICON[player];
function updateTurn() {
state.turn = state.turn === PLAYER_O ? PLAYER_X : PLAYER_O;
hintEl.innerText = state.turn === PLAYER_O ? 'Naughty' : 'Get crossing';
/* Resets the ui and state ready for a new game. */
function restart() {
state.board = getNewBoard();
state.movesMade = 0;
state.winner = null;
for (let i = 0; i < squareEls.length; i++) {
squareEls[i].innerText = '_';
function makeMove(squareEl) {
selectSquare(squareEl, state.turn);
if (state.movesMade >= 3) {
state.winner = checkForWinner(state.board);
if (state.winner || state.movesMade === 9) {
hintEl.innerText = state.winner ? state.winner === PLAYER_O ? 'Naughts win!' : 'Crosses win!' : 'It\'s a draw!';
} else {
// Square event listeners
for (let i = 0; i < squareEls.length; i++) {
squareEls[i].addEventListener('click', e => makeMove(e.currentTarget));
// Reset event listener
resetEl.addEventListener('click', e => {
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