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Last active December 13, 2023 13:33
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# app/models/
class IndicatorType(StrEnum):
# app/services/indicators/evaluators/
Evaluable = TypeVar('Evaluable') # Это может быть Client, Account, Project, etc.
class IndicatorEvaluator(DataTypeAwared, Generic[Evaluable]):
def code(self) -> str:
raise NotImplemented()
def title(self) -> str:
raise NotImplemented()
def description(self) -> str:
raise NotImplemented()
def indicator_type(self) -> IndicatorType:
raise NotImplemented()
def evaluate(self, evaluable: Evaluable) -> str:
value = str(self.do_evaluation(evaluable))
validate_value(value, self)
return value
def do_evaluation(self, evaluable: Evaluable) -> Any:
raise NotImplemented()
# app/services/indicators/evaluators/projects/
class ProjectIndicatorEvaluator(IndicatorEvaluator[Project]):
# app/services/indicators/evaluators/accounts/
class AccountIndicatorEvaluator(IndicatorEvaluator[Account]):
# app/services/indicators/evaluators/projects/
class DurationIndicatorEvaluator(ProjectIndicatorEvaluator):
def code(self) -> str:
return 'projects.duration'
def title(self) -> str:
return 'Project Duration'
def description(self) -> str:
return 'Evaluate project duration in full months. Calculates the period since the start of the very first timer for the project till now.'
def indicator_type(self) -> IndicatorType:
return IndicatorType.QUANTITY
def data_type(self) -> DataType:
return DataType.INTEGER # измеряем в полных месяцах
def data_options(self) -> list[str] | None:
return None
def do_evaluation(project: Project) -> int:
return int(math.floor(3.4))
# app/services/indicators/evaluators/projects/
class ActiveEmployeesNumberIndicatorEvaluator(ProjectIndicatorEvaluator):
def code(self) -> str:
return 'projects.active_employees_number'
def title(self) -> str:
return 'Project Active Employees Number'
def description(self) -> str:
return 'Evaluate the number of employees for the project. Calculates number of distinct users that ran timers for the previous 30 days for the project.'
def indicator_type(self) -> IndicatorType:
return IndicatorType.PEOPLE
def data_type(self) -> DataType:
return DataType.INTEGER
def data_options(self) -> list[str] | None:
return None
def do_evaluation(project: Project) -> int:
return 84
# app/services/indicators/evaluators/projects/
class HoursSpentIndicatorEvaluator(ProjectIndicatorEvaluator):
def code(self) -> str:
return 'project.hours_spent'
def title(self) -> str:
return 'Number of hours spent'
def description(self) -> str:
return 'Evaluate number of hours spent the project. This is a summary duration of all timers for the project.'
def indicator_type(self) -> IndicatorType:
return IndicatorType.QUANTITY
def data_type(self) -> DataType:
return DataType.INTEGER
def data_options(self) -> list[str] | None:
return None
def do_evaluation(project: Project) -> int:
return int(10827.5 // 60) # минуты в timer.duration конвертирыем в часы
# app/services/indicators/evaluators/accounts/
class DurationIndicatorEvaluator(AccountIndicatorEvaluator):
def code(self) -> str:
return 'accounts.duration'
def do_evaluation(account: Account) -> int:
return int(math.floor(3.4))
# Период с момента запуска первого таймера для проекта этого аккаунта
# app/services/indicators/evaluators/accounts/
class ActiveEmployeesNumberIndicatorEvaluator(AccountIndicatorEvaluator):
def code(self) -> str:
return 'accounts.active_employees_number'
def do_evaluation(account: Account) -> int:
return 84
# все distinct юзеры, кто запускал таймеры для проектов данного акканта за последние 30 дней
# app/services/indicators/evaluators/accounts/
class HoursSpentIndicatorEvaluator(AccountIndicatorEvaluator):
def code(self) -> str:
return 'accounts.hours_spent'
def do_evaluation(account: Account) -> int:
return int(10827.5 // 60) # минуты в timer.duration конвертирыем в часы
# сколько всего времени затрекано на всех проектах данного аккаунта
# app/services/indicators/evaluators/
# сюда пока что выносим только индикаторы для проектов, т.к. для аккаунтов эти индикаторы нужны в расчетах рангов и пока не используются в бизнес-правилах
indicator_evaluators = {
DurationIndicatorEvaluator.code: DurationIndicatorEvaluator,
ActiveEmployeesNumberIndicatorEvaluator.code: ActiveEmployeesNumberIndicatorEvaluator,
HoursSpentIndicatorEvaluator.code: HoursSpentIndicatorEvaluator,
def has_indicator_evaluator(evaluator_code: str) -> bool:
return evaluator_code in indicator_evaluators
def get_indicator_evaluator(evaluator_code: str) -> IndicatorEvaluator:
return indicator_evaluators[evaluator_code]()
except Exception:
raise ValueError('Indicator evaluator is not implemented.')
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